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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Morning all.

    Hot day outside, but me, I'm all right Jack in my nice cool basement, where it's currently 24 ºC. Highs in the shade outside still in the top 30s, low 40s. Whenever Mr Snoop comes down to use the computer, he never wants to go back upstairs or out.

    Beach towels, Nicos? You spotted the smiles with beach towels? I wonder where they got those from. I hope they haven't pinched them off someone's line. The smiles might be smiles but whoever's lost those towels won't be laughing. I might have to give them a talking-to tonight.

    Lots to keep me busy today. First job, inspect a dog paw. He's lost a claw. Mr Snoop thinks we can deal with this without the need for a vet...

    Have a great day, everyone.


    • Good morning.

      Sunny morning here too. I'd imagine my first lot of washing will be well on it's way to dry by now. I think I'll do another load shortly.

      I made some more jam at the weekend

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      Much as I like my new labels I did discover a downside. They can smudge. I have found a solution however. A quick squirt of hairspray (from an ancient can I'd found at the back of the bathroom cabinet when I tidied it the other day).


      • Good morning all from a lovely sunny Dublin
        The laundry is out and the greenhouse is watered.
        We are out to pick some blinds and paint.
        Busy morning but we will spend the afternoon in the garden.
        Have a good day and enjoy the sunshine.

        And when your back stops aching,
        And your hands begin to harden.
        You will find yourself a partner,
        In the glory of the garden.

        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


        • Morning all.

          The jam looks good GF. I made blackberry and crab apple over the weekend and I think it has set so hard I may be able to slice it! I only wanted the crab apple juice as a setting aid, so cooked them and let them drain through a sieve.

          The remaining pulp looked so good though that I rubbed it through the sieve, and used that with the blackberries instead of the juice, which will be turned into crab apple jelly when I get some more sugar. I guess I should have added some water to the blend to thin it down a bit before adding sugar.

          Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
          Endless wonder.


          • Blackberry and crab apple jelly, mothhawk... Bet that would be brilliant in a cheese or a ham sandwich.

            Edited to add: or a bit of roast pork, duck. I'll stop there, I'm hungry now!
            Last edited by Snoop Puss; 21-08-2023, 12:05 PM.


            • I've just raked up 4 builder's buckets full of tiny and small windfall Apples and boy does my back ache. The tree is still full of them, only those at the top look anything like a decent size.
              ​​Obviously didn't thin enough in May. It really must be due a serious chop this Autumn. It's so windy the grass will be covered in them again soon
              Last edited by Florence Fennel; 21-08-2023, 02:14 PM.
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • Morning all.

                Bright but still cool out there. The big light bulb in the sky is still below the horizon, but it won't be long before we start to heat up. Still registering highs hovering around 40 ºC. Due to cool down early next week, which will be a relief. Took the dogs out last night and for the first time in a while had a chance to actually look around rather than just traipse after them. So much dead and dying plant life including sizeable trees, which are apparently dying this year from last year's heat and drought, not even this year's yet. The boar is still coming round, mind. He was a bit surprised the other night to find us under eating our supper under what we regard as our oak tree but which he probably thinks of as his. Haven't seen the ibex.

                Got a heap of stuff to get through, so better get a move on.

                Have a great day, everyone.


                • Mornin n’alln’all

                  Oh my Snoop - sooo hot . That can’t be easy.
                  The high humidity of the other day has lifted and it’s actually feeling like a pleasant summers day. Pity it’s a Mrs Mop day again

                  We’ve been hearing lots of foxes barking during the night recently - mostly after the windfall plums. Good to know they are helping the wildlife!

                  No high winds recently but our apple windfalls are still dropping - much bigger but by no means edible without cooking. Have you thought of making cider with yours Flo…or vinegar?

                  Blackberries!…thanks for the heads up - I should check them out - I saw a few people in the hedgerows picking them yesterday, looks like the first flush of brambles are ready to pick!

