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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Afternoon all.

    Chilly here by our standards. 16 ºC in our sheltered corral, but there's a cold wind blowing up the valley. Today might be the last day for shorts. That said, they are very thick and long (down to my knees) and are paired with long socks, plus a vest, long-sleeved polo neck top and a thick cardie. Just as well we live in the middle of nowhere and don't often get visitors unannounced!

    Should be a busy day today, but I'm finding it a bit hard to get going. Better get on the case, otherwise the smiles will return with all kinds of stories about what everyone's been doing and I'll have nothing to tell them about my day. Maybe I could make a ginger cake for tomorrow (bit late to start on parkin).

    Have a great rest of the day, everyone.


    • Good afternoon all,nice and bright out there but a bit chilly,slowly catching up with myself,i can remember years ago,from october on the winter weather,the trees ext glistening white frosy sparkle,LD shivers,these days we are spoiled,them days were no central heating or double glazing either,of to prep more freezer stuff,i thing for sure i will not run out of variouse squash,hope i got room for some snips,so handy having some ready to hand without a mess and fuss,i hope them smiles are not returning with tales Snoop ,it does not mater what you wear in your home,as long as you warm and comfy,have a good afternoon whats left of it,back to the kitchen,
      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


      • Te he Snoop - I’ve half given up on being vaguely smart.
        As soon as I put on anything vaguely presentable my OH always seems to ask me to top up the wood baskets next to the fires!!!
        The number of tops and jumpers which have been snagged or torn is unbelievable. Needless to say , I have enough gardening clothes to last a lifetime
        (I only have vaguely neat clothing for when I welcome guests)

        Oh and MH….​​​​​​….well, to start with, OH sat and read out political news , and when he’d gone I stuck on a film which just so happened to be a rubbish Xmas film….and then another one . yeh…that’s enough of Xmas for me for now. But I did rush through the ironing because of that!
        Next time I WILL a have a film selected before I get the ironing board out.

        And for those of you not dieting , here’s a really yummy self saucing chocolate pudding which takes seconds to make in the microwave…
        We had it for pud on Halloween and it’s utterly delish! I made triple quantity in a 2 pt Pyrex bowl, but double would have been enough for two. Can’t believe how easy it is to make!
        Go on…tempt yourself
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • I have just looked at that recipe Nicos and I will definitely be giving it a go. Tonight we have just had Yorkshire pudding which I cooked in the halogen oven.....a success.....this was about halfway through the cooking....

          Click image for larger version

Name:	20221104_171117.jpg
Views:	184
Size:	560.3 KB
ID:	2553839

          I am trying to be more energy efficient.


          • That looks fantastic gf!…my mouth actually watered when I clicked on the photo!
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • And my thoughts on smart clothes ... my sister and I were saying the other day that we see each other in (the same) smart clothes only at funerals. It's not something we would buy new every time and we go to more funerals than weddings these days. We normally both dress ultra casually....maybe something to do with my mother never letting us have jeans etc as kids. We both rebelled as soon as we could and neither of us would ever win any prizes in the fashion stakes these days. Of course our other sister thinks we are beyond redemption.


              • I’ll share a funny story with you!
                A few years ago I spotted a few enamelled metal dishes like yours at a car boot sale. They were stupidly cheap and just like what my granny used so I snapped them up!
                Showing them to my neighbours , they burst out laughing saying they were very old medical trays for hospital instruments . You know what? Who cares…they’ve been absolutely fantastic for cooking with …. and I love them. I still have my grannie’s pie plate in a similar style which she bought over 100 years ago when she first got married. Wonderful memories of her apple pies

                And yep…I’m still drooling at the flavour of that Yorkshire pud gf
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Aww gf…I lived in jeans from about 10 years old as I was addicted to horses. Helping out at stables etc until I could finally afford my own.
                  My dad jokingly said ‘ Don’t you come to my funeral in jeans’ - who knew that within a few years he’d be dead
                  But…I bought a really expensive black dress and pretty petticoats which peeped out underneath and stupidly silly ‘pretty’ shoes I could hardly stand up in never mind walk in for his funeral. Never wore them again, but I at least honoured his wishes.

