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Chitchat thread #24
This is a sticky topic.
Actually Snoop I get a percentage off as I have a club card which gives mee cheap coffeeit may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.
Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers
Good evening all. We have a very wet and miserable evening here.
Grandson was a little upset when I collected him from school, he didnt want his new uniform to get wet.
Flo, congratulations to your GG , lovely to hear a good news story.
GF, hope your leg is not too sore, boiling water is so painful.
Lots more tomatoes and blackberries gone into the freezer.
I think I might make soup tomorrow.
Have a good night all.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Evening all.
Felicitations to your GG and her romantic fella, Flo.
As it rained all day yesterday I got on with sorting the kitchen cupboards and chucked out quite a bit. The cake turntable had gone too rusty to keep, as had a checkerboard cake set, so they were easy discards. Several old cake tins followed them into the recycling bin, I threw out a tube of little silver cake decorating balls that was so old the weight was only in ounces on the label, so pre 1985 at least. It was surprisingly uplifting to have the clear-out.
While I was looking to find when we switched to metric labelling I came across a lovely word - twip. It's a typographic measure, 1⁄1440 of an inch.Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
Endless wonder.
Good morning all.
It seems quiet this morning. It's cold and grey and Mr GF sneaked the heating on I noticed.
Flo, how romantic! I bet they half floated back down the mountain after drinking the champagne.
Mr GF was/is the most unromantic man in the world. His proposal, while shopping in town was something along the lines of, "I've just seen a really nice cruise in the travel agents window. Do you fancy getting married and going on it for the honeymoon?" Half an hour later it was booked and our next stop was the registry office to book the wedding. Unbelievably we've been married nearly twenty years and together over thirty.
I think I need more coffee now!
Good Morning AllDull here and a good but cooler. Waiting for Grory hop delivery. It will be a change not to have Frank barking the whole time!
Chester is having the op to remove the benign growth on his back this morning, so please keep your fingers crossed that he makes it through.
Have a good dayGranny on the Game in Sheffield
Mornin n’alln’all
Hope you’re ok gf? That must have been a shock.
Flo - very romantic indeed
Flu jab already Bren?….that is a real indicator that winter is on its way…Covid vaccines next too I imagine?
It’s a lovely day here so we’re impulsively going out in the camper back out to that lake so I best get a wiggle on and grab some food fir a picnic. ( looks like I’ll not be ironing again today either!)
Enjoy your day peeps.. keep safe …see ya later!
"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Morning all.
Sunny at the moment, but looks like drizzle this afternoon. The solar batteries were distinctly hungry this morning, so they're soaking up the sun while the going's good. The shorter days really make a difference to the batteries. rary, do you have batteries with your set-up too or do you run off the mains at night?
You've inspired me, mothhawk, into starting to clear a corner of the kitchen where all kinds of pots and tubs go to die. Mr Snoop won't like it, but I'm fed up with looking at it. So he can huff and puff all he likes, but it'll get sorted over the next day or so.
Not sure why, but it is absolutely silent outside (apart from insects and birds). I haven't heard a farm vehicle or truck on the distant road all morning so far. No planes either. Very odd. No public holiday today and nothing in the online news that I can see that would explain it. Has everyone decided to stay at home today?
On a positive note, I've seen a European hornet buzzing round one of our oak trees, looking for moth larvae. Plus I saw a rather large wolf spider with babies on her back. So their populations might revive, weather permitting. I've only seen three jumping spiders all year so far and I'd see easy a dozen a day last year. Hope they make a comeback too.
Not much work on today, a bit of admin and then I'll move my office back up to its usual spot in a corner of the kitchen. So that's my official declaration that the worst of the summer is over. In the mid to top 20s during the day but in the mid teens at night, so temps are definitely on the slide now.
Right, have a great day, everyone.
Edited: Had a big interruption in the middle of that and you all posted without me noticing. Sorry. Fingers crossed for Chester, Florence Fennel. And that doesn't sound totally unromantic, greenishfing. Enjoy your day out, Nicos. By the way, it's still totally quiet.Last edited by Snoop Puss; 14-09-2023, 10:04 AM.
Good morning and the sun is shining.
Yellow warning for heavy rain coming in this afternoon.
Flo, my fingers are crossed for Chester.
Nicos, dont worry about the ironing, get out while the weather is good.
GF, actually that was a nice proposal with a cruise thrown in.
Snoop, as regards getting rid of stuff, my hubby wants to get rid of everything..I have to watch him.
Well have a good dsy all whatever you're up to.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Originally posted by bramble View PostSnoop, as regards getting rid of stuff, my hubby wants to get rid of everything..I have to watch him.
it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.
Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers
Grory hop went of fine just later in the day, so we didn't get to see the people we usually do. Mostly drizzle here not much dons out doors just harvesting.
Its a mix here somethings get outed others seem to linger in case they're needed
enjoy your afternoon.Location....East Midlands.
I've had quite a productive day so far. This morning I ordered a nightdress from Damart on the internet for my sister in law's birthday in a couple of weeks. Hopefully it has plenty of time to get here.
Since then I've caught up on the ironing AGAIN. I'm now feeling completely virtuous. I was quite happy with not ironing my bedding until I had to iron a quilt cover dry a few weeks ago and realised that it did actually look far nicer if it was ironed.
The cloud belatedly disappeared and the sun came out so there's now another load of washing out on the line.
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