Mornin n’alln’all
Calm but grey here but certainly the temperatures overnight are dropping.
Thanks for the bread comments - the others looks really fantastic! Well done peeps!
Snoop - OH said they were a mic of whole meal and spelt. One of them is Irish soda bread too.
MH - thanks for the crumpet recipe - I too have printed it off. It looks like something I could actually manage! Oh dear…not looking good for dieting is it?…ha ha!
My granny used to tuck her loaf between her left armpit and boob , butter it and hack it off horizontally. It always amazed me that she didn’t do herself an injury! Years of practice I suppose ?…more hygienic than work surfaces?…lack of work surface? Granny’s kitchen was really tiny.
I’ll tell you a story if you promise not to share it , as each time I think about it I have to laugh cos it’s embarrassing
When my kids were teenagers we used to get through loads of supermarket bread. There was one white loaf in particular they enjoyed for their school butties and toast. It said ‘Boog loaf’ on the label so that’s what we called it - for years. Until one day I took more than a second look. The font had changed. Nope, it wasn’t a Boog loaf at all , but 800g No wonder I couldn’t find a recipe for it on the internet!
Hope your meeting is going well Flo. The relief when it’s all sorted will be tremendous.
Right, best crack on with more gardening - tomorrow is supposed to be our last mild day before winter arrives with a vengeance….
Enjoy your day peeps!
Calm but grey here but certainly the temperatures overnight are dropping.
Thanks for the bread comments - the others looks really fantastic! Well done peeps!
Snoop - OH said they were a mic of whole meal and spelt. One of them is Irish soda bread too.
MH - thanks for the crumpet recipe - I too have printed it off. It looks like something I could actually manage! Oh dear…not looking good for dieting is it?…ha ha!
My granny used to tuck her loaf between her left armpit and boob , butter it and hack it off horizontally. It always amazed me that she didn’t do herself an injury! Years of practice I suppose ?…more hygienic than work surfaces?…lack of work surface? Granny’s kitchen was really tiny.
I’ll tell you a story if you promise not to share it , as each time I think about it I have to laugh cos it’s embarrassing
When my kids were teenagers we used to get through loads of supermarket bread. There was one white loaf in particular they enjoyed for their school butties and toast. It said ‘Boog loaf’ on the label so that’s what we called it - for years. Until one day I took more than a second look. The font had changed. Nope, it wasn’t a Boog loaf at all , but 800g No wonder I couldn’t find a recipe for it on the internet!
Hope your meeting is going well Flo. The relief when it’s all sorted will be tremendous.
Right, best crack on with more gardening - tomorrow is supposed to be our last mild day before winter arrives with a vengeance….
Enjoy your day peeps!