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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Good morning all.Mild and damp here but its picking up nicely.

    Thanks for the breakfast offer Nicos but we have had a mixed grill earlier.

    ITS a new bank holiday here this weekend.
    For the first tine an Irish female saint is being honoured .
    St Brigids day was always on 1st of February so now it will be celebrated on the first Monday in February.
    My friends and I plan to have a day out on Monday.
    A gardening day today.

    And when your back stops aching,
    And your hands begin to harden.
    You will find yourself a partner,
    In the glory of the garden.

    Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


    • Afternoon, it seems the vines been of line for a while today, hopefully it was just a glitch.

      Loved your chocolate biscuit story Rary all I’ll say is what sort of biscuit was it ?

      Location....East Midlands.


      • Afternoon I was planning on doing a bit of tidying in the garden today, but had visitors and now it's raining. Had to explain to my son the word skoppadiddle yesterday
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • Good afternoon, sunshine and showers today and when the showers come on theres a noticeable drop in temperature, I started laying some cardboard down on the wee plot I am making out the back but the showers stopped that, so into the greenhouse where I was doing a bit of work making a firmer support for a shelf that I have put up, I also potted on some alstroemeria cuttings that I have going in the greenhouse, I have also mixed some compost with worm castings and course sand for seed sowing, though I think I need to have patience for another week or so, the compost I am using has been sitting in my hut for a couple of years and looks like a good compost, possibly with it sitting for that time has helped the compost mature a bit, so if you wait till the end of the season and watch for the big multi stores selling off the compost buy some bags and store for a year or so you might be pleased with the results, but please wait till I get what I want first right off to start preparing tea, have a good evening and keep smiling
          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


          • Evening all.

            I have no idea what the smiles have been up to today, Nicos. But there are definitely gremlins in the works here. Connection dismally slow, as well as the Vine being down temporarily, and then rary's chocolate biscuit wrapper going missing.

            Anyway, supposed to be busy today, tidying up for a grand visitation by someone Mr Snoop hopes will be helping him with building work. We live rather chaotic lives and all of a sudden we have to pretend we don't. I should have started tidying two weeks ago, it feels.

            Have a great evening, everyone. And yes, I had to look up skoppadiddle, Flo, as I'd never heard of it either.


            • Just tidy up the corners Snoop, the middle will look after itself x
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • My Gran always said if your sink, hearth and loo was clean that’s good enough.
                Location....East Midlands.


                • That's me sorted then Bren
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • Mornin n’alln’all
                    Aching rather this morning after a mammoth weeding session yesterday. That’ll teach me to gently break myself back in more gently. Well, it should, but I’ve so far not learned
                    Oh well…hair of the dog….more clearing up and weeding today

                    Think we’ll have a bbq later .

                    I’m a ‘sink, loo, hearth’ kind of person too in my own home but in the gites I’m rigidly as near to immaculate as possible- everywhere.
                    I’d rather be in the garden pottering than scrubbing my own home…isn’t that what makes the difference between a home and a show house?

                    Anyone for a brew?…I’m setting the table again- same as yesterday with the choice of dippy eggs eggs and danish pastry too?

                    Enjoy your day peeps . Oh…and if anyone is having that quadruple vaccine I had, then I’m just letting you know that I’ve still had absolutely no side effects , not even an aching arm! Absolutely brill
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Morning

                      Pulling a char up to your table Nicos I'll have a pastry after finishing of my porridge, rhubarb and yoghurt. Hopefully Gardening today depending on the rain, otherwise there's indoor hobbies.

                      Enjoy your day.

                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Morning all.

                        Still in the minuses out there, frost and ice everywhere. Beautiful sky and a surprisingly bright slice of moon. The smiles went off with a skip and a hop. Not so many singing birds in the trees, though. The hunters scared them all off yesterday. Sunday today, so there will be more hunters today.

                        Plenty to do this morning before the building lady arrives. First off, the washing-up and get some bread on the go. I like your philosophy, by the way, Bren.

                        Have a great day, everyone. Catch you all later.


                        • Good morning all.

                          I'm another "sink, loo, hearth" type person. My gran used to make me laugh. When she was younger she was a cleaning fanatic (no "round corners" in her house) but as she got older her motto changed to "life's too short for cleaning".

                          What is the quadruple jab you've had, Nicos? Dippy eggs and Danish pasty. Yum Yum.

                          At the moment the weather looks pretty grim. Dull, dark and on the verge of rain. High wind forcast for later.


                          • Good Morning All Bit breezy here and very dull. Thanks but no thanks Nicos, that's far too healthy a breakfast for me when my BEB&M sandwich is on its way Have a good day
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • greenishfing It was the tetanus, polio, diphtheria and whooping cough vaccine.

                              Just got to have both shingles and pneumonia vaccines and then we’re sorted….
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • The staff at my surgery, knowing I think that I try to avoid needles, seem to stick extra needles in whenever they've got me there. When I had the flu jab I got the pneumonia one in the other arm and when I went for another injection recently the nurse took blood as well. Generally, for me, it's a good idea as I don't have time to worry about it.


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