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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Mornin n’alln’all

    Good grief…we have a bit of blue sky and no chill wind!

    Not quite sure what today will entail but there are loads of things on the list which I keep ignoring
    OH is making bread so I may just make a slab of sponge cake to freeze ready for the Xmas/ New year trifle whilst the oven is hot.

    I do need to fetch some milk and OH needs a couple of DIY bits and pieces, so a quick grory hop may ensue….

    Hope everyone is OK?
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Good morning all. I did every last bit of ironing yesterday. It really is a job that I dislike, probably because as a teenager and the oldest of 5 children I always seemed to get that job. Mind you I think I'd actually prefer to iron than wear nylon or crimpelene. Uuuuggghhh!!!!! A practically empty wash basket and nothing in the ironing pile certainly makes me smile.

      I must do a grory hop today. We are practically milk-less and yoghurt-less. My mind is also jumping ahead to think of what "delights" I fancy cooking in my new oven next weekend and what I might need to make them.


      • Morning

        Damp, dreary and cold here, will be wrapping up later for a walk its time to get my lined trousers out.

        enjoy your day.
        Location....East Midlands.


        • Good morning all,late up again,grey skies out side,well done on the ironing girls,i must get on with my sewing when my marbles decide to stir,have a lovely day and stay safe
          sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


          • Good afternoon all.
            Line dancing and then a walk to the post office.
            Donestics this afternoon.
            Stew simmering away in the slow cooker.
            Have a good afternoon all.

            And when your back stops aching,
            And your hands begin to harden.
            You will find yourself a partner,
            In the glory of the garden.

            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


            • Afternoon n’alln’all
              I managed to get some weeding done in the sunshine, but boy was the ground cold.
              Woodstove is lit and now getting prepared to hunker down for the rest of the day.
              Keep warm peeps- looks like we’re in for a cold spell!
              Thinking of which, maybe I should be moving my geraniums indoors….
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Afternoon

                Went for a bit of a stroll but seeing as the GH temp hasn’t been much above 6c I was glad to be back indoors.
                Nicos you mentioning your geraniums made me wonder about the nasturtiums that are still in flower despite having been frosted.

                Location....East Midlands.


                • Evening all.

                  Bit of a mad-dash morning followed by a large lunch. Both of which make for a go-slow afternoon, especially as it was so cold and miserable outside.

                  Sounds like you could be making a raspberry roulade in your new oven, GF. I'm still getting on well with George, who's still living in the garage. Turned out some chocolate and orange brioche buns this morning for gifts. A nice thing to be able to do. Just as well one of my mad-dash activities was buying more flour...

                  Hope you all have lovely evenings.


                  • Me again.

                    Up relatively early to get a head start on the day after yesterday. Got masses to do. The smiles were in a good mood this morning, too. We tried out the long hot water bottles last night and they inevitably ended up on the floor during the night, so looks like the smiles might have appropriated them for extra warmth.

                    I've just made tea and Mr Snoop has toasted, buttered and marmaladed some bread rolls. So help yourselves.

                    Have a great day, everyone.


                    • Morning

                      Another dull day here with a bit of mist by the look of the garden I'll be raking leaves at some point today.

                      Keep warm and enjoy your day.
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Good morning.

                        Yesterday was horrible.It was so cold and foggy all day. The temperature never crept above 3°C and for the first time ever (over a year) I had to find the fog lights button in the car which also kept giving me a warning to watch out for ice and snow. .... a pessimistic car, just what I need. It has got a nice warm heater though.

                        So far today it is still 3°C but not quite as murky. I think we may reach the dizzying heights of 5°C later. If they still fit, I've got a couple of pairs of ski trousers somewhere, packed away in vacuum bags I think. Maybe it's time for them to come out of retirement. I usually keep the larger, grottier pair in the car boot in Winter for emergencies along with a pair of furry lined rubberised boots.

                        Snoop, you've got me fancying lemon roulade now. I already make Mary Berry's ultra straightforward recipe for lemon curd and I'm sure I saw her making a lemon meringue roulade on TV one day.


                        • Mornin n’alln’all
                          Ta muchly for the tea and toast Snoop.Yum!

                          It looks like it actually warmed up a tad overnight as there wasn’t a frost. It’s a gloriously sunny morning here , 5C but no wind do it feels much warmer in the sunshine.

                          Gf- a good reminder -thanks- I need to get my ‘winter bag’ ready for the car.

                          I’ve only made lemon roulade a couple of times and I followed Merry Berry’s recipe!

                          Both times it worked out really well.
                          Funnily enough , only a couple of weeks ago, I did a grory hop in Asda and picked up their frozen lemon roulade- and it was delish.

                          Talking of grory hops- we need more hen food.
                          Best finish my brew and go and get it!
                          See youlater peeps…
                          Oh…and bramble- I thought I could smell stew…I bet your house smelled wonderful yesterday…mmmm…
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Good morning all.
                            A dull morning but its dry and 9 degs.

                            Snoop, the smiles came by earlier and they were chattering away.

                            Nicos, yes, theres nothing like the smooth of a stew on cold evening.
                            Even better, we have the other half for tonight, so just to set it up.

                            Off out for a walk and then more leaf raking.
                            Lots of leaves still on the trees and no sign of them falling.

                            GF, I dont have ski trousers but always put thick tights under my trousers when it gets too cold.

                            Have a good day all,

                            And when your back stops aching,
                            And your hands begin to harden.
                            You will find yourself a partner,
                            In the glory of the garden.

                            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                            • Back again. I have found the ski trousers. The good thing about the larger pair is that they will actually fit over whatever I am already wearing so ideal for the car, whereas the other pair actually fit normally.....a bit tight at the moment. (I have every size clothes from 10 to 18 in my wardrobe but mostly 14.)

                              The Mary Berry lemon curd recipe I use uses whole eggs and is ultra fast.
                              Click image for larger version

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Views:	139
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ID:	2554655
                              I made it in a bowl over a pan the first few times but just do it in a pan these days.

                              I might make some this weekend as it is one of my hairdresser's favourite foods and she is due next week. I won't see her again until after Christmas.


                              • I make Delia's lemon curd filling for her lemon curd layer cake. It's a bit runnier and mixes more readily with the cream... Less of it, as well, so we're not tempted to gorge on lemon curd, which I absolutely love. I've never made Delia's cake but here's the recipe so you can see the curd:



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