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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Good morning, and thanks for the kind thoughts, and GF I remember my mother telling me of Dixon of Dock Green, wasn't that the name of a show on the radio, or something called the wireless, or was it on the tv🙄 😏, ri​​ght that's gf wound up for the day now to see about the rest of you just kidding you know I wouldn't do anything like that​​​​​​. Frosty here just now but intend getting some gardening done, so enjoy the day and pass on smiles
    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


    • Good morning all.
      It's a lovely bright, sunny morning but just 3 degs.
      We have decided to head out for the day.

      Rary, I am so sorry to hear about your difficulties in the past week.
      I hope your family members get well soon.

      Snoop, the smiles came by earlier but didnt stay long, I think it was too cold for them.

      Have a good dsy all.

      And when your back stops aching,
      And your hands begin to harden.
      You will find yourself a partner,
      In the glory of the garden.

      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


      • Good morning all. It's really cold but sunny here. The frost has more or less melted now. 🥶 After a horrible, just about non-existent, night's sleep on New Year's Eve I forced myself to stay awake until gone 11 last night without dozing and slept like a log when I got to bed. I never heard a thing until 7am this morning when I got out of bed, had a peep at the frost, turned the thermostat up and then dropped back off for an hour of really weird dreams.

        I'm just starting to write a shopping list for later in the week. Mr GF is now waging war on tough meat.... so no pork or gammon, apart from smoked dry cured bacon or herby sausage. I must buy some bird food as my local birds seem to be permanently hungry and I've nearly run out and they're eating more of our bread than we are. I certainly don't seem to remember lots of blackbirds before at this time of year. My local garden centre does a good selection of all kinds of bird food. I must be overdue a visit.........


        • While staring out of the window at nothing in particular my glance happened to fall on a very large leafless tree about 100 yards away where magpies have nested for the last few years. What did I spot but a magpie having a good poke round in last year's nest. Maybe he/she needs reminding that Spring is still a long way away.


          • Morning

            Rain all day today, so nothing in the garden apart from harvesting.

            We're removing the mantlepiece holly its rather crisp and sad looking might take the cards and other decorations down at the same time it feels like Christmas is over now.

            Enjoy your day
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Morning all.

              We have next to no birds this year after the huge rainstorm. Not sure if they perished or if they have moved on as no weed seeds or anything left for them to consume. Possibly the former, though, as the bird seed I put out was left untouched. Very sad. No robins, no blue tits, no blackbirds, no sparrows, no nothing apart from a pair of redstarts that spend winter in our garage. Smart birds. Not sure what they're eating though. As for the weed seeds, ours will have got washed down the valley and we'll probably have an influx of new weeds. Directly up the valley from us, the main weeds were dock. Add that to the resident horse tail and couch grass, which will inevitably have survived, and it's going to be a year of constant weeding, dig or no dig.

              Got through my list of jobs for yesterday, pretty much, including defrosting our small freezer. That was a shock for both of us! On the cards for today: a bit of paid work, a shopping trip (not quite a grory hop but some essentials required) and then more paid work.

              The smiles were conspiring this morning before they set off. I tried to eavesdrop but they really can be quite crafty so it was hard to make out what they were planning. I think they're starting up north, so fingers crossed you get a bunch, Rary.

              Have a great day, everyone.


              • Morning Snoop you snuck in while I was posting shame about losing all those birds.
                Location....East Midlands.


                • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
                  Morning Snoop you snuck in while I was posting shame about losing all those birds.
                  Yes, really sad. I presume we'll get a new population move in eventually. Maybe even this spring? But at the moment, the valley is incredibly quiet.


                  • Good morning. I've just taken a loaf of bread out of the breadmaker. I love the smell of fresh bread.

                    It must be weird to lose all your birds like that. Maybe they've just moved away temporarily. We get flocks of seagulls coming here for their holidays from time to time and we're about 70 miles from the sea.

                    I must go do some shopping later and maybe a trip to the supermarket. Last week it looked as if either they hadn't had a chance to restock after Christmas or a swarm of locusts had just been through although I did get nearly all my necessities, with some substitutions.


                    • Mornin n’alln’all
                      An unexpectedly sunny start to the day, but there were traces of a frost earlier.
                      I think we must have all your birds Snoop - flew over with the smiles!
                      We had over 50 small birds in the garden the other day…I think they spotted the peanuts during the cold spell and have lingered since.
                      But ,in all seriousness, that’s not good new Snoop. I’ve noticed the dramatic lack of insects around here over the past few years. That has to affect the birds.

                      Xmas does feel over for me too Bren.
                      You’ve helped me decide to take down about 90% of my decorations…apart from the trees- they can stay up a couple of days more.

                      Anyone fancy a brew???….
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • The birds in our garden have just about finished eating the last of the to 'high to pick easy' apples, its been funny watching the falling out over a particular apple when there were plenty of others to eat

                        Just finishing of a peppermint and lemon 'tea' thanks Nicos. its not really tea but what else can you call it.
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Tisane sounds much more classy doesn’t it?

                          I mentioned to my OH that I’m slowly cutting back in prep for dieting as from Monday…so he wandered in with a mug…..of hot water……oh well it was worth having the Xmas pud and mince pies ….
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                            Tisane sounds much more classy doesn’t it?

                            I mentioned to my OH that I’m slowly cutting back in prep for dieting as from Monday…so he wandered in with a mug…..of hot water……oh well it was worth having the Xmas pud and mince pies ….
                            Well, I'm quite disappointed to discover that the etymology of tisane is not thé sain (healthy tea), but having looked it up I now know more than I did about herbal teas. My favourite 'infusión', as they're known here, is chamomile and anise.

                            I've heard drinking hot water is very healthy, though I'm not sure I'd like it if I were expecting a cup of tea or coffee. Tell you what is very satisfying if you're dieting, though, and that's a cup of hot miso. Not very calorific but so savoury you really feel like you've eaten something substantial. Very salty, mind.
                            Last edited by Snoop Puss; 04-01-2023, 08:52 AM.


                            • Good evening, sorry for being a bit late to come on, but have had a bit of a busy day, was up at the church this morning to help take down the decorations and trees in the church and hall, then as we are now able to visit our granddaughter in hospital again we spent the afternoon with her, once back home both OH and myself felt we needed to inspect the inside of our eyelids, then after tea I again had a snooze, followed by reading for a time before starting to watch Stonehouse on TV, but as I find it a bit childish so I gave up on that, hope ully will get into the garden tomorrow as I want to move some small apple trees, that's the trees that are small not the apples . Well I wish you all a good night and hope you have a pleasant day tomorrow and remember to pass on the smiles
                              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                              • Morning all.

                                The hardest frost of the season so far this morning. But now bright blue skies and sunny. Better go and check the leeks later. My autumn variety is supposedly not frost hardy. They coped last year, but last night was very cold.

                                On the cards for today: paid work, firewood rearranging and then more paid work. Thinking about the leeks made me think about seeds: last year's leeks were already two years old (good germination, though), so might need to buy more for this year. Which also reminds me of another resolution I should have added to my list: must do better at successional sowing...

                                Right, better get a move on. The smiles are long gone and are probably already with you and I've hardly done anything.

                                Have a great day, everyone.


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