Good evening,intended having a long lie but woke up at six and couldn't get back to sleep so decided to get up, but still have a lazy day, first thing was out to check greenhouse was OK as I didn't cover my plants with flecce last night, fortunately everything is OK and lowest temperature was+7°c and it was raining so didn't need to water any plants, same forecast for tonight so again not covering the plants, anyway as said plants OK so had breakfast, and a read of a magazine, so taking life at a leasurly pace and waiting for OH to get out of bed, once she was up I hoovered the carpet and tided up the table, this I'd where I sit and read and do some work on the computer etc. in other words if it's in a mess it's mine, it's the first thing you see when coming out the bedroom, I could have tided it up before OH got out of bed, but then she wouldn't have seen me doing it
, once OH had her breakfast she asked what we were going to be doing today and of course I said whatever you want, knowing she would want to go to Kilmarnock for lunch at the GC, which suited me fine as I wanted to see the price of some small rhododendrons, as I intend replacing a couple of dead hydrangeas with the rhodies, but not at £30 a time, once back home I have spent the rest of the day in the greenhouse potting on some plants, now going to have a read of a book before going to bed, so hope every one has a good weekend and you all enjoy your gardens. Goodnight 
