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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Funerals are not the best of places,thats them in the freezer,i microwaves a bit to try,it was nice,bit of butter and a splash of pepper,we think they are sweet max,son has some on his patch and they are large as well,will be growing them again,i also growing potato squash,them are nice also,must try that in the freezer,now to sort the bits out for the girls,then get ready for my group
    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


    • The dentist where Mr GF is going tomorrow has just been in touch, a phone call and then a text with a link to a load of forms to fill in ......medical history, list of medications etc. It was a pain in the neck to do but much easier than sitting in a waiting room trying to fill them in by hand and realising you need information that you don't have with you. However heaven help anybody without a smartphone or not on the internet.

      The vacuum cleaner is still hiding in the cupboard as other jobs took over.
      Last edited by greenishfing; 15-09-2022, 11:04 AM. Reason: Spelling


      • Afternoon

        Grory hop this morning then gardening I’ve just about finished everything I’d planned.
        Not often that happens
        Even put note on the fridge as a reminder to take photos for the vine veg show.
        Enjoy your evening.
        Location....East Midlands.


        • Mornin n’alln’all

          Wet and sploshy here - can’t see the hens wanting to be wandering outside much if this carries on.

          Our female crowing hen seems to be consistent now. Not as good as a cockerel but more of a “cock- a-dooooooo”
          Yesterday I was cooking down apples with the back door open and heard all the hens suddenly screeching - so I rushed outside expecting to witness our first fox attack ( yup - it was that much of an alarm call from them)….to spot a sparrow hawk landed on the ground in their run near their water container. I’m not sure ( no specs on) but when it flew off I suspect it had caught a sparrow.
          We get a load of them pinching the hen food and water , so hopefully that’s one less!

          Today for me is going to be spent mostly in the kitchen. I have defrosted a 1.8kg piece of beef which I intend to make into two casseroles- steak and kidney and a hotpot to freeze. Maybe a small curry too if I don’t need to cut off lots of fat.
          I’ll get some baking in there at the same time to save electricity. It’s a massive 90 cm wide oven so it really does need to earn its keep these days. Oh - I could roast some peppers to freeze too or roast some veg to turn into soup.
          What with that, stewing apples - and picking and juicing blackberries , it looks like I’m in for a busy day
          Pardon?…..what ironing?….oh …I guess I’ll be ‘doing a Rary’ today with that!
          Speaking of which….I’m sure I just saw the smiles heading off in his direction….

          Brew anyone?
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • Morning all.

            Very autumnal here this morning. Pale blue sky, wispy clouds, damp and trees definitely on the turn. That seems to have happened fast. Temperatures back up in the mid-thirties in the daytime these last few days, but night time temps in the veg patch at or below 10 ºC. Tom plants are looking the worse for wear but my newly planted brassicas are looking very jolly.

            Good to hear that at least one smile has been spotted. Some seem to be very sluggish this morning and haven't budged. Maybe they were out all night playing with Frankie. Either that or in among the pepper plants with the dogs, who have left evidence of their midnight raid on my plants... Grr.

            Hope you enjoy all your cooking today, Nicos. Me, I'm pressing on with the paid work today. But have booked Mr Snoop for a blackberry picking session tomorrow, so what with them and processing lots of toms and peppers, I should have plenty to keep me occupied in the kitchen over the weekend. Mr Snoop is also out shopping with our friend up the valley, so doubtless he'll bring back things to cook and freeze.

            Good luck to Mr GF at the unmentionable place today.

            Have a great day, everyone.


            • Morning all.

              I did manage to eventually drag the vacuum cleaner from it's hiding place yesterday. The carpets seemed to have lots of bits of leaves everywhere. Autumn is here early.

              Mr GF's toothache has "magically" disappeared would you believe, but he is still going....even if I have to drag him there by the scruff of the neck.

              Hopefully the elderly relative in the care home will get her covid and flu jabs today.....My flu jab booked for next Saturday.


