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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Morning

    A wet start to the week so no gardening today.

    I'm making naan breads and small pizza's for the freezer I like to have both of those to hand.

    Off for a look around the vine.

    Enjoy your day

    Location....East Midlands.


    • Morning all.

      Bright but surprisingly chilly. Next to no wind. It's lovely outside, but paid work calls. Tedious. I was very jealous when the smiles set off, but never mind. There's always tomorrow.

      Have a great day, everyone.


      • Mornin n’alln’all

        Off out to a medieval market hall today where an actual market is being held, then off to a cheese making factory where we can wander around behind glass corridors.
        Then back home to do a bit more gardening.

        Enjoy your day peeps…
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • Good Morning All Cloudy here, not long I'm sure till the downpour. Cleaning today, so see you later. Have a good day and welcome back Zelenina
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Afternoon, well it has been a day of what I call wet rain…you know that smirry drizzle. Horrible although it’s not cold.
            Having a lazy day, this cold and cough are getting to me, can feel it in my chest now. Always something isn’t there. Hope you are all having a good day, catch you later. x


            • Fine rain that wets you through jay? Sorry to hear your cold is still lurking. I'm told it's the spring equinox, so better weather must surely be on the way
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • Evening

                Sorry to read your cold is still hanging around Jay xx

                It never really rained here much after all just that horrid mist that wets you without you realising

                I spent the afternoon sowing seeds in my GH they’re either in the H/propagator or on a windowsill.

                Enjoy your evening.

                Location....East Midlands.


                • I'm having a real bad/down day. I'm sure that chocolate.....obviously in large amounts...... would help.

                  First thing on the list for tomorrow's grory hop? CHOCOLATE!!!! Both something such as galaxy minstrels for an immediate salve and then just good quality cooking chocolate to make "sticky chocolate cake" a.k.a. tiffin or fridge cake or similar. At the moment Mr GF's cake/buns for his put him a few pounds back on ....... just aren't cutting the mustard for me. I NEED chocolate....and yes not even any cooking chocolate in the cupboard.....I have looked!


                  • Originally posted by greenishfing View Post
                    I'm having a real bad/down day. I'm sure that chocolate.....obviously in large amounts...... would help not even any cooking chocolate in the cupboard.....I have looked!
                    No Magnums left GF? They're covered in thick yummy chocolate
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Morning all.

                      Well, here we are, over the hump into first day of Spring and sliding down towards the long warm days of Summer, and it looks a cold grey day outside. I had planned to do some weeding, but not unless it cheers up a bit. I put some swwet peas to chit yesterday. One packet said average seeds 35, and there were actually 46, so for once I've come out ahead. It's old seed - sow by 2020 - so they may not all grow.

                      I buy new seed, but then like groceries, feel I need to use up old stuff first, so the new seed I buy inevitably ends up as old seed again
                      Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                      Endless wonder.


                      • Morning

                        Its cold and damp here it rained earlier and it looks like we've more to come.

                        I've usually had success with old sweet peas seeds in the past MH hope your do ok as well.

                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Originally posted by mothhawk View Post
                          I buy new seed, but then like groceries, feel I need to use up old stuff first, so the new seed I buy inevitably ends up as old seed again
                          Same here... On the other hand, mothhawk, you could just say we're foresighted and ready for if the old seed doesn't germinate.

                          Morning all.

                          Back into frost temperatures here. Not too bad up at the house, but my new potting table and seedling benches moved into place yesterday will have been very cold. Too cold for seeds and seedlings, that's for sure. A timely reminder before I actually sow anything. I'm miles behind... And due to go back to the UK soon for a couple of weeks to look after my mum, so that'll complicate matters. Mr Snoop won't like being left in sole charge of mission control. But needs must.

                          More of the usual on the cards today. Plus some actual, real-life gardening.

                          Went and inspected the fields yesterday. A bit disheartening. The flood has washed down a lot of seeds - weeds to me - that are germinating but they're not our usual weeds. All my beds readied last year are under an inch or so of green, plus the odd boulder or fifty brought down by the water. The farmer three plots up had ploughed and sown a cereal crop. Wheat, barley or oats are the usual culprits. And the two plots up above were just full of weeds. I can't manage all of it, so will cut back on my plans down in the fields, cultivate a third of what I had last year, and see if I can buy in some help to deal with the rest. The JCB man will have to deal with the boulders.

                          The smiles left in a good mood after watching our aged cat eat her breakfast. She's perked up with the onset of spring and is definitely putting on some weight. The only one in this household that needs to. The rest of us should be going in the other direction...

                          Have a great day, everyone.


                          • Morning, sorry read about your problems Snoop, Mother Nature can be cruel sometimes.
                            Well it rained all day yesterday and through the night, I know because I was up a few times!! It’s dry and much brighter now so may manage out for a walk.
                            Have a great day everyone. x


                            • Morning All Started off dull but sun is shining now. Feel for you Snoop. I'm going to prune back some rose trees today. I know nothing about roses but they look really in need of a trim, so if it's the wrong time of year it's tough! Have a good day All
                              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                              • Grey and overcast here. It keeps threatening rain on and off. I'm having one of those days. I set off to do a grory hop earlier. Traffic was a worse pain than normal as there were some traffic lights out as I got near the supermarket. I arrived at the supermarket to a just about empty car park. There were two workmen in the car park. Evidently a power cut in that area. I just came home. I've got plenty grub to last until tomorrow.....except chocolate.


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