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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Oh mothawk you have my sympathy. Really low temperatures here all day. My husband was whining about the sun in his eyes this morning (indoors) but my phone said 4°C. After he "bounced" out of his podiatry appointment it was still only 7°C. The only things we did at the allotment was collect potatoes and onions and pick salad leaves, a few tomatoes, grapes, peppers and courgettes (which are still appearing on dead looking plants.)
    I hate Winter!! The dead season.
    Last edited by greenishfing; 21-10-2021, 07:31 PM.


    • Good Morning All and Happy Friday Much colder here but dry so far. Have a good day
      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


      • Morning Flon’all

        Was that you who left the cuppa for me?
        If so, ta muchly

        4C here at the moment - first proper frost!
        We decided to leave the wood stove burning last night and it was wonderful popping on a new log and watching it burst into flames- fantastic smell of woodsmoke too!

        First job of the day for OH is to take the tall ladders down the narrow staircase from the bedroom we are renovating - take them out into the garden and clamber up to the gutters to collect my debit card, driving licence and health card which fell out of my phone case and slid dow the roof whilst I was taking a photo of the frost

        Nah - he’s not that impressed with me

        I better go and make him a brew first though!

        See ya later peeps
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • Morning All,

          First tickling of a frost this morning, there was a slight glint on the fence.

          Busy weekend ahead - got a lost of sorting cupboards and drawers etc!

          Happy Friday All
          "Bulb: potential flower buried in Autumn, never to be seen again."
          - Henry Beard


          • Originally posted by greenishfing View Post
            The only things we did at the allotment was collect potatoes and onions and pick salad leaves, a few tomatoes, grapes, peppers and courgettes (which are still appearing on dead looking plants.)
            I hate Winter!! The dead season.
            Winter is a great time for carrying out plans of alteration, or preparing the ground so that it's all ready to sustain new life and provide a bumper crop or simple to take things easy and admire the changes and beauties brought on by the changing temperatures
            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


            • Morning

              No frost here yet but it has felt cold enough a couple of times.

              Sorting out my pan/tins cupboard is on my list to do Peteyd there's things in there I'm not going to use again, the good ones will go to the charity shop

              Originally posted by Nicos View Post
              First job of the day for OH is to take the tall ladders down the narrow staircase from the bedroom we are renovating - take them out into the garden and clamber up to the gutters to collect my debit card, driving licence and health card which fell out of my phone case and slid dow the roof whilst I was taking a photo of the frost
              I have to ask were the photos worth it

              Enjoy your day.
              Location....East Midlands.


              • Morning all, and a lovely sunny one, if a bit chilly. Absolutely no plans today except a walk which will happen soon. May give the grass one last cut as it's looking shaggy.
                Glad you have an OH capable of clambering to the gutters, Nicos. If that had happened to me I'd have to pay someone to rescue the cards. Not that it would since I have no windows above gutter level to take photos from

                Have a happy Friday all.
                Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                Endless wonder.


                • Originally posted by rary View Post
                  Winter is a great time for carrying out plans of alteration, or preparing the ground so that it's all ready to sustain new life and provide a bumper crop or simple to take things easy and admire the changes and beauties brought on by the changing temperatures
                  Oh such a wonderfully optimistic view of Winter. I know all this in theory Rary and when I was a child I'd already have checked my sledge out and be collecting wood ready to build a bonfire. The beauty of a snowy day cannot fail to impress me even now (as long as I am warm and cosy), but I'm already dreaming of seeing those first green shoots in Spring appearing.
                  I'm glad I went to the allotment yesterday as although today's temperature has already reached the dizzying heights of 10°C it is windy and rainy with it.
                  Oh Nicos I bet you are popular. I imagine the air was a bit blue.
                  Care home visiting this afternoon.


                  • Click image for larger version

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ID:	2535274

                    Not it really worth it Bren!
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Gf- he just rolled his eyes

                      The air did go a tad blue though when I suggested he could clear out the leaves from
                      the gutter at the same time
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Nicos it makes sense to clear the leaves as time, you're only saving him the job of getting the ladder out again.
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • ^^^ my thoughts exactly!

                          Cards now retrieved….gutter cleared…new phone cover ordered.

                          Quite a positive start to the day
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Look on the bright side, Nicos. At least they slid all the way down to the gutter and didn't get stuck half-way...

                            Afternoon (here), all.

                            Had a productive morning finishing off some work. Small items to do now. Not sure about what's on the cards this afternoon. It's a bit chilly and very cloudy at the moment. Due to brighten up later, but the clouds are showing absolutely no sign of moving on. Frosts starting again tomorrow and throughout next week, apparently, then slightly warmer the week after. I've got some fleece but never used it. This might be a chance to do so.

                            The smiles left before I had much of a chance to check their plans, so I hope they reached you OK. They're a bit fed up with me and are much keener on staying with Rary, their original source, as they like his positivity (the spellchecker seems to think that's a word, so I'll let it be).

                            Have a great rest of the day, everyone.

                            Have a great day, everyone.


                            • I really ought to take inspiration from Bren and Peteyd and tidy out more cupboards and drawers. The herb and spice drawer is begging for attention (among others). At the moment it's very much out of sight out of mind.
                              One of the in-laws just rang to ask if I could take him to a hospital appointment in just over a week. No problem but trying to find where this new department is and what disabled parking is available is proving to be impossible. I don't want to get there, when I find it, with an old man who is registered blind and can only walk a very short distance and find that I can't get him in. Appointments here used to come with a site map of these sprawling buildings....not any more evidently. I tend to find a lot of these new "purpose built" hospitals are built without any thought for ease of use by patients. I hope that I am proved wrong. The same old man couldn't visit his sister in hospital because he couldn't get to the ward.


                              • Greenishfing hospital parking is a nightmare Have a look on their website to see if there's a site map showing departments / parking otherwise ring the hospital you never know they might arrange transport for him, ours uses a mini bus to collect some patients for appointments.

                                Location....East Midlands.


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