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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Good morning. I tried to post on here earlier but it wouldn't let me. I could read anything, and navigate around the site but it wouldn't let me post anything.

    We've had lots of showers the last few days and more forecast for today, but it is still very warm......too warm last night.

    I think a grory hop is on the cards for today. I don't know what happens to all the milk, among other things, in our house.

    I also must find a birthday present for one of my sisters. I've also promised to shorten 5 pairs of work trousers for a friend.


    • Good morning all. Definitely cooler here with a temp of just 15 degs.
      Yes Snoop, the smiles were here again this morning g loving the cooler conditions.
      Just a domestics day for me with a visit to the library later.
      Have a good day all.

      And when your back stops aching,
      And your hands begin to harden.
      You will find yourself a partner,
      In the glory of the garden.

      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


      • afternoon all,it has turned warm again,i am outof kilter the last few days,had to get son to come and get me last Thursday,any how,DR thinks same as me traped nerve's,the pain is awfull,he gave me some amitriptaline and some ibuprofen gell,i have had them before,but this is a different place,i feel like i have been choped in half higher up the ribs,it afects my tummy as well as the back,when the pain is intence it sends me light headed,also a sample,wing in a few days,whatthehell have i done to deserve this,LD moans,groans and squeeks,at least i will recover eventualy,so long as i not like this for my holidays ,keep going and squeal literally,have a good afternoon,and Bgood2yourselves,the good thing is,we have had some rain woooooohooooo
        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


        • Afternoon n’alln’all

          Been Mrs Mop so far today and just sitting down with a brew. Plenty to share! Help yourselves.

          Blinking ‘eck Snoop - that’s seriously hot lass

          We had a great day out in the camper yesterday - next to a small river. All very quiet and calm. I had 40 winks as my grandpa used to say, ate and read and just had a bit of a blobby day. I could get used to that

          We had 33C yesterday and it’s struggling to hit 23C today . The poor wildlife - how on earth do they cope with all this? My garden plants are utterly confused

          Having mentioned we had the first of our wasps the other day , today we spotted loads of Asian hornets feeding off our fallen cherries.
          Not happy about seeing those at all as they kill off the European ones and kill our bees and wasps too.
          There is probably a nest in the woods nearby so it might be worth taking a wander.
          The firemen used to come and destroy the nests for free but there are so many now…..but it’s now just private companies doing this and they need paying by the land owner. Most farmers around us wouldn’t be bothered. So it’s not looking good for our natural wild insects.

          oh dear lottie - we’ve just cross posted. I hope your pain is sorted quickly - sounds dreadful
          When are you off on your hols?

          Take care everyone - keep chirpy!
          Last edited by Nicos; 25-07-2022, 02:10 PM.
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • I've had a productive day so far. I've sorted out a present for my sister: Vouchers for afternoon tea for two at a local restaurant. I've picked up three pairs of work trousers from my friend. At some point this week I'll get the trusty old sewing machine out and shorten them for him. I've even done a grory hop too.

            I rang the doctor's for Mr GF's blood test results. He's got to have another lot tomorrow. He is still far from right but it's now looking as if it is something that can be treated quite easily.🤞🤞🤞

            Altogether I feel much happier today than I have for weeks.


            • Good to hear gf…..I have my fingers crossed too for you both.

              Lets hope the sh1t fairy leaves us all alone for a while. I’m sure I speak on everyone’s behalf that we’ve all had our fill thank you

              (My friend’s OH died recently - literally days after being diagnosed with cancer.
              Our farmer friend - who we bought our lamb from was diagnosed with cancer 3 weeks ago has just died
              …and one of my closest friends has been in hospital with a suspected stroke.
              Flippin ‘eck…enough’s enough eh?)

              Thank goodness we have our beautiful plants to enjoy. Well I say ‘beautiful’ - if you discard the dehydrated ones, the pest covered/ munched ones and the blight hit ones!
              Last edited by Nicos; 25-07-2022, 02:46 PM.
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • I spotted an Asian hornet here too the other day. Where there's one there's loads. Really sorry to hear you've got them as well, Nicos. They're a sign of climate change here. We weren't expected to get them here because we used to have such cold winters. Really hope we get one this year. I was thinking of calling our forestry agent if I can identify where the nest is.

