Morning all.
Bright and sunny here.
I was absolutely out for the count when the alarm clock went off this morning. Clearly need more sleep. I lay there for a bit till Mr Snoop prodded me to get up. He hates it when the alarm goes off and I lie there contemplating the ceiling (and the day ahead, of course). He thinks I should be up and at it. So this morning I told him I was doing an Ursula Le Guin. I read a very brief piece about how she spends the day. Turns out she spends the first 45 minutes of her day lying in bed, contemplating. When I told Mr Snoop I was doing an Ursula Le Guin, he had the good grace to laugh. He really rates her. Is this a bone of contention between us that I might at long last have won? He thinks that the very instant the alarm goes off, I should throw myself out of bed. And that's an impossible no-can-do for me.
Right, on with the show. Mr Snoop has just volunteered to make coffee and toast, I'm about to finish off a couple of paid jobs and then it's gardening time.
Some bed preparation, some seed sowing and then maybe some seed buying, though really there is absolutely no need. But as Lear said, "Reason not the need!" One of my favourite sayings, though it's not a jolly play...
No hail forecast here, thank goodness. That is my least favourite weather. You're a braver woman than me, Nicos.
Have a great day, everyone.
Bright and sunny here.
I was absolutely out for the count when the alarm clock went off this morning. Clearly need more sleep. I lay there for a bit till Mr Snoop prodded me to get up. He hates it when the alarm goes off and I lie there contemplating the ceiling (and the day ahead, of course). He thinks I should be up and at it. So this morning I told him I was doing an Ursula Le Guin. I read a very brief piece about how she spends the day. Turns out she spends the first 45 minutes of her day lying in bed, contemplating. When I told Mr Snoop I was doing an Ursula Le Guin, he had the good grace to laugh. He really rates her. Is this a bone of contention between us that I might at long last have won? He thinks that the very instant the alarm goes off, I should throw myself out of bed. And that's an impossible no-can-do for me.
Right, on with the show. Mr Snoop has just volunteered to make coffee and toast, I'm about to finish off a couple of paid jobs and then it's gardening time.

No hail forecast here, thank goodness. That is my least favourite weather. You're a braver woman than me, Nicos.
Have a great day, everyone.