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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Not as if you have any say over the hospital, Rary, but we all have to make the most of any opportunity for romance, whatever our age.

    Hope the op goes well. Any idea what the recovery timescale is?


    • Mornin n’alln’all
      Hope you got your washing machine sorted yesterday bramble- or are they coming out today?
      Very frustrating for you.

      Our cooker was sorted yesterday evening. The owner of the store came out with a technician. The guys fitting it had put all the burner parts in a complete jumble All sorted now though so OH is itching to make some bread!

      But first…he’s going to trample down and fill in the ruts he made with the car before they dry out and get rock solid…making it impossible to drive over with the sit on mower ( if it’s ever dry enough to cut)
      I can’t help him, even though it seems like fun as my knee isn’t right still.. I walked a lot yesterday and although vastly improved , it wasn’t a happy bunny during the evening and through the night. Pah. Tis going to take a while longer I guess.

      No major plans for today. I need to sit quietly and not spend any money after yesterdays excursion I may do more family tree

      Rary…if you don’t get a chance to bob in before your op….all the best mate xx ( can you celebrate Valentine’s Day tomorrow instead?)

      And lottie…how are you today? I keep thinking about you lass xx

      Keep safe and as healthy as you can peeps…and enjoy your day as best you can!…The smiles are definitely heading your way with great gusto this morning
      Last edited by Nicos; 12-02-2025, 08:34 AM.
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Thanks Girls and yes Snoop I agree with you I try to take every opportunity of romance unfortunately it's not always reciprocated . That's a good idea Nicos, we could go out for an early St. Valentine's day meal, and if OH gives me the money I will pay for it.
        Have a good day everyone, those who are feeling a bit down, I hope things improve, which of course will if you find something to smile about and then pass it on
        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


        • Good Morning All Raining again here. Have a good day
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Good morning all. It's cold but dry.

            Nicos, good to hear you got your cooker sorted.
            No date given to us for an engineer to call, just said in the next few days.
            Looking forward to having my grandson after school, I havnt seen him since I was sick.
            enjoy your day whatever youre up to,

            And when your back stops aching,
            And your hands begin to harden.
            You will find yourself a partner,
            In the glory of the garden.

            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


            • Morning all.

              Mr Snoop fancies going shopping today. We've got visitors coming this weekend and need to get some supplies in. So that's much of today sorted. First, though, I'd better work out what we're going to eat so I know what to buy. As I've got a cold coming, this feels like more brain power than I've got.

              Better go, Mr Snoop in a hurry.

              Have a great day.


              • Good afternoon.

                I've just got home. I took Mr GF to the hearing aid clinic earlier, and they've just suctioned all the wax out of his ears.

                After that I called round at his brother's flat and delivered his new vacuum cleaner. I also reminded him to book himself a hearing appointment as he seems to be struggling a bit.

                Yesterday Mr GF's electric razor gave up the ghost, and he looked a bit like the older Steptoe. I cannot believe how difficult it was to get a new one the same day. I could have had one on "click and collect" for Thursday or even delivered on Thursday, but to just go and buy yesterday🤯. I eventually tracked down the sort he likes in the big Asda Superstore couple of miles away. Wow! I hadn't realised how badly his old one was shaving him until I felt the difference with the new one. I then registered it online and got a 3 year warranty for free.

                Bramble, I hope you get your washer sorted soon.

                Nicos, I hope you and Mr Nicos like your new cooker.

                Snoop, I hope your cold changes it's mind and bypasses you.


                • Morning

                  It’s rained here just about all day.
                  Good news about your cooker Nicos, at least it wasn’t a fault just an error.
                  A lazy day here reading and doing my jigsaw puzzle.
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • Pretty much the same here Bren. The jigsaw I'm doing is difficult and I may have to admit defeat on a particularly leafy tree covered in ivy! My book is challenging too - it's the third in a trilogy that I've waited months for and it's really slow. Very frustrating and a bit boring so I made a cat toy from a toilet roll holder, but Lord Ginger just blinked at me and went back to sleep
                    Last edited by Florence Fennel; 12-02-2025, 03:52 PM.
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Yeh..I was just hoping the cooker wasn’t what they call a Friday afternoon/ Monday morning one

                      I’m using the oven for the first time just now…having had to blast it at full heat for an hour to burn off ‘residue’
                      It’s strange in that at 260C the door and outer sides feel lukewarm ..even after an hour! Wow!…most impressed
                      I wasn’t at all excited about it at all yesterday , expecting to be fobbed off etc…but I have to say that today I’m actually feeling very chuffed with it
                      I’m thinking OH will make bread tomorrow!
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Just popped in to say..I have just finished my jigsaw..As we are all flower growers,and if anyone is thinking of buying a puzzle this one is beautiful.
                        Cottage garden favourites..A Ravensburger puzzle with 1,000 pieces...really beautiful pictures of flowers in her cottage garden in Staffordshire. Anne Searle is the artist.

                        And when your back stops aching,
                        And your hands begin to harden.
                        You will find yourself a partner,
                        In the glory of the garden.

                        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                        • Good morning.

                          I awoke around 6am after about 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep and feel wide awake.

                          Nicos, it's good to hear that you like your new cooker. You just have to get used to it now. My "new" one must be going on two years old now but it still amazes me how quickly it gets up to temperature and how well insulated it is. It's nothing special, but exactly what I wanted. Mr GF had no imput whatsoever.

                          I can hear what I thought was the low rumble of thunder at first but it's our binmen dragging all the wheelie bins out to empty them. They are early.

                          Minor catastrophe. I just moved my foot over to Mr GF's side of the bed to discover it was wet, at foot level! Evidently at some point in the night his hot water bottle has burst. Aaarrrggghhh! I suppose I should be happy that it wasn't hot, so didn't burn him and at least it's clean water. I'm just amazed it didn't wake him up.

                          I think I might give in, turn the heat up, and make some coffee shortly.


                          • Morning

                            Isn't it a good feeling to complete a puzzle Bramble

                            GF like you say its was good the hottie didn't burst earlier Our bin collection used to be before 6.30 but these last few months its much later.

                            Grory hop at some point today, its looking like being a dry day so we'll stroll over.

                            Enjoy your day
                            Location....East Midlands.


                            • Good Morning All Dry here for a change, but colder. Waiting for Grory hop. Strangely I'm always a bit sad to finish a jigsaw. I must enjoy the process more than the end product! Have a good day
                              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                              • Mornin n’alln’all

                                Crikey… burst hot water bottles As you say…thank goodness it wasn’t hot!

                                I didn’t even start my Xmas jigsaw. Never seemed to get the chance! But it will keep.
                                I’ve just gooogled your jigsaw bramble- lovely!
                                Quick grory hop for me today then ‘jobs’ ( which may well involve getting the iron out )

                                Have a great day peeps…my day started off by watching a deer slowly wandering across the field beyond our garden/ field. Lovely
                                Last edited by Nicos; 13-02-2025, 10:07 AM.
                                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                                Location....Normandy France


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