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Chitchat thread #24


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  • I've just done the same Bren , however I have left my windowsill cleaning for later.
    It was 14deg at 8am after dog walking so have shuffled and got plants outside .
    Now having a cuppa in the shade before I get my shorts on ans crack on.

    Have a lovely day snoop. Sounds great.
    Hope everyone's hearings, teas and plans go to plan.
    Northern England.


    • Sounds fantastic Snoop…I love a bit of ‘people watching’ myself too - especially when they’re having fun Enjoy your day- nice to have a bit of a change.

      That reminds me - we live near a stunning river and downstream there is a kayaking renal place. In the summer tourists rent them, and usually the guys sit at the back of the double ones. ( I suggest to our guests that the lasses sit at the back !) Reason being that as soon as they set out there is a weir and the person at the front gets absolutely saturated And stay wet for the next few hours until they reach the pick-up spot . Brill in really hot weather but not at all when it’s like this!
      Occasionally we stop off at the picnic spot opposite the weir just to watch their reactions! The guys are as bad as the lasses for screaming out in shock! So funny
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Oh dear - I think I might have just qualified for the Nutters Club?

        Guess who accidentally put a small tube of toothpaste into the washing machine?…..and didn’t spot it when I added the next washer load. Yup two washer loads with a small tube of toothpaste leaking onto everything

        Just goes to show that the tubes leak through their caps….and I’m an……..

        Everything has white streaks on it . Do you think it will bleach the dark cotton duvet cover? It’s non bleaching toothpaste…

        There ya go - just shows a tissue is really nothing to worry about!!!!

        Hmmmph….not a happy bunny …
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • Good evening, it has been an absolutely lovely day, have been in the garden most of the day, though son and family dropped in, they were just away when daughter arrived, then she was just away when granddaughter came in,and they brought alcohol with them now they know that I rarely drink, but I get the feeling they buy expensive whisky etc. for them selves , that way when I snuff it they can then claim it back, so not buying expensive drink for their own use but for me, though they might get a surprise as I might sit back and enjoy them myself anyway enjoy the evening and pass on the smiles
          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


          • Oh no! Disaster that Nicos. I've no idea how you'll get that out - sorry.
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • It’s deffo not my day today
              Guess who left the Velux window wide open during the massive thunderstorm?

              One sopping bedroom floor…

              Not my day is it
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Evening

                It sounds like we’ve all had a good day apart from Nicos who’s had a couple of problems.
                Your day does sound like fun Snoop you’ll have to tell us all about it tomorrow, we don’t have anything like that where we live.
                We’ve just finished dinner and enjoying a glass of red while watching the birds in the garden.

                Location....East Midlands.


                • Crumbs, Nicos. That's really bad luck. Sympathy likes there. Fingers crossed for you...


                  • Oh Nicos , better day tomorrow.

                    Overdid things a bit, aching everywhere so think I will head to bed.
                    Northern England.


                    • Mornin n’alln’all
                      Up with the larks……yup!…I’d rather be asleep!

                      I didn’t mention the third thing which went wrong yesterday cos I thought you’d think I was a numpty…but, I moved something on a shelf, which nudged something else, which fell onto something else, which knocked a glass jar containing drinking chocolate onto the tiled floor of the utility room . Shards of glass and fine powder everywhere….I could have wept. Anyway, I managed to pick up the big pieces without cutting myself and OH stepped up and cleared away the rest.
                      This morning I spotted ants in that area so I guess I’ll need to vac again then scrub the floor.
                      I’ve put in a washer load just now and as I spun the drum to check for any toothpaste tubes/ paper hankies….​​​​​​….I heard a scraping sound…further investigation revealed a chunk of glass the size of a 50p coin . It must have bounced up and in through the open door as the jar smashed. Can you imagine the damage that could have done to the clothes after an hour of being tumbled around with them?

                      So, I’ve decided I need a calm day today - clearly not enough sleep and rushing to get too much done is taking its toll.

                      CG…how are you feeling today? Not too sore I hope?

                      How were the celebrations Snoop? Sounds great fun Yes please, do share!

                      It looks like we have a misty start to the day. At least it looks like the thunder storms have passed .

                      Have a great day peeps.

                      Last edited by Nicos; 19-05-2024, 05:22 AM.
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Morning Nic, I think you need a feet up and do nothing.
                        I'm a bit stiff and achy but never mind .
                        On going to bed I went to shut the velux on the landing, I could see something on the frame like a disc, a leaf or something (didn't have my glasses on), looking closer it was the start of a wasp nest with a wasp in building it. If you know velux windows it was behind where the latch sits flush when closed.
                        What a faff trying to get rid. Sprayed it but it disappeared, I didn't want to let it go in any other room or stay there as the dog would probably investigate and be stung. (Both nosey dogs have had stings before through poking their nose in).
                        Eventually found, bashed with a trainer and flushed away. Apologies to wasp fans but not in my house thanks. Funny enough mum was stung the other day trying to get one out with a towel, it was still in the towel. After spraying on anti sting spray she reacted to the spray and he hand swelled up, washed off the spray and it calmed down.
                        So on that note be wasp aware

                        Not decided on the day yet
                        Northern England.


                        • Good Morning All Hope you have a better day today Nicos! Hope too that you've recovered CG. Sunny here again so I'm risking a dress. Have a lovely Sunday All
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Morning

                            Nicos these things happen but not usually in one day hopefully you've had your share and today will go fine.

                            T-shirt and shorts here Flo its a bit breezy to be gardening in a dress.

                            Enjoy your day

                            Location....East Midlands.


                            • Sounds like you are all having better weather than us for a change! Enjoy!

                              We don’t have many wasps- or bees for that matter- as the hornets seem to be killing them Not seen many of those either so far this year. Much prefer hornets to wasps- they prefer to keep their distance including when you eat outdoors. Don’t like that they kill the bees though.
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • Morning all.

                                Not up with the larks... Woke up in the night, couldn't get back to sleep and have had a really long lie-in to make up for it. What a treat!

                                Yesterday was great. No photos, I'm afraid. Our internet connection is going at snail's pace today and it would take forever to load one. Our usual picnic place was still free when we got there, but whatever committee is responsible for the shrine had done a lot of improvement works, including putting in new steps and wooden rails, which effectively fenced us in. I hadn't realised how sentimental Mr Snoop was about 'our spot'. He insisted we occupy it despite the difficulties of getting into it. Anyway, no damage done to me or the railings, but it was touch and go at one point. Good to meet old friends again, as it wasn't held last year due to bad weather. All the usual events plus a band, which is new. Let me see if I can post a picture of them.

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC07382.JPG
Views:	112
Size:	1.55 MB
ID:	2579286
                                Oh, that worked. Won't do any more though.

                                Anyway, well done on finding that piece of glass, Nicos. Saved the day, there. On the cards for me: domestics.

                                Real weather outside: cloudy. Forecast: 100% probability of rain. Total rainfall forecast: just 11 mm. But that would massive by recent standards. Wish me luck, guys. If it does, I might be hogging the smiles for a bit tomorrow.

                                Have a great day, everyone.


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