                LD, you sound like you're properly in the wars. I hate ibuprofen. Makes me feel like half my head has risen about six inches above where the rest of it is. Most alarming. And I can really feel when it starts to take effect. Hate the stuff. Really hope you start to feel better soon.

                Glad it looks like there's a cure for Mr GF. Phew!

                As for here, my new toy has arrived. It's quite handsome (as these things go). Mr Snoop says the colour is too nice to call it Eggo. So it's now its official name, Sunbeam. Calling it the Ankarsrum is too much of a mouthful. And writing it takes me three goes to get the spelling right every time. Going to give it a trial run tomorrow. Bit odd reading recipes in the book that talk about making four loaves of bread at a time. Mr Snoop is going to be over the moon. I think I'll start with focaccia. You can hide a multitude of sins in a focaccia if it doesn't quite work out...

                Edited: Oh, Nicos, that's awful. Big cyber hug.
                Last edited by Snoop Puss; 25-07-2022, 02:57 PM.


                • I googled your machine Snoop. It looks amazing! Really love the colour too. It’s the colour of happiness in my mind if you know what I mean.
                  My yoga teacher chuckled when I told her my favourite ‘happy colours’ are custard / rich egg yolk through to orangey sunset red.
                  I had a gooogle when I got home ( as you would!)
                  Hmmmm…say no more!

                  Seems sensible to make 4 loaves at a time…once the oven is heated, it might as well earn its keep!

                  OH spotted some bacon in the shops the other day- pretty rare!…so he bought some, so I imagine he’ll be making some buns to have them in with dribbly eggs…mmmm
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • I make a lot of bread, not just for us but for friends from time to time and for neighbours a lot of the time. I bought my Kenwood in March 2019 and it hasn't half done sterling service. I bought a fantastic (but ridiculously overpriced) flexible beater and a folding tool for it. So it'll get to go into semi-retirement as a cake and biscuit making tool. And the new one can do for bread, so the life of the Kenwood will be extended. That's my excuse, anyway, and I'm sticking to it.


                    • Afternoon an odd day weather wise its been alternating between sunny or showers not good if you want to line dry your laundry.

                      Nicos my happy colour has always been purple there's just something about it that colour.

                      Enjoy your new mixer Snoop

                      Originally posted by greenishfing View Post
                      Good morning. I tried to post on here earlier but it wouldn't let me. I could read anything, and navigate around the site but it wouldn't let me post anything.
                      I've had the same problem earlier greenishfing it wouldn't let me give likes or type a post, I've flagged both problems with admin.

                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Just heard we are very close to yellow alert for our water usage. When we hit yellow we’re supposed to try and cut down our usage by 50% - mostly outdoor usage ie the garden
                        Anyone else had drought restriction warnings?
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Non warnings here yet Nicos our water company has asked us all to be careful with what we use.
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
                            Non warnings here yet Nicos our water company has asked us all to be careful with what we use.
                            ironically the day I got the text message about this I'd just driven through a river from a burst water main for the 3rd time that week
                            Never be afraid to try something new.
                            Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                            A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                            • Good night all.
                              Lottie, so sorry you're going through the wars again.
                              Hope you feel better soon.

                              GF, good to hear your Mr. Is getting his blood sorted.

                              My day didnt go as planned, a last minute txt asking me to look after grandson for an hour
                              Daughter called unexpectedly this evening.

                              Result, everything went on the long finger, tomorrow is another day.
                              Sleep well all.

                              And when your back stops aching,
                              And your hands begin to harden.
                              You will find yourself a partner,
                              In the glory of the garden.

                              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                              • Morning all.

                                Last totally mad work day today. Thank goodness. But today's big news is it's cool enough in my basement office this morning to need a cardie. Amazing. And bliss. Going to get hot again around midday, but nowhere near as bad as recent days. Fingers crossed that's the last heatwave we have. Thunderstorms forecast for tomorrow and the day after, but no rain. Not a fireman's favourite weather at this time of year. There's an odd pall to the sky that suggests a forest fire somewhere in the distance. Nowhere near us but it'll be close to someone.

                                Right, best get on with the show. Need to go and do a bit of watering and then settle to work.

                                The smiles left earlier after a good twirl around the melons to catch the scent, I believe. Should be with you soon.

                                Have a great day, everyone.


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