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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Good morning.

    I've been awake since 3am for some unknown reason. I've got up, had a wander round, made a drink, drunk it, tried reading but no chance of dropping back to sleep so far.


    • Mornin gf- I’ve struggled too . Hibou was happy though - she’s had loads of extra cuddles The birds are singing earlier and earlier aren’t they? I’ve given up trying to get back to sleep - hope you manage a bit more at least x
      Funnily enough OH said that if he’s not here when I wake up then he’s gone to the bakery for croissants etc. I guess it’ll be me going instead as he’s happily snoring away….

      Theres a vide grenier I’d like to go to today - but it’s very weather dependant as it’s on a field.
      Our little granddaughter is coming over for the first time this summer so I need to get a few things for her and there is usually a vast choice of child’s clothing/ equipment at very decent prices.

      Is the kettle still hot gf?…think I’ll make a cuppa for myself now….
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • The kettle's cold, Nicos. I did drop off again for an hour and dream weird, weird dreams....but that was all, just an hour. I think I'll make coffee now and give up on trying to sleep.

        It was amazing how many birds were singing and twittering away in the dark at 4am.

        I wish we had a local bakery with fresh, warm croissants😋😋😋.


        • Here y’a go gf… a fresh mug of tea and a selection of pastries… help yourself x
          Plenty for everyone really …

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          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • Ooops - let’s hope that tea doesn’t spill
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • Morning

              I went to bed at 10pm after almost falling asleep on the sofa then was wide awake at 12 got back to sleep some time after 2 after looking at the overnight GH temp it was 13c so the warmest yet.

              Enjoy your croissants Nicos our bakery opens at 9 but its closed Sundays. but then they don't do croissants. Anyway the slow cookers on and we've just finished breakfast time for a look around the vine with a mug of tea.

              That round pastry at the fronts mine thanks Nicos.

              Last edited by Bren In Pots; 07-05-2023, 08:13 AM.
              Location....East Midlands.


              • Morning all.

                Clouds bobbing along up top have prompted me to have a look at the weather forecast. 60% chance of a pint of rain per square metre over three hours. Probably not enough even to join up the dots between the raindrops. Never mind, it'll clean the air a bit. The oaks and olives are heaving with blossom this year.

                No boar last night! Mr Snoop clearly did a good job, waving that length of plastic about. We slept with all the doors open last night. Bliss. However, looking at the weather forecast revealed another couple of cold nights coming up at the end of the week. Possibly even frost.

                On the cards for today: strimming to clear some decent pathways through the oats that have sprung up from seeds travelling down valley. Plus paid work and an afternoon nap. Oh, and a clean out of the fridge I've been using as storage for flour and the like. All got to go elsewhere as Mr Snoop would like to return it to its original function as a fridge. I can't complain - I've been hogging it as an antproof storage cupboard for years now!

                Right, on with the show. Have a great day, everyone.

                Edited: Those pastries look lovely, Nicos. Thanks.
                Last edited by Snoop Puss; 07-05-2023, 08:13 AM.


                • Good morning, got wakened earlier by some chattering noise had a look out the windows but couldn't see any strange birds, but quite sure that what it was, very likely a couple of old burds chatting to them selves, though OH has just informed me that she felt like choking someone through the night because of the racket thay were making, so evedently there must be someone snoring yet I haven't heard anything apart from the chattering.
                  It's dry but cloudy this morning, will get out and check the greenhouse shortly then get ready for church, and son has just informed me that he is getting a delivery of wood sent to me this afternoon, and that he will be down tomorrow with the boys to move it, he will store half of it at the back for me and bag the other half for himself, I am now wondering who is paying for this, there are shades of his mother in him, doesn't like spending money unless it's mine​​​​​​. Enjoy your day and happy gardening
                  it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                  Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                  • Good Morning All Cloudy here and very quiet, no bird song - strange. I'm hoping breakfast is on the way so I'll pass on the pastry Nicos but thank you. Have a lovely Sunday
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Happy wedding anniversary to Nicos and MrN enjoy your special day. xx

                      (spotted on the cooking thread)
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Good morning all.
                        A beautiful sunny morning here and its 16degs.

                        All my tomatoes and peppers were fine in the greenhouse do that's where they will stay from now on.

                        Out for lunch today with the whole family.
                        We do this annually to celebrate all the birthdays in April and May.
                        The same restaurant, so they know us well.

                        Nicos, you must be very excited to have your grandaughter come for a holiday.

                        Snoop, glad to hear the boar has kept its distance.

                        Bren, did you leave your plants in the greenhouse.

                        Have a good day all.

                        And when your back stops aching,
                        And your hands begin to harden.
                        You will find yourself a partner,
                        In the glory of the garden.

                        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                        • Bramble if I’d have believed the forecast I’d have left my Tom, cucs and courgettes in there but they’ve been wrong before. They’ve given it 12c tonight so I’ll probably leave them in.

                          Just now I’m in the garden pottering around wearing my shorts.
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • No shorts here Bren, but it is warmer than I thought. I've just cleaned my bird bath and solar fountain and it's going strong
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • A lovely warm afternoon here, and just barrowed in a load of logs that my son had ordered, I have emptied almost half the bag that they came in so will leave the rest for son to take home, his stove is in the house whereas mine is the greenhouse so his needs are greater than mine, if I shifted the lot, he, no doubt would be down looking for some once it starts getting colder again, Bren I see you and bramble mentioned something about not keeping your toms., cucs and courgettes overnight in the greenhouse, I sow and grow all veg and flowers in the greenhouse, (I am not allowed to have trays of seedlings and young plants in the house how was I to know the water would leak out the tray and soak all the plasterboard and flooring​​​​​​) anyway enough of my domestic problems do you have electricity in your greenhouse if so run a fan overnight, I do this and with temperatures down below zero, with moving air and plants covered with fleece I have had no losses, right back out to the garden as its nice and sunny
                              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                              • Afternoon

                                No electric in my GH Rary so I’ve taken over all the windowsills on the south side of the house. After today the over night temps are back to 6 and 7c
                                Location....East Midlands.


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