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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Morning all.

    The sun has got his hat on, hip, hip, hooray. Not for long, by the look of it, but with the longer days, the solar panels and batteries are getting a good top-up already. Phew.

    Got a bit of proofreading to do and then I'll settle to some bread baking. This weekend was not my best for productivity, that's for sure. Anyway, new day, new week, new start.

    Have a great day, everyone.


    • Morning Snoop
      The sun has got his hat on here too Woooooooooooo
      I shall sort the indoor jobs (borrrrrrriiinnngggggg), then go outside /or /greenhouse. Our garden waste is changing to only 1bin collection, then will have to pay to get other collected. Intend to get at much in them this week as possible as last 2bin pick up is due.
      Charlie chaffinch is still at it

      OH has suggested a bbq later

      Northern England.


      • Morning all,no sun here,where did the weekend go to,this year is also flying,sown a few more seeds tother day,melons,cue a courgette,next job is prick out the toms,with a little help,i am detemined to get something moving in the growing theme,also got the spot eyed up to sow the parsnips,have had shop ones for a while,the taste of home grown are shouting at me,waved at the smiles as they flew over,have a good day all
        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


        • Good Morning All Sun shining here too, but I doubt it's for long. Have a good day
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Morning all.

            No sun here, the sky is wearing a grey blanket. From upstairs I can see the wood pigeon is again nesting in the ivy that covers the old damson tree, which is all that's left after the council ripped out the hedge along the road a few years back to make a bigger carpark for the leisure centre.

            Breadmaker's on the go. For some reason my last loaf, using a different recipe, tasted more like crumpets than bread, so I've gone back to my tried and trusted for this one. I need to get some compost to pot on some flower seedlings today. I sowed spinach a few weeks back, kept them indoors on the windowsill, and only three came up. I put the whole tray outside last week to harden them off, and lo and behold, every cell now has spinach seedlings in. Evidently they prefer to germinate in the cold. Something to remember for next time.
            Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
            Endless wonder.


            • Morning

              Sunshine here as well so I'll out making the most of it.

              enjoy your day
              Location....East Midlands.


              • Mornin n’alln’all

                Well, I’m more than happy to share the sunshine we’ve had…do please look after it as I’ll be needing some of it back again later in the week.

                This morning was really misty. The wetting sort which isn’t quite fine drizzle. It’s stopped now but everything is very damp.

                We have a couple of woodpigeons flying around but I don’t think they’ve yet decided where to build their nest.
                But…we have a robin building one in the ivy on the front of the ‘cottage’. There’s usually a wren in there so I hope they get on and the robin hasn’t bullied away the wren.

                I suggested a bbq too CG….of kebabs , so if it does start raining OH can either use a brolly ​​​​​​ or I can pop them in the oven.

                Not quite sure what to start on today but the washing machine and tumble drier have started earning their keep.

                Have a great day everyone.
                and…Good tip there MH
                Last edited by Nicos; Yesterday, 10:45 AM.
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Good morning all.

                  We're getting intermittent sunshine here, there's lots of big clouds loitering. I've just seen the biggest fattest bee buzzing around outside. There is also one really annoying fly buzzing around indoors.

                  I have just been more or less finalising my list for tomorrow's online food shop, and succumbing to a few "special offers". It's hard to say no to order 6 bottles of wine and get 25% off! I have had the bright idea though of having two deliveries instead of one. One tomorrow morning, Tuesday, and one on Thursday. In theory it means that anything unavailable tomorrow should be back in stock on Thursday and it should also make the use by dates on fresh food more manageable.

                  Originally I was thinking of going out for a meal next Sunday, for my birthday, but it is Mother's Day. Obviously, it will be inflated prices and really busy. I have got my eye on a new restaurant that I fancy trying, but it can wait a while longer. Now I am trying to think of something nice that I would like to cook. I have got as far as profiteroles filled with whipped brandy cream and warm chocolate sauce. They are something I never order in a restaurant as they are never as nice as my own. Main course ..... no idea. There will be plenty choice of wine however.


