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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Good luck with the car. Horrible situation to be in. Does he have a long way to go to get out of the mud? Last time Mr Snoop got stuck in mud (in a newly ploughed and waterlogged field), we put strips of onduline down so that the wheels would run onto it. Worked a treat. I presume you've thought of all those kinds of solutions, but thought I'd mention it just in case.

    And very frustrating about the oven. Hope it doesn't take long for the part to arrive.


    • Good evening, just a quick visit, have spent a fair bit of time in the greenhouse where I have set up a bright LED light dont see the sense in spending a lot of money for grow lights to cover a couple of hours, especially as the days are getting longer, and if it doesn't work I will fit it into the garage, so nothing lost
      Hope Harry keeps improving Flo and is able to visit soon, the pleasure of seeing them improve is unbelievable, I think we worry more about the grandchildren than we did about our children, possibly an age thing, though evidentiary that cant apply to us I now wish you all a good night and dream of something to make you smile
      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


      • Good night all.Wet and miserable day here.

        Nicos, what a horrible predicament...hope you manage to get out of the mud.

        And you're cooker needing a ring replacement...hope you're not waiting too long.

        My washing machine decided to malfunction, It decided to stop working..wouldn't empty the water and wouldn't unlock the door.
        I fiddled around with the cycles and got it to start again...IT took in another lot of water and stopped.
        It' now has a double lot of water in it..we are going to take the filter out in the morning...not looking forward to doing this as we have wooden flooring.

        Lottie, hope your health is improving...Have a good night all.

        And when your back stops aching,
        And your hands begin to harden.
        You will find yourself a partner,
        In the glory of the garden.

        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


        • Oh, gosh, Bramble. Hope you manage to get it sorted and still keep your floor intact and undamaged.


          • Yikes bramble- sorry to hear that…hope it’s nothing serious…nor one of your items of clothing blocking the pump/ drainage

            Lets Hope tomorrow is a better day for us all.

            The car is about 100 feet from the gate. It’s up a steep slope which also drops down sideways Snoop. (Not nice on the sit on mower either!)
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • Mornin n’alln’all

              No frost , just more fine drizzle and mist.
              OH has had a ‘play’ with the car and finally after using all the methods known to mankind, and pressing every ‘special off road driving mode’ button in the vehicle he’s finally managed to get out of the field!. Wow. Hats off to the man. I’d have given up ages ago

              Hose pipe job now for cleaning underneath after all that wheel spin!
              I’ve never known the ground to be so soggy- we live almost at the top of a hill.

              Good luck with your filter bramble, I guess you’ll be needing all your bath towels to hand too ? Hope it’s just a sock rather than the pump x
              Looks like the smiles have done their work here …so I’ll ask them to make sure they pass in your direction this morning .

              Enjoy your day peeps and remember to pass on that smile
              Last edited by Nicos; 11-02-2025, 08:28 AM.
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Morning

                Another rainy day here.

                Bramble I've found this site with info about draining a washing machine either from the front filter or the back of the machine. Hope this helps.


                Location....East Midlands.


                • Good Morning All Raining again here. Well done Mr Nicos and Good Luck Bramble. Have a good day
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • Good morning all.

                    I have actually had a half decent night's sleep. I feel so much more human this morning.

                    My online shop is due in the next hour or so. Every week the list gets longer, and more "goodies" sneak in. Last week's high point was the frozen corn on the cob, which is seriously satisfying.

                    I posted my great nephew's first birthday present yesterday afternoon and my sister has just texted to say it has arrived safely. It's not his birthday until tomorrow.

                    I never took the new vac for my brother in law yesterday as he says he's in no hurry as his cleaner doesn't come again until Friday.

                    I don't think the rain stopped at all yesterday, and the weather is looking similar today.

                    It sounds as if Mr Nicos's perseverance paid off. Mr GF is far better than me at things like that, although I am quite good at getting vehicles stuck in snow and mud for him to practise on..

                    I broke off, my shopping arrived. The fridge and freezer are now full to bursting. Did I really need another 12 pints of milk? How did all the wine and chocolate sneak in??

                    Bren, I've just read that link. Very useful, although I hope I never need the information.


                    • Afternoon all.

                      Late on parade again. Our internet connection has been rubbish for days now. Fingers crossed it's not our equipment that has an intermittent problem.

                      Well done, Mr Nicos. Hope you've managed to sort your washing machine, Bramble. I shall pass that link on to Mr Snoop, Bren. He's our Widow Twankay.

                      More bread baking so far today, some domestics and am about to fill the house (as far as possible) with firewood for rain, drizzle and cold conditions again. Warm enough yesterday and today not to need the range till the evening. Nice to get some fresh air blowing through the house.

                      Off to see the neighbours down the valley a bit later on. Ordinarily I'd take the dog, but not sure after her funny turn yesterday. She's been all right today, just a wee bit more sluggish than usual, but nothing you'd notice if you weren't paying attention to changes.

                      Right, better get a move on. Mr Snoop has already gone out with the wheelbarrow for wood and it was my idea...

                      Have a great rest of the day, everyone.


                      • Afternoon

                        Domestics mostly today, plus I’ve started a new jigsaw puzzle only completed the edge up to yet.

                        It’s an handy link one we’ve used previously.
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Good evening all. A pretty miserable day with a cold breeze and grey skies.

                          Well, the saga of the washing machine still goes on. We managed to pull it out from under the counter top and tilt it bach to put a piece of wood under it.We then tried to undo the filter but it was beyond our strength, so with the help of a pliers we managed it eventually. We were able to put a shallow roasting tin under it to catch the worst of the water...what seemed forever doing this and mopping the floor we had all the water out. Took out filter and checked the waste pipe a d there was no blockage. We plugged it back in and selected the spin and drain cycle...IT did all that but at the end of all that the flashing FO5 is back on the display front, the red door lock is still locked and we are now waiting for an engineer to come out...who knows when.

                          Have a good evening all

                          Nicos, glad you managed to rescue your car.

                          And when your back stops aching,
                          And your hands begin to harden.
                          You will find yourself a partner,
                          In the glory of the garden.

                          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                          • Bren, thank you so much for that link...IT was very helpful.

                            And when your back stops aching,
                            And your hands begin to harden.
                            You will find yourself a partner,
                            In the glory of the garden.

                            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                            • Hope you soon get your machine fixed Bramble, it’s something we all don’t like to be without.
                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • Good evening, hope you get the washing machine sorted out without too much f a mess bramble. Started off with some shopping this morning, weather wise there was a light rain shower but by the time wd came out of the first shop the rain was off and has stayed dry after that , though feels very cold, visited our friend before heading home, I needed to go and let daughters dogs out but as there was someone coming to reset my storage battery I needed to get home first, after waiting a couple of hours, I headed up to let the dogs out, just yad them out when OH phoned to tell me the man had arrived so had to turn back with the dogs, I got the distinct impression that Daisy wasnt too happy heading back , but as she cant go too far nowadays it was fine, back home I checked what the repair man was doing and once he was finished I was out to the greenhouse, daughter popped in to see if I would fit number plates on her car, so aftef some negotiating I will fit her plates, she will take her mother out, she asked how often but dont think she really agreed to every day while we were at our friends house OH was blethering with her when Valentine's day and her birthday which is two days later was mentioned, I got the impression that she thinks that I arranged to be going through the procedure with my hand on Friday,I'm at a loss why she woukd think that enjoy your evening and pass on some smiles
                                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


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