Mornin n’alln’all
Had a bit of a sleep-in this morning. With the clocks forward it’s even later than I’d intended!
Happy Easter everyone. My porridge was presented to me this morning with a Cadbury’s mini egg on top
I bought a multipack of the tiniest packets when we were in the uk. Clearly meant for Easter egg hunts. At least if I feel the need to eat
the rest of the packet it’ll not be so bad as with the larger standard packet!!
Dieting over Easter is pants - as you have probably come to realise, I’m up for celebrating anything - making and eating different foods in celebration. Do feel free to help yourselves to ‘my’ chocolate, hot cross buns, simnel cake….I won’t feel like they’re going to waste!
Easter weekend is a bit of a strange time here. You don’t really notice the regular church bells - until they stop. They ‘fly’ to Rome apparently on Good Friday and come back ,having been blessed by the Pope ,on Easter Sunday, dropping gifts for children on their
It’s quite sunny outside so I’ll be out there gardening this afternoon. Sorry if I’m hogging it a bit recently.
Enjoy your day peeps.
Had a bit of a sleep-in this morning. With the clocks forward it’s even later than I’d intended!
Happy Easter everyone. My porridge was presented to me this morning with a Cadbury’s mini egg on top
I bought a multipack of the tiniest packets when we were in the uk. Clearly meant for Easter egg hunts. At least if I feel the need to eat
the rest of the packet it’ll not be so bad as with the larger standard packet!!
Dieting over Easter is pants - as you have probably come to realise, I’m up for celebrating anything - making and eating different foods in celebration. Do feel free to help yourselves to ‘my’ chocolate, hot cross buns, simnel cake….I won’t feel like they’re going to waste!
Easter weekend is a bit of a strange time here. You don’t really notice the regular church bells - until they stop. They ‘fly’ to Rome apparently on Good Friday and come back ,having been blessed by the Pope ,on Easter Sunday, dropping gifts for children on their
It’s quite sunny outside so I’ll be out there gardening this afternoon. Sorry if I’m hogging it a bit recently.
Enjoy your day peeps.