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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Good morning all.
    It was an awful morning earlier but the rain has passed and its brightening up.

    Snoop, we have a down quilt as well, as light as a feather but so warm and comfortable,

    A trip to the post office and then a walk.

    Good luck on your hunt for bulb GF.

    Have a good day whatever youreup to.

    And when your back stops aching,
    And your hands begin to harden.
    You will find yourself a partner,
    In the glory of the garden.

    Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


    • Morning, awake again although I have slept longer tonight. It’s so dark in the mornings now. Nothing much planned for the day, will take it as it comes.
      Will catch up with you all later. Enjoy your day. x


      • Morning all. Morning that early bird, Jay22.

        Half the sky is cloudy, the other half is clear. Shame the cloud is where the sun is hiding, as the solar panels are going hungry. The weather people say it should be reasonably bright today.

        Busy day ahead, again. But not out of control. Gardening at some point.

        Hope you all have a great day.


        • Morning

          It looks like being a dry sunny cold day here, so the laundry can go out once the machines finished. Nothing real planned here as well Jay just a walk and house and garden tidying, the lawns full of leaves and branches/twigs.

          Enjoy your day
          Location....East Midlands.


          • Good morning. I nearly fell asleep several times yesterday evening but managed not to and happily had s full nights kip last night. I woke up once at 4am, had a peep out, visited the bathroom and straight back to sleep. I think maybe we are due a new duvet. Ours is ancient and is man made, not down. Still far nicer than the weight of a pile of blankets and a candlewick bedspread which seemed to be the norm when I was young. Even extra coats piled on the bed when it was really cold. As for making the beds and changing them.......

            I went to the filling station to get Mr GF a newspaper yesterday....sold out. I went to my second choice the little "Sainsbury's local" where Argos should have delivered my lightbulbs to. As I was grabbing a newspaper I said to the assistant "You don't have any lightbulbs do you?" I couldn't believe it, a four pack the sort I wanted on offer at an unbelievably cheap price. Fitted and working now!

            We went care home visiting then. They were only allowing one visitor at a time so I sent Mr GF in (his sister) with a Galaxy advent calender for her. When he came out I popped in for a few minutes. I gave her a drink to wash down the bedraggled remnants of the advent calender which were on her tray, (She is bedbound). At least she'd actually fancied it. I'll get her another for Advent. I also got sent a picture last night of my great nephew (age 1) unwrapping his.

            I haven't been outside yet but it looks cold and clear. Brrrrrr🥶


            • Good morning all.
              A lovely bright sunny morning at 8 degs.
              Not much on the cards today, a trip to the post and some grocery shopping.
              Hopefully Iill get a chance to do a bit of tidying in the garden,
              Have a good day all and stay warm.

              And when your back stops aching,
              And your hands begin to harden.
              You will find yourself a partner,
              In the glory of the garden.

              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


              • Just dropping in to say the weather people got it totally wrong: it's cloudy, windy and perishing cold. Looks like the smiles will be stopping with you today, Bramble.


                • Snoop, yes, smiles decided to stay.
                  Sunny the whole day so very happy,

                  A good bit of tidying in the garden this evening.
                  Have a good night all,

                  And when your back stops aching,
                  And your hands begin to harden.
                  You will find yourself a partner,
                  In the glory of the garden.

                  Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                  • Good morning. Not a brilliant night's sleep mostly due to Mr GF tossing and turning all night.....his turn to not feel tired. In the end we got up as the sun was attempting to rise. We never saw the sun actually rise though because the thick grey clouds slid in and hid it. Rain isn't forecast until this afternoon however.

                    I had a really nice chat on the phone for an hour last night with one of my sisters while her partner was watching England play football on TV and she was waiting for her marmalade to set. She presumed Mr GF would be watching too. No, he'd said it's a waste of time. Evidently when the match was over my sister's partner agreed with him. This is a man who loves watching and playing sport and took his father to the rugby world cup in New Zealand a decade or so ago.

                    Not much happening today.


                    • Morning all.

                      Very chilly today, but a bit of sunshine making its way through the clouds. Friends arriving today rather than yesterday, so got to get my skates on and get things ready for them. Mucho cookingo on the cards...

                      Oh, went and had a look at the well. Surprisingly, not much water in it, but lots of mud on the interior that has clearly washed in from above. Lucky escape. Could easily have collapsed inwards due to the rush of water.

                      Have a great day, everyone.


                      • Good morning all.
                        it's so dark and dull I need the lights on
                        Nothing on the card for today,
                        Think it will be an indoor one.
                        He a good day,

                        And when your back stops aching,
                        And your hands begin to harden.
                        You will find yourself a partner,
                        In the glory of the garden.

                        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                        • Morning all.
                          Just finished re-arranging the house plants. Took the (now nicely red) poinsettias downstairs to the living room, plus an amaryllis with one flower open of four. Took the begonia off the kitchen windowsill and gave it a final warning. After living there happily for more than 5 years, and flowering every year, it now has a problem that causes the stems to shrivel and die just above soil level. The backs of the leaves have small spots that look as if it may be a bacterial disease. it happens one stem at a time, so instead of the thick bushy plant I had in the summer, it's now just a few stems.
                          Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                          Endless wonder.


                          • Boo!
                            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                            Location....Normandy France


                            • Afternoon n’alln’all;D
                              Lovely to be back home and almost back into our normal routine…but wow…we’ve had a fantastic 10 days in the uk. I think I need a rest now ​​​​​​ Definitely need to be back on a diet too in the run up to Xmas Ah well. More than worth the effort

                              Boy, you lot have been keeping yourselves busy too!
                              MH….hats off to you lass - that’s a wonderful mushroom…well spotted!

                              Looks like we’ve had wet and windy weather all the time we’ve been away. The guy who was going to cut our lawns clearly found it impossible to attack.Fingers crossed we have a few dry windy days now….

                              Best get on with cleaning up inside the camper before it starts raining again….enjoy your weekend peeps! See ya later…..
                              Last edited by Nicos; 26-11-2022, 01:13 PM.
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • Afternoon
                                Welcome back Nicos

                                I nipped in Tesco earlier to spend a £5 gift card soon came back out again the place was packed, my fault for going in Saturday afternoon.

                                Not much happening here in the garden I’ve been picking up twigs and branches but that’s about it.

                                enjoy your evening
                                Last edited by Bren In Pots; 26-11-2022, 03:38 PM.
                                Location....East Midlands.


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