Originally posted by greenishfing
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Good morning all, thank you so much for the warm welcome

We have covid in the house - Jay brought it home at the weekend and fell quite ill straight away, then I came down with it Monday night and actually I'm not too bad.
I woke to sunshine this morning which really lifts the spirits, and I will be sat with my seeds with me in bed today planning what to sow next.
Our new house has a huge garden, but lots to do. The previous owners had dug a pond, very deep and with straight walls with goldfish in it. Cute, but useless as a wildlife pond, and to top if off, it was in the wrong place. We've emptied it, given the fish new homes and are planning on adding a smaller pond somewhere else. We've removed about 30 square meters of concrete, emptied out a huge fibreglass container and got rid of it, made room for a new 8x8 greenhouse (second hand, but new to me). We've got a little summer house, but want a bigger one, so we're in the planning stage of that. We've exanded my brood of one chicken to three (two left by the previous owner), and added three more rescues, so six in total. It took a while to get them to be friendly with each other, and it meant separating the bully for a while. The house needs a little bit of work too, but that's not my area lol