Good evening, quite a nice day today, took the dog a walk and went to a local field and while there I watched a roe deer moving through some bushes, then it moved off barking a warning, later on in the day when I was back out there were three deer moving about, after the first walk I needed to go for petrol, so offered to take OH out for a coffee, also offered to take daughter and her youngest son and I even offered to pay so was getting ready when daughter phoned back to say she couldn't manage as she had something to do, quite sure OH thinks I knew that, and thats why I offered to pay, anyway went for the petrol then the coffee and ofcourse I paid, though OH paid the petrol, £53 so I suppose I can't complain, well not too much
once back home went a walk with the dog after that I even washed the car, then when checking the tyres, got pelted with hail, after tea was out in the greenhouse for a time.
No Snoop theh hot bin is made up with bits and pieces not a kit, kits cost money and I don't have any
Keep safe, think of others when out and please, give a smile. Goodnight

No Snoop theh hot bin is made up with bits and pieces not a kit, kits cost money and I don't have any

Keep safe, think of others when out and please, give a smile. Goodnight
