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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Afternoon n’alln’all

    Another day with a sopping wet start but the sun soon came out so we’ve been weeding a different section of the garden.
    Two of us…5 hours work each…I’m shattered. I always over do things like that. Still, my wrist behaved itself , it’s just my back now Thank goodness for hot water bottles eh? Hope to get that section finished tomorrow.

    Need to think about food now….
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Pre mornin n’alln’all

      was woken a while ago by rain lashing down and bouncing off the window.
      Yikes…I hope it’s gone by the morning so we can crack on with the gardening!
      Too early for a brew I suppose?

      I’d forgotten that yesterday was the Spring Equinox . What with that and the clocks going forwards this coming weekend, it really does feel like summer is on the way. Someone just needs to tell the weather!

      gf….I came out in sympathy with you yesterday evening!…I looked at my chocolate in the cupboard and decided I’d go without seeing as you were missing out too

      Flo…watch out for those rose thorns - I gave myself a scary injury cutting back one the other day.

      Snoop, as things stand, tell those smiles to pack their sou’westers in the morning !
      Frustrating to hear about your fields…quite disheartening as you say but hopefully you can adapt your plans in a positive way. Nature really isn’t happy being manipulated is it?

      Right…the Land of Nod calls…
      I’ve set the table so you early risers can help yourselves. There’s freshly cut pineapple in the fridge too.
      See ya later…
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Morning all.

        Fresh pineapple, Nicos? Thanks, I'll definitely have some of that. Feeling an extra need of vitamin C this morning. Mr Snoop has got the most awful lurgy. And I've got that scratchy feeling in my throat... But I'm too busy to be ill. Fingers crossed my dose of whatever it is amounts to next to nothing.

        Good luck with the chocolate supplies. GF. I'm now about to make a truly evil suggestion, so anyone on a diet or thinking about it had better not read the next paragraph.

        Look to see if you can get a home delivery of Callebaut Belgian chocolate for cooking with. They make some good for melting for ganache and other stuff for baking in buns that doesn't melt away. Expensive for cooking chocolate, but oh so very good baked or straight from the bag. I use it for baking, honest, mostly... Because it's for cooking with, it comes in large bags. Now would be a good time of year to order as well, seeing as it won't get too warm in the delivery van.

        Right, better get on with things. No idea what the smiles were wearing when they left, Nicos. I didn't spot them go, too busy staring at the screen. Looks like that'll be the main activity of the day.

        Have a great day, everyone.


        • Morning

          Plenty of overnight rain here so the gardens fairly soggy just now but its supposed to be dry for the rest of the day.

          GF and Flo I read this morning the Magnum multi packs will soon contain 3 instead of 4 but for the same price, it might be an idea to stock up on them before that happens.

          Location....East Midlands.


          • Good morning.

            I feel guilty Nicos. I'd hate to deprive anyone else of their chocolate fix. I'm definitely going shopping, providing there are no power cuts, this morning so no doubt the matter will resolve itself😋😋😉. I had put a Jamie Oliver £1 meals on to watch last night and he was making refrigerator cake or what we called sticky chocolate cake when I was a child. It reminded me I hadn't made any for ages. Time to rectify the situation I think.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	20230322_084123.jpg
Views:	173
Size:	403.9 KB
ID:	2559831
            This was my mothers recipe. I do tend to vary it and also put in a good splodge of booze as mine is not intended for children. Obviously I have a one track mind at the moment.🤯

            I'll be back later when my cravings are satisfied


            • Bren missed your post. The double raspberry Magnums were in a 3 pack here last week.


              • OK, well that cake recipe is equally as bad as my chocolate purchase suggestion. So that makes me feel a lot better. Just as well we have no biscuits in the house...


                • Good Morning All Sunny again here but windy. Had two nuisance calls already this morning! I think it might be time to let go of the land line, we only kept it for the MIL.
                  fresh pineapple, thank you Nicos.
                  Magnum in threes already so missed that boat.
                  I watched Jamie and may make a version of that fridge cake for my GGs leaving do on Friday. I'm attempting my first red velvet cake today for her party. She's not leaving neonatal, she's changing her role from admin to nursing.
                  Plenty of fluid Snoop to keep that cold at bay.
                  Have a good day All
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • Snoop, I have looked up that chocolate would you believe. It looks wonderfully naughty. Mr GF swears by a few hot toddys to ward off a cold.......honey, lemon juice, spirit of choice and boiling water. He would happily sip them all evening and then fall into bed.........


                    • Originally posted by greenishfing View Post
                      . I had put a Jamie Oliver £1 meals on to watch last night and he was making refrigerator cake or what we called sticky chocolate cake when I was a child.
                      This was my mothers recipe. I do tend to vary it and also put in a good splodge of booze as mine is not intended for children.
                      Booze too?…oh bliss

                      It sounds bit like Tiffin?
                      Never made it myself but you can’t go wrong with ingredients like those
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Morning, beautiful morning after a terribly wet night! All this talk about chocolate, I’m not a huge chocolate fan, prefer savoury, but it’s my birthday today and the amount of chocolate I’ve been given as gifts is unbelievable so you’re welcome to visit to share!
                        My son has sent me a ‘card’ which is actually a pack of 10 puzzles. You have to work out the answers and then go online to get your message. You have to be a member of MENSA to work them out!! 🤣🤣
                        Anyhoo, enjoy your day and will catch up with you later. x


                        • Happy birthday, Jay. Hope it's a good one. Good luck with the puzzles.

                          I could swap you some chocolate for a cauliflower or five, by the way. I've just been for a stroll round my winter patch. The sun and warmth combined with the dew has got the grass growing, but also my caulis. I have ten absolutely perfect whopper caulis. Only a few days back they were tiny and still wrapped up in their leaves.I remember Nicos posted a link to a recipe site with loads of things to use for caulis. Might have to give a few away. I've got a couple of huge romanesco going purple in the sun and the broccoli are going for it again as well.


                          • Happy Birthday Jay
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • You'll have cauliflowers coming out of your ears Snoop

                              I'm not convinced the recipe for red velvet cake was the right one. It's in the oven but the batter seemed very firm to me. I'm holding off making the cream cheese frosting till the cake's done. There's a vote of no confidence at the moment
                              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                              • Sending you Birthday wishes Jay
                                Location....East Midlands.


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