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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Originally posted by greenishfing View Post

    No, you just need more practice.
    haha I love it LOL

    Good morning all, thank you so much for the warm welcome
    We have covid in the house - Jay brought it home at the weekend and fell quite ill straight away, then I came down with it Monday night and actually I'm not too bad.

    I woke to sunshine this morning which really lifts the spirits, and I will be sat with my seeds with me in bed today planning what to sow next.

    Our new house has a huge garden, but lots to do. The previous owners had dug a pond, very deep and with straight walls with goldfish in it. Cute, but useless as a wildlife pond, and to top if off, it was in the wrong place. We've emptied it, given the fish new homes and are planning on adding a smaller pond somewhere else. We've removed about 30 square meters of concrete, emptied out a huge fibreglass container and got rid of it, made room for a new 8x8 greenhouse (second hand, but new to me). We've got a little summer house, but want a bigger one, so we're in the planning stage of that. We've exanded my brood of one chicken to three (two left by the previous owner), and added three more rescues, so six in total. It took a while to get them to be friendly with each other, and it meant separating the bully for a while. The house needs a little bit of work too, but that's not my area lol


    • Oooo…Sarriss!….sounds like a fantastic project!
      Hard work, but it’s going to be so rewarding. It’s already sounding very homely.

      Hope you and OH get over the dreaded Covid quickly without complications. On a positive note, you probably have more time to reflect on your garden/ house plans?

      Funnily enough I was thinking of you the other day! Our Swedish friends are coming over for Easter so I was hunting out some multicoloured feathers for the tree outside! I had hoped IKEA would be selling Princess Torte by now but it doesn’t look like they do.
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Good morning all. Just been moving things in the kitchen as the central heating engineer has got an appointment for 9am. This has included making porridge for Mr GF as I wouldn't have had time to clear up after him. Even him making a coffee can have the same effect as a very slow tornado ripping through.

        I made a cottage pie for his brother yesterday when I made ours so I'll deliver that and hopefully do a grory hop when the heating man has done.

        He is now late.......

        It's much warmer today, 8°C and thick cloud.


        • Morning all.
          Sunny here and the wind is from south-west. Yesterday it was from due south, and felt like it had come all the way from the south pole. Today it's milder, so after a walk I'll get on and do some weeding in the front borders. Still lots of sow thistles to grub out, they've come from the old sandpits that were filled in last year and turned back to fields - and left - so sow thistles came up over the entire area, it looked like a crop! Masses of seeds blowing about come autumn. There's also a weed (I think) that I don't recognise, so need to get a pic of that and see if you knowledgeable lot can tell me what it is.
          Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
          Endless wonder.


          • I forgot to mention that the other day I accidentally picked up four amaryllis bulbs for 99cents each .( were originally 4.99€ each)
            Who doesn’t love an impulse purchase which is both a bargain AND a bit of a challenge?

            They look at little bit desiccated but certainly retrievable so I now have their bases soaking in water to give them a kick start. Hopefully they will be in flower for Easter!

            I can’t be the only one who just can’t resist an impulse purchase like that?
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • Happy to say the gas engineer has been and gone. It was basically just a quality control check by the company who fitted our new boiler a couple of weeks ago.

              I've made Mr GF the second part of his breakfast, toast with butter and blackberry jelly and a second mug of tea.

              Grory hop and food delivery next.

              Sarriss, your new house and garden sounds so exciting. I hope you get over the covid quickly.

              Nicos, I think impulse "bargains" can be pretty much irresistible.


              • Good morning all looks another,reasonable day outside,am currently chilling out with music,tomorrow am getting a hair trim,and eyebrows tinted for the first time,this bird means business,yesterday I was chatting with a new friend in the street,not seen since last year,he remarked how much better I looked also full of life,to what I was when we first met a few days before moving,he is a good laugh,even his partner is startingto smile and chat a bit more now,before he just ignored us,thats the worst of peeps not going out,the dinner went down well,plus I got some for today ,get well soon Sarriss,well I must get myself in gear and do something useful,have a lovely day and Bgood2yourselves
                Last edited by lottie dolly; 09-03-2022, 10:18 AM.
                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                • I love a bargain too Nicos, very much so!

                  I popped some painkillers today, and managed to walk out to the chickens and sowed some Micro Cherry toms on the way past the potting shed lol They look amazing - sea spring seeds say that each plant give between 5 and 6 THOUSAND tomatoes! Well that's had me excited all day lol

                  GF, what on earth is a grory hop??



                  • Good Morning All Bit warmer and it was light when I went to work yesterday but it seems darker this morning. Have a good day ​​​​​​
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Mornin Flo’n’all
                      So there I was just sat sitting enjoying my morning brew and the house shook followed by a Sonic Boom
                      Not heard one of those for a few years! Low flying fighter jets practicing over our hilly terrain- yes, but not sonic Booms.
                      Worrying times

                      Most of my double glazing is well over 30 years old, so fingers crossed none of them has had one boom too many

                      Looks like the sun is coming out this morning, so yippee…more time in the garden. There’s no bitter wind this morning so it’s looking promising.
                      Just got time for another brew- anyone fancy joining me?
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Good morning all you early birds. The sun woke me up again. I must remember to start closing the curtains more tightly now Spring is on the way.....or maybe not.

                        Mr GF is back on kitchen duty today ...... I am still waiting for my coffee, but I 'm sure it will be worth the wait....eventually.

                        Sarriss, the grory hop is the big supermarket shop. I can't remember where the name came from though.

                        I am hoping the seeds I ordered arrive today. They were supposed to be posted yesterday so you never know. I've got an urge to get planting.

                        The coffee has appeared and is definitely worth the wait.


                        • OH has just announced that we’re off tomorrow in the camper for a couple of days over my birthday! ( Saturday)
                          So, I have a choice of getting wind blown at the coast or heading inland for a prehistoric and medieval experience.
                          I think we’ll decide as we head off depending on the latest weather forecast.
                          Either way it’ll be good to do something totally different.

                          yeh….I can’t exactly recall either who had the auto correct ‘grory hop’…but it’s fun isn’t it?
                          OH just takes it in his stride now when I say we/I need to do a grory hop!
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Good morning, I couldn't manage on yesterday, was so busy running after OH ​​​​that time just flew by and to those who thought GFs comment was good, please don't encourage comments like that, I might be offended then again you might be opening yourself for some push back
                            Need to go and get ready for coffee morning, then walking the dogs, enjoy your day and pass on some smiles
                            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                            • Morning all, back from our trip down south for our granddaughter’s 1st birthday. We left lots of lovely gifts for her and came back with one ourselves. Like Sariss and Jay, we both now have Covid!! Avoided it for 2 years and are always so careful. Just shows the dropping of restrictions is really fuelling the whole thing again. So far it just feels like a really bad cold…fingers crossed it stays that way.
                              Have been popping in and out keeping up to date with everything. Lottie, you are sounding so much happier these days, so good to hear it!
                              Enjoy the birthday trip Nicos. I’m sure you will
                              Have a great day everyone, catch you later! x


                              • Oh gosh Jay…hope you get over it quickly. I had noticed figures of cases are on the increase in the UK
                                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                                Location....Normandy France


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