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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post

    The funky chicken reminds you of blood tests for Mr GF? Is he renowned as a funky chicken dancer?

    Good to hear from you, Geoff. Happy gardening.
    No, even my scatty brain didn't make that connection. It was the syringe connection. I would just love however to see Mr GF attempt to run around flapping his elbows and squarking....reminds me of the last time he played rounders at a family party in the park....aged about 80. We ended up letting him be the permanent bowler and also ended up with just about every child in the park joining the batting queue, and their parents helping to field.


    • Good afternoon all,i do get some good laughs on here,i like the funky chicken description,i have been known to do such an act whilst pracicing my chicken langage,it amused the GGboys,as eyes rolled about,they now know,expect anything daft from old me,hehehe,hi snoop,am just hoping said cloud is genuine,i left the choped up tromba soaking in the sugar and ginger overnight,it looks and tastes nice,the flavour has gone all the way through,all i gotta do now is add some lemon to hopfully have it set,and simmer up,if it not set,it will still be very good on ice cream ext,you know the drill,hehe,then i got to get things organized for the christmas cake,so it can mature,still got some mincemeat from last year,hope it has not gone alcoholic,my choir are now on crimbo concert practice,i am really enjoing it,have a lovely afternoon,am of to the kitchen
      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


      • And…’s raining….and has been since my last post. That fine rain which soaks through everything.
        And of course didn’t OH say we needed something from one of the big supermarkets ​​​​​​….and when we got back he said ‘we’d’ forgotten to check the air pressures in the tyres…WE????that’s the first I’d heard about it

        Fancy having a funky chicken for an OH gf…he sounds fun

        Lottie - that jam sounds wonderful - I’d never have thought of that combination!

        Right…brew over - best crack on with finishing off packing up the camper….It’s looking like this will be the first time in ages we’ll be fully packed before stupido’

        Oh…tonight is the night that the American Space Agency is going to try and deflect an asteroid.Let’s hope they don’t mess it up. Scarey eh? Let’s hope nothing goes wrong.

        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • hello again,Nicos,that is a man's remark,ref jam,i think it has set,it does taste nice,if i do anymore,i will steam whatever squash i use,before leaving it to marinade over night,i ended up with 6lb of prepared squash,so added the same of sugar,and as much ginger as you wish,i only used 4 smaller lemons,jars are read now,so i will go and fill,then hope for the best,am a bit out the zone these days,but am enjoing myself,see if still got it hehehe
          sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


          • Good evening all.
            Seems like everybody has had a busy day.
            Lottie, that jam sounds interesting.

            Nicos, have a good trip to the UK.

            The funky chicken, that bri gs back memories GF.

            I will be going for my flu jab in a few days, hope I will be able to do the funky chicken afterwards.

            I spent this afternoon cutting down my tomatoes and peppers.
            Tidied up the greenhouse and brought in all my geraniums.
            Am pleased with my days work.
            Have a good evening all.

            And when your back stops aching,
            And your hands begin to harden.
            You will find yourself a partner,
            In the glory of the garden.

            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


            • Evening,you have been busy Bramble,Nicos have a safe one,GF am glad your arm is feeling better lass,said jam has set lovely,but i think i over done the ginger,or needed extra sugar,it is very gingery,but seems like it could do with being sweeter,i also think i spoilt it by blending it with the wizzy stick,will try again,and do things a bit different,but not this week,i got some cakes to run up for Thursday,i got a mess in my kitchen,such is life,think i need an early night,sweet dreams all
              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


              • I forgot to mention , but on our way home this afternoon we were stuck in a 20 plus car jam. It turned out that there was a lost hunting dog running around a four lane highway ( 55mph dual carriageway)
                It was very uplifting to see truck drivers dashing around the lanes trying to catch the poor thing before it was hit . It finally approached a female driver who caught it and drove off to find the owner.
                These dogs are tagged and valuable. So lovely to see it rescued.
                With all the nasty things going on in the world , that was a very positive experience of the kindness of people.

