School dinners.... some you love, some you loathe......anyone else remember chocolate concrete served with pink custard?
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Chitchat thread #24
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Originally posted by mothhawk View PostSchool dinners.... some you love, some you loathe......anyone else remember chocolate concrete served with pink custard?
We never did school dinners here in Ireland.
Instead, we brought our own lunch from home
We just got half an hour for lunch and went home at 2.30 instead.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Prunes!…I could never get enough….I adored them. If I went up for thirds, I was always refused. Probably just as well!
Pink custard?…I always thought it was unset blancmangeyuk.
"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Mornin n’alln’all
Such a complicated day in the end yesterday, but basically we now have two new tyres for the car…and the MOT revisit this morning.
We did however buy our Charlotte seed potatoes and Mikor shallots from the farm supplies shop…plus a few primroses which were less than half price and covered with flower buds and a tray of pansies.
We’ll be popping into the garden centre today…hopefully!
Right- best get ready ….Kettle’s hot- help yourselves….enjoy your day peeps.
Not seen the smiles yet…maybe they are hovering over the garden centre!"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Morning all.
Good luck with the MOT, Nicos. I bet those smiles are waiting at the garden centre already. They headed off late, though. I couldn't sleep, so got up early to do some work and get some bread on the go. They're never around for that, so they wanted to watch Sunny Jim (name of my mixer - yellow, obviously!) in action. Anyway, that done and doing its first rise. Got a starter for a Dan Lepard (anyone else ever want to call him Def Leppard?) fruit loaf on the go as well. Haven't made it in ages. We really like the flavour but it isn't half dense. Bit more experienced at breadmaking now, so have tweaked the recipe a bit in a bid to improve it. Fingers crossed...
Mr Snoop is taking one of the dogs to the vet's today and will do some shopping at the 'big shops' while he's out. I'm staying at home to keep the other dog company. With any luck, I'll get a bit of work done rather than fretting and fractiousing, which is what the dog with me will do.
Right, better get on with the show. Have a great day, everyone.
Last edited by Snoop Puss; 24-02-2023, 09:59 AM.
Good morning all. Not a particularly good one as I've been awake since about 4am, tossing and turning. In the end I just got up. Also my wi-fi is down. I had had an email saying they were doing work on the network last night, until 5am, but it is still out, with an annoying red light on the modem.
Just broke off to go out to alert a neighbour, a night worker, that he had left his car lights on when he came in.
I did all my shopping yesterday without ever going into the city centre. I couldn't deliver my brother-in-law's banana loaf as he was out so I must do that today when I go pick up our prescriptions at the chemist or Mr GF will get too attached to it. It really wants leaving wrapped in clingfilm for a couple of days after baking to go a bit sticky anyway.
Thinking about what Nicos said about French people eating food in season I remember the first time I ever drove on country roads in France, as opposed to motorways, and seeing stalls set up by peoples gates. That was how I tasted my first, perfectly ripe Charentais melon. I think it was the nicest melon I'd ever tasted.....until I grew my own.
Nicos I'm a fan of prunes especially dried ones I munch them instead of sweets, I sometimes have tinned ones on my oatmeal. Hope your car passes today.
Snoop i've never made a fruit loafmy sourdough loaves are usually half white half wholemeal must try something new.
It looks like being a good day here only a bit of morning rain, but we'll see.
GF you'd best hide that banana loaf somewhere safe or 'someone' will be after itLast edited by Bren In Pots; 24-02-2023, 09:01 AM.Location....East Midlands.
Thanks for the reminder, Bren In Pots. All very well having the starter but I've forgotten to soak the fruit a bit beforehand.
Edited to add: There's something to be said about always making the same loaves. I bet you're a real expert at them and they always come out well. My loaves are sometimes a bit hit and miss, if I fiddle with the amount of liquid or change the flour type. Nothing inedible so far. Hope that's not famous last words.Last edited by Snoop Puss; 24-02-2023, 10:29 AM.
Good morning all.
Dull and grey here but its dry.
I am another fan of dried prunes and apricots
They are a healthy snack.
We are away for the weekend so just finished packing.
We are going to a hotel for a country music weekend.
Have a good day all.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Morning all.
Lost my mojo today so I'm still here playing about instead of getting on doing something. Chuffed to do the phrazle first go today - it was an easy one I think - and did the redactle in 63 goes, instead of running well into 3 figures. Also got the flagle and globle, so while my mojo may be missing, my brain is evidently in top gear today
Time for a mid morning cuppa now I thinkLocation - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
Endless wonder.
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