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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Morning all.

    Good-looking cake, GF, but a tremendous Yorkshire pud. Looks like the new oven has passed its tests. I'm not showing Mr Snoop your Yorkshire pud. I'm a disaster when it comes to those.

    Perishing cold here this morning and a bit misty. Even the smiles were a bit reluctant to get out of bed this morning.

    Had a great time at the fair yesterday. Bought some olive oil, five litres in a tin. Last year's, but also last year's price. This year's is still resting for the sediment to settle, but there's so little of it (due to the adverse weather conditions), it's going to be really expensive. It's the same situation across the whole of Spain. If you guys use olive oil, buy stocks now, ideally in glass bottles or tins and keep in a cool place, dark if you've got a glass or plastic containers.

    Got a few odd jobs to get through today. My most complicated job will be find out where my flour delivery went because it's not where it should be.

    Have a great day, everyone.


    • Mornin n’alln’all
      Chilly and dull but dry here. Still getting warnings for flurries of snow but I either blinked or they’ve passed us by.
      We didn't end up going to the fair …OH was ‘right in the middle’ of grouting and didn’t want the mixture to go off. When he was finished it was too late. Ah well. At least I used the time well sorting out the tree decorations. I want smaller ones this year. Yup, we have two.
      Each year I buy one new tree decoration. As did the children when they were at home, so from over the years, I have some lovely memories just looking at them.

      This morning I got distracted , watching two jackdaws rummaging their way through a pile of leaves on our driveway- clearly finding some tasty morsels. Funny little characters!

      I’m going to do more charity sorting today. It’s a good feeling. I’ve already sorted through gloves, hats and scarves we don’t need. How many does one person really need?

      Right, brew time over…best put another log on the fire then crack on….

      Keep warm peeps!

      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
        Morning all.

        Good-looking cake, GF, but a tremendous Yorkshire pud. Looks like the new oven has passed its tests. I'm not showing Mr Snoop your Yorkshire pud. I'm a disaster when it comes to those.

        Perishing cold here this morning and a bit misty. Even the smiles were a bit reluctant to get out of bed this morning.

        Had a great time at the fair yesterday. Bought some olive oil, five litres in a tin. Last year's, but also last year's price. This year's is still resting for the sediment to settle, but there's so little of it (due to the adverse weather conditions), it's going to be really expensive. It's the same situation across the whole of Spain. If you guys use olive oil, buy stocks now, ideally in glass bottles or tins and keep in a cool place, dark if you've got a glass or plastic containers.

        Got a few odd jobs to get through today. My most complicated job will be find out where my flour delivery went because it's not where it should be.

        Have a great day, everyone.
        Just checked my store cupboard. There's six litres of olive oil in there already!

        Snoop my best tips for Yorkshire puddings, and for years I was fighting against Mr GF's memories of the ones his mother made in a coal oven when he was a child, are: 1. Use bread flour. 2. If in doubt add an extra egg. 3. Make sure fat and oven are very hot. Mine vary slightly as I don't actually weigh anything when I make them.


        • Morning sun is shining but it’s very cold with a damp feel in the air.
          Domestics today and maybe a walk later, got to do it when the weather is playing ball.
          OH was up well before me and has done most of the housework just leaving the ironing…mmm wonder why?
          Hope you all have a lovely day oh and impressive cake and yorkie there GF!!! x


          • Bread flour, brilliant, thanks, GF. I just use plain. I know about the hot oven and fat from previous discussions on here. But the ones I've made recently have been a bit disappointing even so The last toad in the hole got eaten, but the hole was less than impressive to say the least.

            As for oil, I'm about to start a five-litre bottle and have the five-litre can I bought yesterday down in the basement. Also got about eight litres of sunflower oil, which I use a surprising amount of in cakes.
            Last edited by Snoop Puss; 05-12-2022, 12:30 PM.


            • Good afternoon all,that yorky is wonderfull GF,i have always used bread flour,you do not need a recipe when you been doing it for years,as you can tell with the consitancy of the batter,i used to make the small ones in the 12 bun cake tins,i keep the tins just for that job,and only ever wash by hand,as they stick and not grow so well,my family fight over them,so have to be rationed out LOL,any left would have syrup or home made jam on,i now fancy trying a 1 in the air frier,then put vegies in toped with gravy,you started something now,will experiment later re the frier,what a cold day again,must sort out my gloves,have a lovely afternoon all,
              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


              • Snoop I also always mix the batter in advance and let it stand, and the gluten work, in the fridge for a few hours. If it's a bit thick when it comes out of the fridge just add a drizzle of COLD water.