                And so, I’m off to the uk at 5am your time. Snoop ….I challenge the smiles that I’ll beat them up to the midlands where we’ll be stopping off overnight…
                Will pop in when I can. Remember to act your shoe size…you too Rary and NTG
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Nicos,it sounds a very long way to drive,stay safe lass
                  sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                  • Good evening, wasn't to busy a day, first had to go up to the church to check an old boiler, I am referring to an actual gas boiler before anyone thinks otherwise then picked up the dogs and took them for a walk, while out with them I picked some brambles, not for jam as I like to eat them with my porridge, I then spent some time trying to get some prices for replacing the boiler, I thought the it would be quit easy, but it seems most companies just want to fit domestic boilers, so will have to try again tomorrow, for a change I decided to saw up some logs, had just finished that when son phoned looking for assistance with rebuilding his hut, so that took care of my afternoon, I thought once the boys came home from school there would be more hands but for some reason they really needed to get their homework done, usually they need pushed to get it done, can't understand why the change🙄 anyway we managed to get most of the roof on before the rain came on, and by that time I needed to head home to make the tea, after tea I spent some time on the jigsaw, it must be the hardest one I have done for some time but I am progressing.
                    I must admit to feeling a bit warery, what with some members of the opposite sex telling me everything is OK, it makes me wonder what they are planning, at times I think it would be good to meet other Grapes, but possibly its for the best that that I don't meet any of them for a while, well it now time to go and annoy OH, so have a good day tomorrow enjoy your gardening, baking or jam making, but remember to pass on some smiles, a lot of people will appreciate that just now. Goodnight
                    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                    • Oh Rary, you really know how to wind us up and press the right buttons.
                      I hope you get your "old boiler " fixed.
                      ​​​​​​​Sleep well.

                      And when your back stops aching,
                      And your hands begin to harden.
                      You will find yourself a partner,
                      In the glory of the garden.

                      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                      • Good morning, cold but the sun is out, though there is a big bank of cloud further north, but travelling to the east so hopefully it will stay nice, I will be heading back up to my help my son, OH is heading out for lunch with her old work mates, and if I stayed in I would get a list, could any of you kind ladies tell me how to, or where to get instructions on how to make green tomato chutney also could I mix in some cucumber or would I be better making something else with them, enjoy your day and travel safely if moving abroad
                        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                        • Good morning all.

                          Rary, I have never made green tomato chutney, only spicy red. (I let all my green tomatoes ripen on my lounge windowsill) but Delia's sweet pickled cucumber slices are one of my favourite pickles.
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	20220927_085629.jpg
Views:	143
Size:	161.5 KB
ID:	2552368
                          I hope this helps.


                          • Morning

                            Rary I've only made green tomato chutney just the once and I wasn't impressed instead here's a recipe for green tom ketchup thats rather nice.

                            Green tomatoes - The Grapevine (

                            Location....East Midlands.


                            • Morning all.

                              I suspect the smiles will have got to the Midlands way ahead of you, Nicos, so much so they'll have moved on before you get there. They can't half shift. They manage a round route taking in everybody, leaving in the morning and then back home in time for bed time. Well, bag time in their case. Plus, my impression is they dawdle anywhere where cake is being made. Plus, plus, they've been hanging around at LD's a fair bit recently. There's plenty of miles in them smiles! Anyway, I'll tell them to look out for a French-registered camper while they're out on their travels. If you make a cake in your little oven, they're bound to find you.

                              Very windy here today. And quite chilly with it. Got a lot to keep me busy indoors today, fortunately. My list of jobs hasn't shrunk much. I've crossed some things off but have had to add more...

                              Have a great day, everyone.


                              • Good afternoon all.
                                Back from my line dancing and just finished lunch.
                                Next on the list is one of my least favourite things to do,
                                My son and daughter in law has made a booking for professional family photos to be done.
                                We have to be there for four o'clock.
                                I hate having my pic taken and just freeze in front of a camera.
                                I would rather be home doing housework.
                                Have a good afternoon all.

                                And when your back stops aching,
                                And your hands begin to harden.
                                You will find yourself a partner,
                                In the glory of the garden.

                                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


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