Nice to hear a woodpecker CG. Not heard ours for a while.
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Chitchat thread #24
This is a sticky topic.
Good morning all.
A grey murky sort of morning, but 10°C. I'm hoping the sun manages to break through at some point.
I've just been amending my online shopping, due tomorrow. I noticed that they had bags of frozen raspberries on offer, 3 for 2, so I've just ordered 3 and intend to make a trifle this week, and maybe some raspberry vinegar.
The only sign of spring around here is a really annoying fly buzzing around for the last couple of days.
Lottie, I hope that you're still improving.
Good morning all, the sun is shining, the sky is blue and the laundry is out on the clothes line.
Domestics first and then need to do a few errands.
Gardening after that.
My sweet peas are about two inches tall now, my potatoes are chitting and my shsllots are growing well.
Lottie, I hope your health continues to improve.
Rary, I hope all in well with you.
Have a goodday all,
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
good afternoon all,not took much notice off the day so far,but sun is having a shine,could not sleep for coughing last night,finaly shut eyes about 6am,woken by alarm,had to get up to receive the online shopping between 8and 9am,they were here and gone by just gone 8,good job i got up and dressed,i do not know what is worse,the laringitis still got,or the pleurosie,back a bit easier,but tummy feels really sore today,cannot eat big meals,been catching up on zzzzzzzzzzzzz since putting shopping away,first cleaning out the fridge,it is lonely on my own,and not going out,but better than being in a box,still got no energy at all,and wobbly walking about the home,when am better i want some answers as to what the heck caused all this in the first place,it came on overnight really,might have a slow walk onto my front for some air whilst the sun is out,take care all,sounds like the worlds weather has gone bonkers,
sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
Good afternoon, a cold but sunny day today, went out for a walk earlier and nice to have a look round at the things I will collect once I get the use of my hand again, like some of the branches thats been washed down the burn, also the good pile of burn sand that will come in very handy and of course the mole hills of which there seems to be an abundance of this year, I also noted that there were several large boulders scattered across a ford which I can get my grandson to lift, this will clear the ford and also provides some infill for a set of steppes he will be making for someone, he will be doing the work and I will give some guidance and supervise, which reminds me I will need to get my big flask down, after all it's thirsty work watching someone working, thank you bramble and yes I am fine, my hand is itching something terrible but need to show a bit of patience till I get the stitches out on Wednesday morning, I missed posting yesterday as I was just futtering about all day with looking out this and that and basically bored, now the pain in my hand is almost gone I intend to get out to the greenhouse,though I think I will see if daughter or granddaughter can take OH shopping there are one or two things she will be needing to get. I am now off to look for things we really need, I just hope I remember where I put the things that we have out of sight, have a good day and remember to keep smiling 🙂🙂🙂Last edited by rary; 24-02-2025, 03:10 may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.
Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers
Good afternoon all.
Got the laundry dry, emptiedsome old window boxes and did a bit of weeding.
However, we have just had a heavy shower so not sure if I will get any more gardening done today.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
AfternoonBedding on the line has had a shower of rain, but the sun came out and it's blowing again.
It sounds like you have a cunning plan rary, but the best laid plans of mice and men ....
Sorry to hear you're still struggling Lottie, hope you turn a corner soon.
Granny on the Game in Sheffield
I seem to have been on the phone most of the afternoon
We bought our daughter her first sewing machine which arrived today , and been running through the instruction re threading etc.
Plus other friends and family….. Always happy to help out with problems but even nicer to enjoy happy company!
Cant believe how dark it is at the moment. Rain is bouncing off the lawns and pouring out of the gutter overflows…yet again.
I think we need to get another rainwater container , just to slow down the flow a tad. So many to choose from, but it needs to look nice at the front of the house!
I got most of my washing done today - coats etc too…but most needed tumble drying.
Cant believe how grubby we get in the garden. I guess we’re not used to such wet springs?
OH brought three barrows full of molehills in for one of the new patio beds. 6 molehills in totalabout 30 more to shift….poor things- I keep imagining them struggling in sopping wet soil trying to come up for air. I’m sure they’re not… but I’d far rather have moles than rats given a choice. They just make a mess of my ( our
) field/ garden
My sweet pea seedling have been out all day…hope they’re not flattenedLast edited by Nicos; 24-02-2025, 05:42 PM."Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Morning all.
That's a lot of soil shifting, Nicos, if they're all as big as the one in the photo you posted not that long ago.
Cloudy and cold here today. Time to light the range and warm up, as well as get some hot water on the go for a bit of washing-up.
Not sure what today's adventures might be. Probably work, work and more work. With perhaps a little side trip to the vet's. Dog in very evident pain even though the swelling has subsided. Poor girl.
Right, better get a move on. Am getting chilly just sitting here typing this.
Have a great day, everyone.
Mornin n’alln’all
Loads more sploshy stuff going on again.
Lots going on here today so I need to scoot soon. Anyone for a brew?
Sorry to hear about your dog Snoop - it’s hard to try and explain you are doing your best for her…but knowing you she must be aware that you love her and will always help her as much as you can x Hope the vet can make her more comfortable x
Enjoy your day peeps whatever you get up to
"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
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