                • My first Christmas cake is in the oven and I have just started to smell it cooking. I hope it's going to taste as good as it smells. I have also got curry in the slow cooker so there's going to be a weird aroma when the smells mix.

                  I have tried everywhere local for pudding basins for Christmas puds (and annoyed a few relatives who I suspect are hoarding mine). There was really only one shop in the city centre left to try. I don't know their name and can't find them on the web. Maybe they have even closed down. I was going to go and see if they were there and had any but laziness, the major problem of parking nearby, and the exorbitant cost of the parking has put me off. Our local council certainly doesn't help local business to thrive. I've just ordered half a dozen online. The good thing being at least they are manufactured in the U.K and have good reviews.
                  Last edited by greenishfing; 05-12-2022, 02:57 PM.


                  • Afternoon

                    No baking here today plus we have a quick dinner it just needs microwaving.
                    I’ve been in my craft room made a couple of cards but they didn’t turn out how I imagined, never mind it happens.
                    Anyway I got distracted and sorted out my papers and had a good sort out.
                    GF it’s not good about your missing pudding basins, hope you’re happy with the new ones.

                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • I get that with jam jars gf.
                      I pay about £1 per jam jar to get heat proof glass for which I can easily find replacement lids the following year. Do I get them back? Hardly ever - even when I’ve asked peeps to keep them for me. Maybe some cheap alternative which I can’t reuse in the water bath,
                      nor find lids to fit.
                      I’ve bought from car boot sales at 50p for that very reason , but it’s frustrating isn’t it? At least I can easily get hold of new jam jars….but pudding basins are a different kettle of fish
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Mornin n’alln’all

                        * bursts into song…..”…on a cold and frosty morning……”

                        It looks really pretty out there and the thermometer on the patio table says -5C. And I can believe that! ….Brrr

                        Hopefully today is the last day for OH working in the kitchen …I’ve asked him to crack on so we can go and get the Xmas trees today and then finish cleaning away the dust and get on with decorating the house. Trees to be decorated another day along with collecting the greenery.
                        Has anyone made their own holly wreath this year? I’ve seen one made with bay and rosemary branches and quite fancied trying that - sticking them into a large spud. It’ll keep the branches alive longer. I just need to find a large spud!

                        Whatever you get up to - keep warm x
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Morning all.

                          Maybe pudding and jam/chutney gifts need to be delivered with a note: if you want another one next year, return the basin/jar. Would seem a bit less gifty though.

                          Anyway, the smiles were slow to leave this morning. Mr Snoop lit a lovely fire in the bedroom first thing and brought me a cup of chamomile tea in bed. I'm expecting to be spoiled rotten all day, as it's my birthday. Going out for lunch to one of my favourite spots. Not a fancy place, but nice in every respect. Plus, and it's a big plus, I don't feel intimidated by the waiters!

                          Got some tedious stuff to do first, but never mind. Sooner started, sooner done.

                          Have a great day, everyone.


                          • Good morning.

                            The Christmas wreath sounds good Nicos. Where does the big potato end up though? Sorry, I can't visualise this. Please post pics if you make it.

                            It's cold here this morning, but just above 0°C. We're forecast to drop to -4°C at the weekend though.....and there is floaty white stuff in the forecast. Time to batten down the hatches.

                            I think I slightly overcooked Christmas cake number 1 yesterday. We shall see later. I'm going to cut it into quarters and keep one for us to try. The other 3 will be given away and feedback asked feedback, no more cake. I think I'll be making the mark 2 version tonight which may become the hairdresser's Christmas present.

                            I must do a grory hop today and Mr GF has a podiatry appointment in the next town this afternoon.


                            • Click image for larger version

Name:	EFC44B4C-C8E1-4ACB-BCFA-DD61E73133E2.jpeg
Views:	173
Size:	994.3 KB
ID:	2554873 Gf - I took this piccie of it from FB….

                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • You sneaked in Snoop. Happy birthday! Your lunch plan sounds good.

                                Re: non-returned cookware one of my sisters has a rule that if hers isn't returned and feedback given about whatever she made she assumes they aren't ready for more or didn't like it. She has admitted to me that she had an accident with one of my basins though and destroyed it.


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