Thinking of you, Bramble. x
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Chitchat thread #24
This is a sticky topic.
Morning all.
It's blowing a gale outside and raining quite hard. We're the best prepared for rain we've ever been. The 300 mm over four days won't happen by any stretch of the imagination, but that forecast rather galvanised us into action. So, time to get the fire and the kettle on the go. Anyone fancy joining me for a brew?
The plans for today are: stay warm and dry, get a bit of work out the way and make pie.
Oh, despite the weather, the smiles set off as per. In fact, they left a bit earlier than usual as Frankie was not at all interested in going out. Shame, because the smiles got a proper laugh out of seeing him walk through puddles yesterday, suddenly realising that water is not his natural environment. Very different to one of our toms, who chose to stand in water when he was drinking and was totally undeterred by rain or snow.
Have a great day everyone.
Mornin n’alln’all
Thinking of you Bramble xx
Blue skies here today - OH first of all handed me a rather lovely brew….and has just handed me a tin of paint and a paintbrush…guess that’s what I’m doing today
Glad now that made an apple and blueberry pie yesterday rather than leaving it until today as I’m bound to be too tired to bother later.
Enjoy your day as best you can peeps."Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Good morning all. I awoke before 6am the first time and I could hear a faint annoying beeping coming from somewhere. I got up and tracked it down to one of the cordless landline phones. We have two. The beeping one had a little accident yesterday with a little spilt wine. It was beeping that it needed charging despite being sat in the charger. I went back to bed and started googling phones. They seem to have doubled in price since I bought these which actually made me realise how ancient they were.
It did make me realise also that I ought to keep a written copy somewhere of all the numbers in the phones in case these phones curl up their toes. All the numbers are in the phone memory and I haven't actually memorized a number in years apart from my mobile number to give to people as I just don't need to do it any more. I used to be able to reel off numbers without thinking. I don't even know ones that I use regularly now.
Still waiting in hope for my seeds to arrive. Tomorrow will be a week!
I hope you get better news today, Bramble.
I'll go and do something productive now.
Last edited by greenishfing; 14-03-2022, 10:14 AM.
Back again. I was just saying to Mr GF "Do you think my seeds will arrive today?", when thud...... A little box came through the letterbox. Yes it is my seeds. A mere six days after ordering them...obviously came by snail mail. I suppose I'm lucky they didn't get munched. The box also contained lots of marketing material for lots of other, non-gardenning companies. Next job is to unsubscribe from their daily annoying emails.
Mornin n’alln’all
Lots of wet sploshy stuff going on here at the moment - I don’t mind tbh as it looks like it’s going to be another painting day.
Glad your seeds arrived gf - I think I can guess what you’ll be up to today!
First things first…who fancies a brew?"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Morning all.
Frosty here first thing, but the sun has melted it all now. Nothing planned for today except a trip to the optician for my mum. There's nothing more now that can be done for her vision, but it's good to know if her eyes are otherwise healthy.
Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
Endless wonder.
Morning all,looks another good day out side,am thriled with my new garden,poly up and running,shed only needs the shelving units in,then it can get filled up with the stuff still stored from moving,currently housed in several water barrels,hopefully done by close of the day,only then will i know where to find what i want,getting there,then it will be my general growing area to sort out,i seem to be getting a lot of irritating things happen on this new lap to,think it is me,what with longer nails and getting used what works what,iit's one of them either normal use or toutch screen,i can even write with the pen on ,all i need is my brains to kick in and remember and what i touched to get a particular responce,i hope i can engage more with it,oohh err,have agood day all,son just comesigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
2°C and sunny here, it's not forecast to last though. I set the breadmaker off last night and was awoken by the delightful aroma of fresh bread this morning and Mr GF is making coffee right now.
I had a lovely time yesterday reorganizing my seed box and planting seeds. I went out to the car to grab a bag of compost from the boot and caught myself wondering about the pros and cons of using the parcel shelf for some seeds when they come up. Mmmmmm.
I think I've fixed the misbehaving phone too, but not too sure about that yet. I'm going to plant more seeds later as I put some sweet pea seeds to soak on the windowsill last night.
Have a great day everyone, coffee has now appeared here.
Morning all
I haven't been on for a while as I don't find this site user friendly anymore?
I have had a cold for about three weeks now and am getting a bit sick of it! Tested negative twice for Covid and had my flu and Pheumonia jabs so don't know what is going on. Until recently I very rarely got colds?
Anyway, I need to get my backside into gear and start potting on some of my seedlings. Thank goodness I haven't made the mistake this year of sowing tomatoes too early though. Just chillies and leeks.
Take care folks, lots going on in the world that can be detrimental. Fishing season starts soon though, so that's summat to look frorward to!
TTFNMy Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Morning all.
Good to see you, Snadger. I thought about you the other day as I very nearly got my shorts out of their winter storage. Hope you get over whatever lurgy it is soon.
No need for shorts today. A lull in the rain, but a cold wind gusting up the valley. Sunny in my heart though. The tax people have decided that I haven't done anything wrong and no I don't need to provide any more paperwork and no I don't have to pay anything extra and obviously, therefore, no fine. Phew, phew, phew. I hate dealing with the authorities. Just seeing a policeperson makes me feel I must have committed some horrendous crime. Also the rain preparations worked wonderfully.
As you can imagine, the smiles did a few victory rolls before setting off in your directions.
LD, I use an external keyboard with my laptop. Makes life a lot easier. Otherwise, I find the cursor shoots all over the place.
Right, have a tip-top day, everyone.Last edited by Snoop Puss; 15-03-2022, 09:29 AM.
Good to see you.
How’s the camper van coming on? We took ours out for its 6 overnight trip on Friday.
Just starting to get the hang of what works and what doesn’t to make life easier in such a confined space!
Snoop - that’s a relief about the tax people.
I know what you mean about feeling guilty about something you’ve actually not done….in junior school if a teacher demanded “ who has done that?” I’d go red, and if none owned up I’d be picked out as the guilty one.
Used to be the same when I walked through customs at the airport tooThank goodness it takes a lot more than that to make me blush these days
Right…paintbrush has yet again been presented to me so I best crack on.
Glad it’s still raining or I’d be outside gardening in a flash. Deffo a good job I don’t have a polytunnel/ greenhouse for that very reason!"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
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