'OMG', I said as I sat bolt upright in bed this morning. 'There's a tarantula inside the mozzie net.' At which point Mr Snoop also sat bolt upright and we both shot out of bed. And it disappeared. It couldn't half shift. We thought it had dropped off the inside of the net and onto the bed, but no. It was already in the corner of the net. A couple of inches side to side and top to bottom, so big enough to look scary, even though the local ones aren't that venomous. Mr Snoop did the noble thing and caught it in a glass and is now out on a walk with the dogs. He'll release it somewhere along the way. Not too close to home I hope.
Talk about a rude awakening.
And after that story, an apology. I didn't make the Danish pastry dough yesterday. I did make a banana and raisin cake, though, so there's some of that on a plate next to the kettle. When I made the cake, the butter came straight out of the fridge and went soft in seconds. It was a really hot day yesterday and clearly there was no chance of making Danish pastry dough. I'll try early one morning this weekend if the nights are cool enough.
Off into town this morning with Mr Snoop, so better get a move on. He'll be wanting to head off as soon as he gets back from walking the dogs.
Have a great day, everyone.
Talk about a rude awakening.
And after that story, an apology. I didn't make the Danish pastry dough yesterday. I did make a banana and raisin cake, though, so there's some of that on a plate next to the kettle. When I made the cake, the butter came straight out of the fridge and went soft in seconds. It was a really hot day yesterday and clearly there was no chance of making Danish pastry dough. I'll try early one morning this weekend if the nights are cool enough.
Off into town this morning with Mr Snoop, so better get a move on. He'll be wanting to head off as soon as he gets back from walking the dogs.
Have a great day, everyone.