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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Originally posted by Containergardener View Post
    Enjoy your hols Jay don't forget the postcard, does anyone send them now I wonder.
    Funny you should say that CG - two of my GGs have gone to Murcia with their Poppa to see their Aunt. I asked them to send me a postcard and they didn't know what I was talking about!
    Last edited by Florence Fennel; 14-03-2024, 04:12 PM.
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • Thank you Bren and CG, will give you a wave on the way past! If I see any postcards will send you one CG, don’t think anyone sends them these days though, haven’t had one for years.


      • Good evening all.
        Another sunny day here in Malaga.

        Talking of postcards, we sent some home today to our grandkids.
        We dont bother otherwise.

        For the last few days we have been watching what we thought were parrots building their nests in a few palm trees.
        When I asked about this I was told they are monk parakeets, and are a problem here.
        They are looked on as vermin and can destroy some crops.
        They're also blamed for keeping people awake at night by their screeching.
        So, you learn something new every day.

        Have a good holiday Jay.

        And when your back stops aching,
        And your hands begin to harden.
        You will find yourself a partner,
        In the glory of the garden.

        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


        • Evening n’alln’all

          Had quite a busy day today. I thought I’d posted first thing but I mustn’t have posted it

          We were up at 6.45 am and the nurse arrived promptly at 7am…OH was her second patient of the day ​​​​​​ Goodness knows what time she starts work regularly!

          A quick grory hop - mainly as we needed to go out and get petrol for the sit on mower. Main grory hop is tomorrow.
          The rest of the day was paperwork and some gardening.
          It hit 18C this afternoon , absolutely lovely in the sunshine but out of the wind.
          OH managed to cut the lawns again so they are almost at their regular height. It’s amazing what you can manage with the use of one hand!

          Lovely to hear people are on their holiblobs - fingers crossed the weather is kind.

          Early night for me- I’m no good at coping with such early mornings.
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • Evening

            Nicos this time of year we only see temps of 18c in the GH, so I feel a little envious.
            I’ve started another crochet project fingers less gloves/wrist warmers but it’s slow going, be summer by the time they’re finished
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Well I hope you won't need them in summer Bren

              Quiche worked well

              I don't know when I last sent a postcard
              Northern England.


              • Morning all.

                Well, we've gone from heavy frost to a low of plus 8.8 ºC at the corral gate last night. Bizarre. Time to get the toms started, I think.

                Car passed its MOT. Phew. No idea why I call it a car. It's more like a rhinoceros. It'll probably outlive us.

                Mr Snoop gearing up for a busy day with YH. I'm gearing up for a busy day of clacking away at the keyboard. In fact, I'd better get on with it.

                Have a great day, everyone, especially if you're on holiday. Eat an ice cream for me.


                • Morning
                  Gloomy weather here again. Need to go food shopping today so wouldn't have been in the garden anyway
                  Northern England.


                  • Good morning,just on for a quicky as heading off shortly for a few days in the Lake District, sorry I missed yesterday but was a bit busy getting things sorted for being away, things in the greenhouse of course not the house, yo have to prioritise, Snoop if I had known you required a young helper I was available, all I would require would be food and lodging and transport costs and a car to get about and a........yes you might be a lot cheaper getting someone a wee bit younger 😁 right need to go have a good day and will catch you all next week keep smiling and be happy
                    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                    • Morning

                      Good news about your car passing Snoop, loved your rhinoceros description

                      Originally posted by Containergardener View Post
                      Well I hope you won't need them in summer Bren

                      I don't know when I last sent a postcard
                      CG my first couple of attempts failed due to operator error the first was to tight, next I couldn't get on with the yarn it was a bit to fluffy for me so the stitches seemed to blend together.

                      Not had a postcard for years either usually its a text message these days.

                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Mornin n’alln’all

                        What a difference in weather here too. After a high of 18C yesterday we have lots of bouncy sploshy stuff. Good job OH managed to cut the lawn!

                        We’re off for a grory hop soon , but also have a look at the paving slab colour which I’m thinking would go best for the patio. They don’t have slabs, just cobbles, but it’ll give OH an idea. Need to get his approval of course before ordering!

                        Great news about the car Snoop. Tis always a concern between how would you cope without if it hadnt passed and how much it could cost to get it to pass. Most cars seem to be money pits, but it does make you wonder how we’d cope without them!

                        Postcards? Our neighbours always send one to us when they go away for a month ( we look after their cat) but it never seems to arrive until they’ve been back for at least a couple of weeks!)
                        I’ve not sent one for years. It used to be the done thing to send one to friends and family didn’t it? Remember trying to squeeze in lines of writing around the outside of the address and outer edge of the card? One day of the holidays always seemed to be set aside for ‘getting them out of the way’

                        Anyone fancy a brew?
                        enjoy your day peeps….
                        Last edited by Nicos; 15-03-2024, 08:13 AM.
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Good Morning All I remember chuckling at the rude postcards on the stands Have a good day
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Enjoy your holiday Rary, we shall await the postcard

                            Postcards. The biggest faff was finding somewhere that sold stamps abroad and a post box
                            Northern England.


                            • Morning all.

                              Bright blue outside. Warm night. Three of the birds in the barn and garage have decided now is the time to start the spring season for real. Strange not to see the one above the door any more. The geckos and bats are back in the garage. So instead of counting birds, I'll now be counting geckos.

                              I was woken by the alarm clock from a dream in which I was on the wrong platform for a train. And I had a heavy suitcase, so would I make it in time over to the other platform... Still got that residual anxiety and that was ages ago now. Hope that dissipates soon.

                              Right, better go and see what needs doing. Tea in the pot for them as wants it. Mr Snoop will be making coffee soon. I hope.

                              Have a great day, everyone.


                              • Morning

                                Lovely and sunny out pity about the earlier frost, its odd watching the sun melting it away as it crosses the garden.

                                Little robins still popping in and out an intruder robin appeared yesterday in the lean-to but was soon chased off.

                                It sounds like an assortment of bird/animal visitors for you Snoop. we only have birds, the odd cat and fox then last year the first squirrel came on our garden.

                                Location....East Midlands.


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