Good evening all.
Spent part of the afternoon in the greenhouse. Cutting off some yellow withered leaves from the tomatoes.
It them started to rain so I did some ironing.
I have started sorting out our clothes for the holidays, we will be going off on Monday.
Rary, take it easy, its always difficult working above your head.
I used do all the home decorating but wouldnt do the ceilings any more.
Snoop, I hope you have some success with your bedding plants.
Have a good evening all.
Spent part of the afternoon in the greenhouse. Cutting off some yellow withered leaves from the tomatoes.
It them started to rain so I did some ironing.
I have started sorting out our clothes for the holidays, we will be going off on Monday.
Rary, take it easy, its always difficult working above your head.
I used do all the home decorating but wouldnt do the ceilings any more.
Snoop, I hope you have some success with your bedding plants.
Have a good evening all.