                  It’s the person who counts in reality isn’t it?
                  Cant be doing with those silly ‘pretty ‘ instagram selfies….

                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • Just seen forecast for tonight… 4C.
                    Fleece now over outdoor lettuce …. here’s hoping that’s enough!
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Ooops- last to bed and first up?
                      Mornin n’alln’all

                      Still very dark but last night we had a clear sky and I could see a really bright Jupiter right next to the moon. Can’t see if we did get that forecast of frost - hope not!

                      I’ve decided I need to do a bit more of a charity sort out today. It’s not been a priority but the bags I’ve already sorted are a bit in the way and I don’t want to go specifically with just a couple of bags.
                      Might try and sell a few items on the internet too - I’ll put it towards buying wood for next winter.

                      Right - the first of the dawn chorus is starting- a blackbird- lovely. And there’s a Tawny owl hooting it’s little head off at the same time. Most likey saying ‘ blinking ‘eck it’s chilly !’
                      Time for that morning brew don’t ya think?
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Morning

                        Rain here this morning I think it's in for the day.

                        I can't get on with jeans, so its walking trousers/shorts, fleeces, base layers practical comfy to wear then in winter I add thermals and switch lined trousers. Old stuff gets used for dirty jobs if I remember to change but I do have a habit of gardening in my PJ's

                        Fireworks started yesterday evening very pretty to look at through the window there'll be more tonight, but I don't think theres any local organised ones not like there used to be.

                        Enjoy your day.

                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Just a reminder for those who haven’t yet voted - voting for the 12 classes closes tomorrow evening. Everyone is welcome to vote…the more the merrier

                          Please vote!

                          Last edited by Nicos; 05-11-2022, 08:51 AM.
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Good morning. I've been awake since 6am when I got up, turned the thermostat up, and then hopped back into bed until things warmed up. The sun has no chance ......back to thick cloud and rain here and I think all the birds are in hiding although I have seen a rather bedraggled squirrel running across the top of a neighbours fence .....the fence with the anti-squirrel spikes on! We have lots of squirrels around here but unfortunately none of them are red.

                            Due to the weather forecast I won't be going far today and really ought to attack the ironing pile.

                            Off to make more coffee now....


                            • Morning all.

                              Bright but chilly here. No frost though. Very windy as well. The sky last night was amazingly clear. Great view of the moon and Jupiter here too. Just looked at the weather forecast. Could just possibly be a frost tonight.

                              Looks like we're all members of the comfy brigade when it comes to clothing. I have what I call 'town and country' clothes, one lot for here and another lot for when I'm out and about in public. Time to do the seasonal wardrobe changeover I think. I hate doing this one, bringing out all the thick, heavy clothes. But needs must.

                              Mr Snoop brought home a whiteboard for me yesterday. I always have so many jobs on the go that I forget some. I have a diary but it gets closed and forgotten about. The whiteboard is a bit in my face... The top line, written by Mr Snoop, reads: 'Stop surfing your life away'. Dear me... Better get some jobs done. The top one is change the cat litter. Lovely. Think I'll have another brew first.

                              The sunshine made for a very nice start to the day, but the smiles left as soon as they saw the list being written. Sensible.

                              Have a great day, everyone.


                              • Good morning all.
                                Dull and grey here with showers on the way,

                                I dont anybody dresses up these days.
                                Comfy everyday clothes for me when I'm at home.
                                Jean's, Ted shirts and fleece.
                                More formal trousers and sweaters or a blouse when out and about,
                                It's all about being comfortable these days,

                                A day for packing away the sum er clothes and filling some charity bags.
                                I hate the thought of getting into sll the woolly jumpers, but needs must.
                                Have a good dsy whatever you're up to,

                                And when your back stops aching,
                                And your hands begin to harden.
                                You will find yourself a partner,
                                In the glory of the garden.

                                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


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