                  Enjoy your day peeps

                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • Good morning.

                    A grory hop for me this morning. I'm trying to get my brother in law to answer the phone to see if he wants to accompany us, but he's not answering yet.

                    I need to be home before 1 pm as my IKEA delivery is due then. I love assembling IKEA stuff. I think it's something to do with not being allowed a meccano set as a child. I just find it satisfying, like assembling a greenhouse. I wasn't allowed to wear jeans either as a child! When I left home I practically lived in them for decades. I don't think I was ever the little girl my mother imagined she'd have.

                    How aggressive are the boars Snoop? Did you have to leg it? The only night time visitors I've seen lately have been hedgehogs. I think they came and dig up the nuts that the squirrels keep burying. We used to have a fox passing through regularly.


                    • Morning

                      Snoop that is hot no wonder plants and trees are suffering, how are those who farm coping?

                      We've had a few apples drop but not that many, then I'm picking a few blackberries each day they're going in the freezer them until our apples are ready in about 3 to 4 weeks. Then its jam time
                      Enjoy your day

                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Good Morning All Early delivery before 8 this morning of a parcel due on Thursday! Not complaining about that though Stayed in bed with a cup of tea and my book.
                        I have thought about cider Nicos, but I don't like it so dismissed the thought . Vinegar? Did not think of that.
                        Haircut today and another try for the butter dish. Have a good day
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
                          Snoop that is hot no wonder plants and trees are suffering, how are those who farm coping?
                          Mixed. Most cereal crops have failed to grow properly, so not much grain and now very little in the way of hay, as the use of machinery on the land is now completely banned (before it was banned between midday and 6 pm, now it's 24 hours, and even strimmers and chainsaws are prohibited). A lot of grapes are picked by large tractors that straddle the rows of vines. It does look as if there will be a decent harvest this year (some of the local wine is excellent), but I'm guessing there will be more handpicking, and the labour force will be too small to get all the grapes in. The almond trees in some areas in what we jokingly call the uplands are laden with nuts, but whether the kernels are of a decent size I wouldn't like to say. I'm guessing not, probably thin, flat nuts that are pretty well all skin. A lot of the almond trees are struggling, but whether they're just going to shed their leaves or are dying won't be known till next year. Lots died last year. The local olive trees are doing amazingly well, possibly boosted by warmer winter temperatures. Fruit trees have been a disaster.

                          As for the boar, greenishfing, there's a bit of mutual respect going on. If it felt threatened, it would attack, no question. But it observes us just as much as we observe it. Mr Snoop has now given it a name. That said, I don't like hearing it in woodland when I'm out walking the dogs on my own. Anyway, as it is used to seeing us and the dogs about, it will almost certainly get shot this coming hunting season. It's not the only one in our area of the municipality, so I imagine we'll attract hunters this autumn.


                          • Good morning all.
                            A little on the dull side this morning.
                            Off to my line dancing with my friend.
                            Will pop in later.
                            Have a good day.

                            And when your back stops aching,
                            And your hands begin to harden.
                            You will find yourself a partner,
                            In the glory of the garden.

                            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                            • Good afternoon, was at hospital with OH this morning, she had to see the surgeon to as she will be getting a new hip, back up on Thursday for her pre-op, I don't know why I missed Posting yesterday, but I was quite busy, I have removed all the boards from the raised bed, while doing so I got a bit of wood through my finger, I thought I had got it all out but now think there is a bit still inside as the finger now looks as if it is poisoned, I did wash the wound with vinigar then an antiseptic cream put on before covering it, so going to the nurse at the back of four, just hope she can cut it out without having to go to hospital I should have cut it open yesterday when it happened, enjoy your day hope you can get into the garden, it's raining here just now, but you never know
                              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                              • Afternoon

                                Your hair looks nice Flo

                                Snoop it sounds worse than I imagined especially the hay shortage there’ll be this winter.

                                Hope it goes well at Surgery Rary.

                                Location....East Midlands.


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