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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
    Either my arithmetic is wrong, Rary, or someone's making a profit. £250 x 24 months is quite a bit more than £4000. 50% more. That said, I hope he manages to do it. He needs to be earning a bit more than bob a job, mind.
    You are right Snoop but the price is a wee bit more than the 4000 and has to be paid before the trip date, then again its a possibility that i didnt hear correctly
    Good afternoon, cloudy with a cool wind blowing, havent done much today as we had visitors this morning and now that they are away i think i will have a lazy day today, though i need to go and check the car and clear the boot as i will be taking daughter and family to the airport tomorrow as tyey will be off on holiday for 10 days.
    I have been having a lot of problems recently with the pins and needles in my hands, i actually had a word with doctor on Monday to see if i could get the carpal tunnel problem sorted, he will contact the hospital to see if things can be moved on, Ihave been doing things to try to ease the problem, like suspending my weight from a door jam, and have now found that moving my arms as if i was swimming doing the freestyle and breaststroke can let me sleep most of the night, need to go as sons coming in and hopefully with some cakes​​​​​​​
    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


    • Evening n’alln’all

      Rary - have you not been given a splint to limit how much your wrists bends upwards ? My OH found that helped a lot pre surgery.
      Hoping that you are sorted soon x

      All our ‘holiday’ packing is done - plants watered - house tidied….and now time for guilty Hibou cuddles. Much as she loves our neighbours and friends, they just aren’t us. Very touching and guilt making ​​​​​​.
      Semi wild camping for us…bacon butties and granny huggles here we come!

      I’llpop in as often as I can…come rain or shine, but I have a feeling there’s going to be an awful lot more of the former!
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
        Evening n’alln’all

        Rary - have you not been given a splint to limit how much your wrists bends upwards ? My OH found that helped a lot pre surgery.
        Hoping that you are sorted soon x!
        I had to buy my splints, but even with those i was still getting pins and needles in both hands, when i strained my tendon (after getting an xray and being told that it was arthritis)I bought a splint with a thumb stabiliser which helped, but so far the swimming action allows me to sleep most of the night with little problem, whats realy getting to me know is the numbness in my left hand, being left handed its quite a problem at times i need to get OH to do up my shirt buttonsi a bit worried that i might need her to open my wallet, now that will be a big problem
        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


        • Good Morning All Fine but cold here. Have a good trip Nicos. Have a good day All
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Morning

            The robins are busy this morning both birds are taking food into the nest really pleased they didn't abandon this nest.

            Nipping out for yeast this morning hopefully they've had their delivery because I'm running short on bread cobs.

            enjoy your day
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Morning all.

              Enjoy the trip, Nicos.

              Your hands sound in a really bad way, Rary. Hope they find a solution for you soon.

              As for here, quite a productive day yesterday. Turns out we weren't so much tidying up around one of the oak trees as looking for a box of stuff that Mr Snoop thought might be lost in amidst the undergrowth. Not as it turns out... I shall try and stay on top of all the kermes oak now a lot of it has been removed. Looks like we're going to be needing a really good chipper at some point. Will be asking for advice on that here when the time comes.

              Today is back to paid work. Plus a nine-year-old's birthday party late afternoon.

              Have a great day everyone.


              • Good morning all
                What a miserable morning, lashing rain and a grey sky.
                It's looking like a domestics day here..
                Visiting a friend this afternoon and a trip to the library on the way home.

                Rary,, I hope you can get sorted soon, it sounds very uncomfortable.

                And when your back stops aching,
                And your hands begin to harden.
                You will find yourself a partner,
                In the glory of the garden.

                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                • Good morning all.

                  It's grey and overcast here, a bit like my mood. I'm still struggling to talk, but not quite as bad. However I'm now sneezing, nose blowing, coughing and lacking in energy. I haven't had a cold for about 5 years and I'd forgotten how miserable they can make me feel. I've just taken paracetamol so hopefully I'll feel more human in half an hour or so.

                  I still haven't done a grory hop this week. It can wait. I can't say I've got much appetite.

                  Nicos, I hope you enjoy your holiday. Are you "ferrying" or "tunnelling"? I like the tunnel best but must admit I do like to see the white cliffs if I'm Dover bound on a boat.

                  Rary, I hope you get some help for your hands. There's not a lot of point in taking your wallet out with you if you can't open it.

                  I think I might go and put a couple of croissants in the oven next. I'll see if I can tempt myself.


                  • I thank you all for the kind thoughts re the hands and GF the wallet is empty but i dont want OH to know, as she would want to know what i spent the ten pounds on that she gave me last year

                    Good afternoon, cloudy but dry this morning, but we now have rain, just back home after dropping daughter and family off at the airport, had to get the person in the car behind me toget my card out from the pay machine as i couldnt grip it, between no feeling on my fingers and the space being a bit tight for my fingers to fit in it creates quite a problem, however the young man was quite courteous about helping, we now have three dogs n the house just now, daughters two and son has just dropped of his, he is going to Glasgow and we will have the boys after school, so will now have three of them to feed but as its raining now i wont be doing much anyway, enjoy the rest of the day and keep smiling
                    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                    • Afternoon

                      I've baked this afternoon a loaf and bread cobs so the kitchen does smell good, glad I saved baking for today seeing as its raining heavily.

                      Hope you soon have your hospital appointment Rary it must be painful and frustrating not to be able to have full use of your hands.

                      Take care GF xx
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Good evening all.
                        What a horrible day, wind, rain and low temperatures.
                        Nothing done in the garden so went out with my friends this afternoon.
                        The rain has stopped so hoping for a better day tomorrow.xd

                        And when your back stops aching,
                        And your hands begin to harden.
                        You will find yourself a partner,
                        In the glory of the garden.

                        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                        • I feel your pain Rary. Hand pain is so debilitating at times. You don't realise how much they are in use.

                          Gardened and then tonight I thought of your team helmet Bren In Pots . I've seen a baby Robin a few times this week and tonight parent Robin seemed to be rushing around and flying off, obviously feeding. So I put some bits of the bird table to help and he /she looked happy to have help in the rain.
                          Northern England.


                          • Morning
                            Kettle has just boiled, there is some cake if you fancy.
                            Need to grory hop today, the fridge is bare and I need more flour for my breads.
                            Weather is a bit drab, may be better later
                            Last edited by Containergardener; 14-06-2024, 06:42 AM.
                            Northern England.


                            • Morning

                              No thanks to cake CG I've already had a couple of slices of fruit loaf for breakfast, I'll have your cake for afternoon tea instead.

                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • Morning, really heavy showers to start the day, indoors day today methinks unless it cheers up later.
                                Cake for breakfast sounds wonderful CG if the offer is still there! Thank you!

                                Have a great day everyone x


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