              • Not sure what happened, I posted last night, but for some reason it didn't come up, but basically it was to tell bramble she is so wrong, I am not looking for things to do, being very observant, I am looking for work "to avoid" though I am quite willing to let her pop over and clean the windows, also, I wouldn't charge her anything for do them, yes I would let her do them for free. I am also trying to work out what Nicos means by saying she would just do a rary🤔
                By the way Nicos, it's a beautiful sunny morning here, I am thinking of heading out and do some sun bathing, just need to find a heater that I can set up outside
                I wish you all a good day and pass on some smiles
                Last edited by rary; 16-09-2022, 09:04 AM.
                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                • Good morning all, we have a beautiful sunny morning here.
                  For the first time this week my day is my only dont have any appointments or places to be.
                  I think I will spend some time tidying up the garden.

                  Rary, the urge to window clean has passed, so maybe I will take a rain check.
                  All my fruit and tomatoes have been turned into jams, jellies and soups , so I am up to speed on that.

                  Snoop we had some smiles dancing by here earlier, they sounded very cheerful.

                  I hope Me GF goes quietly to the dentist, scruff of the neck can be painful.

                  Have a good day all.

                  And when your back stops aching,
                  And your hands begin to harden.
                  You will find yourself a partner,
                  In the glory of the garden.

                  Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                  • GF…hope your OH is OK after his tooth extraction?

                    The upside is that at least the tooth fairy will visit tonight. What’s the going rate these days?
                    (Interestingly in France its not a tooth fairy but a tooth mouse who brings money)
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Good afternoon all,ooohh that word dentist LD shivers alongside Snoop,i have had that with my teeth,even when i had the offenders out,still get it odd times,so maybe he has nerve bother,also synesis and abscess can couse it,hope he gets sorted,good news is,my eyes are not ready yet to be done,what a relief,but they are apperently very dry,so now got drops,got the loan of sons air frier,just tried it,squash mmm,so i now need to weigh up what to get,and be sensible and get something i not need,
                      The family are having a weekend get together,we gona be raiding his veg patch for food to barbeq ,sitting outside around a fire,so i need to make a cake again,desert is a must,them smiles are sure doing a brilliant job over my way Snoop,it is great to feel alive,but age kickes in when i stand up from sitting,poor knees,,am hoping i can get connected when we out,if not will look in after,enjoy rest of the afternoon folk
                      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                      • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                        GF…hope your OH is OK after his tooth extraction?

                        The upside is that at least the tooth fairy will visit tonight. What’s the going rate these days?
                        (Interestingly in France its not a tooth fairy but a tooth mouse who brings money)
                        strange lot the french ... Hope Mr GF is being suitably pampered.

                        Today I have been mostly resting ready for driving tomorrow, well not strictly true, I ferried Mrs G to the hairdressers to have her ears lowered and she had them hide all the grey (like painting the forth bridge)... so whilst she was there I nipped into town went to the hole in the wall and got the high score ... then to the cake shop I didn't have anything . then back home and a bit more planning and finally some pricking out of pansies.

                        Early night tonight and then off to Pembrokshire tomorrow bright and early ( not too bright or early if I have my way) and that will be me for a week ... I may pop up with the odd foto of me in my budgie smugglers and bobble hat but we'll have to see
                        Never be afraid to try something new.
                        Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                        A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                        • Good evening. Sorry struggling to breathe with the thought of ,Nick with his bobble hat and budgie smugglers..... a bobble hat in Autumn...beyond the pale.

                          Mr GF is being more than "suitably" pampered. "Totally" or even "royally" pampered is probably a better description.

                          When the dentist theatrically produced and showed us the offending tooth he was still saying that the local anaesthetic wasn't working.

                          Hopefully he will have no further problems with it.

                          He has enjoyed his evening meal and and not asked for any painkillers so I presume he will feel like a human again tomorrow.

                          I have just wound him up by saying that as he didn't get the offending tooth back he won't get "sixpence" from the tooth fairy.

                          Sorry I couldn't help myself...... Maybe I'll sneak something nice under his pillow.....any thoughts?
                          Last edited by greenishfing; 16-09-2022, 06:03 PM.


                          • peanut brittle?
                            Never be afraid to try something new.
                            Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                            A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                            • A paper twenty-pound note?


                              • ^^^^^ what a pair!
                                I had to think a sec about yours Snoop!
                                I spent mine last time we were over but I have a sneaking feeling I still have one left. Bit too late to do anything about it now for me. Maybe a charity in London could use them?

                                gf….how about an IOU to take him on an outing - his choice of destination- for an ice cream for his poorly mouth?

                                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                                Location....Normandy France


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