                  • I always love duck breast served with mashed sweet potato gf …plus extra veg …it’s my standby spesh meal as duck breast is so expensive these days.( Plus it’s quick and easy)
                    The profiteroles sound amazing

                    I hadn’t realised it was Mothers Day this Sunday. I don’t celebrate it but I make a point of saying ‘hi’ to my mom who isn’t around any more….then spend most of the day persuading OH to pamper me ( yeh- right) for making me a mommy
                    Funnily enough Mother's Day here is a different day…so I have more of a chance of getting pampered on one of the days!!
                    I wish.
                    I think the event passes my kids by tbh. Which in reality I don’t really mind.
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • I think Mothering Sunday is usually the fourth Sunday in Lent. When I was Brown Owl, the Brownies brought their mums to church to receive the gifts we had made for them and every mum got a bunch of daffs. Lovely memories.
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Back from our travels. Gave you all a wave as we drove in a huge circle!
                        One of the things which stood out was we went for Sunday lunch just outside Loughborough last week. After paying the bill I wanted to tip the waiter in cash. Looking in my bag I had 1 English ten pound note and 1 Scottish 20 pound note so gave him the choice … he took the English tenner!!! 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
                        Spent 4 days in Center Parcs in Longleat and had the most amazing weather. It was lovely spending time
                        with the family.
                        Hope you are all well. Off for a catch up, enjoy the rest of your evening! x


                        • Having problems logging in again, once I log in and tick the keep me logged in box, I then get a reset your password setup, I then need to move off the site then come back in to get on to the forum.
                          Jay when OH and I were on holiday in Hampshire, we were in a backers shop to buy some goods total price £23 OH handed over a Royal Bank of Scotland £20 note which we were told was not acceptable, needless to say we took our money back and walked out the shop, the other part of the building was a RBS bank,
                          Have been out in the garden all day today, nice and dry with sunny periods, potted on a good number of flowering plants along with some leeks, and tided up the back door a bit, have left some still to do, will be easy to finish but gives OH something to moan about, and avoids having to do something more problematic, or even worse something I want to keep😮 you women dont know half the things we need to do keep keep ahead of you😁 have a pleasant evening and keep happy 🙂🙂🙂
                          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                          • That reminds me Rary of when I was travelling in Greece in the ‘70s. We had RBS travellers cheques and one place flatly refused to exchange them into Drachma because they didn’t have an official exchange rate for the Scottish £.

                            In this day and age it’s absolutely shameful for that to happen to you in the uk. ( don’t get me started on the ‘United’ bit)

                            We have euro coins printed in different European countries - Within the euro zone, each country is free to choose the design of the national side of its coins, but they must include the twelve stars of the European flag, the identification of the issuing country and the year of issue.
                            Its actually quite interesting looking at daily currency to see where it’s travelled from!

                            Right….I’ve just checked on Hibou ( not doing so well in all honesty) and got a purr out of her. Melts your heart doesn’t it ?

                            Time to get back to sleep.
                            I wonder what today will bring…..
                            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                            Location....Normandy France


                            • Good morning.

                              I've been awake for well over an hour now. It's drizzling with rain but 9°C and sort of half light.

                              Sorry to hear that Hibou isn't too good, Nicos.

                              I remember back in pre-internet days having a job where, occasionally, I would have to change all kinds of currencies I'd never heard of at dead of night. I used to have to ring Heathrow airport to get an exchange rate and sometimes a description of the currency. It always made me uneasy. Some of it could have been monopoly money for all I knew.

                              I'm going to try and convince myself that I ought to get up now, that should send me back to sleep for another "ten minutes" I hope.


                              • Morning
                                It's a bit grey here but the forecast is for more sunshine. It was a cool wind yesterday and may be the same again today.

                                Sorry to hear Hibou isn't feeling great Nicos, lovely you got a purr though.

                                Northern England.


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