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Chitchat thread #24


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  • I still use Pears soap. Palmolive was green, Lifeboy was pink. My mum had them all. She said the longer it was stored, the longer it lasted!
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • Palmolive, that's the one. Thanks, Flo.


      • Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
        I still use Pears soap. Palmolive was green, Lifeboy was pink. My mum had them all. She said the longer it was stored, the longer it lasted!
        Same here Flo with Pears soap it lathers until it disappears, not like Simple soap that seems to stop working when the bar’s still a good size.
        Location....East Midlands.


        • All the best to MrsNtG hope she has a speedy recovery.
          Location....East Midlands.


          • Evening
            Best wishes Nick for Mrs Nick.
            Been busy outside and inside , made lasagne which is in the oven and started off my bread.
            Northern England.


            • Good morning . Yes, 2.30am and I'm trying to calm down and relax after waking up from a nightmare in an absolute panic. I've forgotten most of the nightmare now I'm happy to say.

              Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Mrs NtG. I'm sure you'll look after her well, Nick.

              I think I'll listen to something on radio 4extra to try and soothe me back to sleep. .....nothing scary though.


              • Mornin n’alln’all
                Hope you got back to sleep quickly gf. Not a nice experience
                We’re up and waiting for OH’s nurse to come and check on his hand. Flippin ‘eck it’s early They are only here for less than 5 mins, just a quick check and change of dressing.
                At least the bruising and swelling are going down so it’s easier to use. Just no heavy weights for a few weeks.

                There was a deer barking in the field just now. Always lovely to hear.

                Talking of nature- has anyone seen any frogspawn yet?
                I keep listening out for our first cuckoo….any time from now on!….

                We had a frost this morning . I relented and bought a digital max and min thermometer. It says it’s 0.8C at the moment. That has to have hit the mirabelle, magnolia and early plum trees

                More gardening planned today. I’ve been creating an ivy fenceline . The farmer had put up post and sheep netting ( square gauge wire ) so I planted ivy at the base of each post and spread it sideways like an espalier.
                The green barrier is almost complete and has given some protection to the potager (which is right next to it ) from the NE winds . Looks softer too I love seeing it in flower for the insects too. Not obvious flowers, but at least providing some early season energy for the bees etc. Anyway, I was trimming that into shape yesterday and cutting back the Black Lace elderflower . At least it’s easy now with the new growth to spot and cut out any dead branches too.

                So, what’s everyone else up to today?
                Whatever it is, enjoy!
                Last edited by Nicos; 20-03-2024, 06:06 AM.
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Morning

                  No frogspawn here Nicos in the usual places but it can't be too long a wait. It sounds like Mr N's hand is healing well.

                  My plan for today is a Grory hop, sowing my tomatoes, then looking around the garden if there's anything to put in the council green bin.

                  Time to top up my mug of tea.
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • Morning
                    Oooh not a good dream/nightmare there GF.
                    I like Ivy too, Its on our fence , usually something nests in there
                    Not sure of today's plans. I should be in the office but maybe the greenhouse will get a look in at some point, well as long as it doesn't pour down again.
                    Northern England.


                    • Morning all.

                      Meant to have made a bit more progress with work than I have this morning. I got rather side-tracked by a Spanish website for slow cooker recipes... I had no idea they were so versatile. Bream baked in salt, sardines confited (essentially) in olive oil, recipes for all the bean soupy-stews I love here. Anyway, back to the real world now of next to nothing in the fridge... Except a small chicken that could be pot-roasted. Grory hop tomorrow, I think.

                      Sorry you had such a bad dream, gf. Horrible when that happens. Good to hear about Mr Nicos, though.

                      No frogspawn here. Not enough rain to fill a tablespoon recently, let alone a pond. And no cuckoos. But our plum trees are just starting to bud, as is the fig tree. Shame, as we're going to be well into the minuses next week.

                      Right, on with the show. Have a great day, everyone.


                      • Good Morning All Raining here. I've been lounging about again, so I'd better do something. Have a good day
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • Morning all.
                          Best wishes for Mrs NTG's recovery and Mr N's hand.

                          It's here! The Spring Equinox! The days are going to be longer than the nights from today - hurray! Click image for larger version

Name:	snoopy.jpg
Views:	119
Size:	116.6 KB
ID:	2576652
                          Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                          Endless wonder.


                          • Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_3791.jpeg
Views:	107
Size:	776.0 KB
ID:	2576657

                            This tickled me this morning

                            love yours MH… nice find!

                            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                            Location....Normandy France


                            • Good afternoon.

                              When we went out earlier in the drizzle Mr GF was having his usual moan about the weather. "Still I suppose it is the depths of Winter", was his final comment. I told him that actually it was the Spring equinox. His comment while glaring out of the car window, "It's no business being Spring at this time of year". Mmmmmmm!


                              • Wow…we’ve had a lovely day pottering in the garden. It hit 20C so we just sat in the sunshine for a while.
                                OH did what he could so he’s quite chuffed with himself.
                                I promise to share it with you when I can- sorry to hear you’ve still got rain GF

                                It seems that not just the grass has been going bonkers- so too have the brambles. I had to stop as I was getting shredded to bits.

                                OH got out the Cuprinol for me, so I’m hoping tomorrow I can give my plastic tubs a coat or two.
                                They were given to me by someone moving back to the UK. Not my choice tbh, but I like the idea that they can be painted , they are light enough for me to roll around to move them, and that being plastic they don’t evaporate as much as some of the pot ones do when it hits the mid 30Cs and above, and also that they won’t shatter/ shale in the frost.
                                I do like their shape so I’m very content. I might even have become converted apart from the fact that they will only slowly biodegrade over the centuaries and then turn into microplastics
                                Ah well, they are second hand

                                Right , I best get my PSB cooking- We both fancy an early tea - I think OH particularly so as I made a large bread and butter pudding using some of bread the neighbours sent over for the chooks pity I’m on a strict diet

                                Hope everyone has had a grand day?
                                Last edited by Nicos; 20-03-2024, 03:54 PM.
                                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                                Location....Normandy France


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