Cold and rainy here, sleet forecast for tonight. Doing a lateral flow test next and then care home visiting presuming it's negative. Quite scary to see ICUs are filling up again in parts of Europe.
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Chitchat thread #24
This is a sticky topic.
Good morning all a bright sunny morning but a very strong wind.
A trip to the shopping centre pick up a few musthaves and thenI am indoors for the day.
Lots to do to keep me busy
have a good day all.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Afternoon all. We had a tremendous rainstorm early this morning, now it's just grey, grey, grey. Not quite so cold though.
Oh gosh, Flo, you are really being put through the mill. Hope the gasman can get the boiler fixed today so you have heat and hot water for the weekend. Glad to hear the packing up of the kitchen cupboards wasn't the horror you thought it would beAs Jay says, it will be wonderful when it's all finished. Fingers crossed that will be before 25th December!
Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
Endless wonder.
Flo, I hope you get the boiler fixed today. This would be bad enough in Summer but at this time of year it must be awful. Good luck with getting it all sorted.
I did our lateral flow tests this morning, negative fortunately. We had our care home visit which was a lot better than some we've had. Mornings are definitely the best time to visit and we took lots of photos with us.
The weather cannot decide what to do. One minute it's fine and bright and 2 minutes later pouring down and then back to sunshine shining on the wet roads and turning them into mirrors. Still at least no white stuff yet.
Afternoon I’ve just had my Booster there was no queuing so that was good, it had even stopped raining briefly
My water butts are also full to the brim Nick it’s times like this I think I could do with more butts, space I’d a bit limited in the garden though.Location....East Midlands.
Originally posted by nick the grief View PostHave you ever shot an albatross or something FloGood job you have bad luck or you'd have no luck at all
The marvelous Gas Man came this morning and worked magic on my boiler, so although the whole of the ground floor is still a mess, it's a warm mess. It was sooooo cold last night. Tonight is set to be even colder, so I'm very grateful. It's blowing like mad and the forecast is for rain and sner. The gritters are out, so it's a fair bet we'll get no snerHave a good evening All
Granny on the Game in Sheffield
Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post... The marvelous Gas Man came this morning and worked magic on my boiler, ..
Well I decided to have a listen to mw Radio last night so didn't go to bed but was rudely interupted by a howling gale and driving rain on the window ... went to do the shopping (just got back) and ... sodding blizzard ... I expected to see Inuits with husky teams on ADSA's car park !
Currently 1c in sunny nunny, North Warwickshire and I'm trying to get warm !!
Morning all. It's snowing! Huge flakes that look as if they are determined to stay around for a while. The road and rooftops are white. We so seldom get proper snow in this part of Leicestershire that it is quite a joy to see it.
Glad to hear your boiler's fixed, Flo, it would be miserable in this without heat.
Have a lovely Saturday all, and take care on those sledgesLocation - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
Endless wonder.
Morning all.
What a great gas man, FF. Glad you are at least warm. Fingers crossed all the rest of it gets fixed quickly too. I still can't get over asbestos floors.
Sorry to gloat, but I'd have to describe our weather as mild today. Quite cloudy, not too windy at the moment and 8 ºC. Also, and I'll just sneak this in here at the end of the weather report: we're off to visit a local winemaker to purchase some of their wares. Plus, a local baker who has started to make their own panettone. Plus, plus we've got friends coming for lunch and the butcher had quail yesterday. So, it's a day of indulgence.
Quite a few smiles rushed back yesterday (probably heard the talk of panettone but also to escape the wind). But they're keen to see you all and are thinking of taking the long way round to visit you to avoid the worst of the wind.
Have a great day, everyone.
We have snow about 2 inch and the garden does look pretty.
Flo glad to hear your boiler's fixed if your weather like ours you're going t need it.
Mothhawk our sledge will be staying in the outside loo were its been for the 25 yearsthe runners do make a handy loo roll holder.
Enjoy your day.Location....East Midlands.
Good morning all. No snow here but a biting gale force wind and the temp just 3degs.
Not playing pitch putt today, just too old.
Flo, delighted you got your hearing fixed, you need it in this cold weather.
Snoop, sounds like you have a good day lined up, enjoy.
Hope Nicos is not snowed in in the UK,
Have a good day all and be careful if you are driving.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Glad you've got heat and hot water again Flo. A necessity in this arctic blast. The local kids here will be upset as our snow is already trying to defrost. I haven't stuck my head outdoors yet.
Bren your mention of outside loos brought back memories of my grandparents house in a mining village where even in the sixties the only toilet was across the yard and the bath was in the kitchen. We take so much for granted these days.
My husband has managed to wreck yet another toaster this morning. I have already stripped it down mainly to stop him sticking forks in and broddling at it with it plugged in, but I don't know what has happened to it. Probably something burnt out on the little circuit board. At least he didn't manage to set this one on fire. I was just thinking about the same grandparents who had a long toasting fork that you held in front of the fire. Good job we haven't got one of those or one of us would probably have been branded with it.
When a bit more snow melts I suppose I ought to go get a new toaster or Mr GF will be moaning in the morning.
Well I must get my skates on (not literally!).
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