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Chitchat thread #24
This is a sticky topic.
I fancy those crisps. I do try not to buy any of my favourites often, because if I do I can't stop eating them until they are gone but I don't actually like most flavours as I find them so fake tasting. Mainly ready salted (anybody remember the blue twists of salt) or sour cream and chive.
I've been out in the car and realised that my slow puncture is getting faster, so I called in at my local tyre place. I need a new tyre. He's going to fit it at 10am tomorrow.
Good afternoon all.
Walked to the library and d back so that was an hours exercise.
Indoors at the moment as it is drizzling rain.
Just done the Phrazle a d got it on the first try.
Well pleased with myself.
Off to do some pottering in the greenhouse.
Crisps with the packet of salt GF, I remember them well.
Sour cream and chives were selling in our supermarket recently.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Cor bramble…that’s pretty impressive
I introduced my OH to redactle yesterday. He really dislikes ‘games’ but I told him it was really easy( says she who never has less than 350 attempts and has abandoned several
So he sat there for about 10 minutes…23 tries and said “ yup…too easy”…Not fair is it
Crisps with a blue twist of salt?…oh yes, I had them for morning break at school every day!…and if they’d run out , a couple of jammy dodgers instead.
gf…never good having a slow puncture..glad you are able to get it sorted quickly.
I’ve managed to get some more weeding done this afternoon - mostly in a different flower boarder and some nearby tubs. It’s looking like chickweed is taking over my back flower borders…at least the chooks enjoy eating it
"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Yummy looking crisps. Love the word 'chipsier'.
Didn't make crumpets but am thinking about making that malt loaf recipe. I believe it was you that shared it, Nicos.
Did you ever make it? I have to admit I don't really know what a 'dark ale' is. Not Guiness, I presume, which would be a stout. Perhaps such a thing as a 'dark ale' isn't available here. What do you reckon to cheap rum...? I've got some I bought at Christmas for cooking with and there's plenty left.
Evening n’alln’all
Nah…I’ve not made it yet Snoop.
Newcastle Brown Ale comes to mind. Never seen it here either.
Brown ale is nutty , so I’d probably add a nut liqueur and coffee as a substitute, but I guess you could add whatever your tastebuds fancy I’m sure so long as it’s the right amount of liquid ratio.
Early night for me - feeling really tired this evening. I had noticed though that with all the sunshine we had today ( eventually) the solar lights in the garden are shining away….
sleep tight….bedbugs bite…..etc etc…"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Snoop, just to say, if you use Guinness stout it will have a totally different flavour.
Not that it will matter but, it just wont taste like a "malt" loaf.
At the end of the day it's about using the right amount of liquid and what you have available. 😃
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
I wish you lot would stop going on about breads, cakes and beers and now crisps, don't you know I am on a diet, and just reading about these things seems to pile the weight onby the way what is this Phrazel thing I have seen mentioned several times, I am writing this while watching/listening to Gardener's World, sadly I don't get the same enjoyment from this program as I used to get, I just don't like all the viewers gardens that are shown nowadays, much as a lot of them look very good, I prefer the what/how you do things, rather than this is what I have program, yes I know I might be considered and old misery, but I as I said I am just not as happy with it now, and that should have been a misery, without the old
well enjoy you day today and try and keep smiling Goodnight
it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.
Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers
Rary, you might be good at Phrazle. You'll have acquired a whole load of sayings and phrases over the years. Needless to say I'm rubbish at it... (true, not a joke). Have a look here:
Thanks for the advice, Bramble. I was thinking about this this morning. I'll check out some other recipes, but if I make this one, I reckon I'll dilute it half rum, half water. Off out shopping this morning, so will see what I can see in the way of beer/ale in any case.
Right, mini grory shop today. And I see Mr Snoop has returned from walking the dogs and I haven't changed into my 'town' clothes yet. Don't think the townsfolk will be impressed with my country get-up. Better get a move on.
Have a great day, everyone.Last edited by Snoop Puss; 04-03-2023, 08:42 AM.
Good morning all.
Rary, I 'm glad it's not just me. I'm not sure why, but I slowly lost all interest in Gardener's World a year or two ago, and even the delightful Monty isn't enough to get me to watch it now. Some of the other presenters really get on my nerves. I must be another "misery". As for all the so called has-been "celebrities" that appear on advertisements ......I can think of no better way of convincing me not to buy something. And the awful voiceovers on ads when a woman with a posh voice for example tells me about wonderful upmarket holidays......I don't know who the target audience for all these things is..... Nearly everything I do watch I record to the hard drive first now so that I can hit the fast forward button for ads and annoying bits that I want to skip. Mr GF usually even reduces Match of the day to a bearable 20 minutes now.
Yes Rary, I'm much more of a "misery" than you.
A chilly 4°C here and a bit murky with it. Off to the tyre fitters soon, after another mug of coffee.
Our borrowed dog went home yesterday evening I do like having him but wouldn't want to commit to having our own dogs again.
A bit of shopping this morning then I'll be in the garden.
Rary I stopped watching gardening programs I think the last one I enjoyed was Alys Fowler growing in her back garden I could relate to that one.
Edited to say I think you can still pick episode up on YouTube.Last edited by Bren In Pots; 04-03-2023, 09:04 AM.Location....East Midlands.
My favourite gardening show at the moment is on Youtube, streamed live every Tuesday evening: The Potty Mouth Garden Club. Better than you'd think from the title...
Here's last week's episode:
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