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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Good Mornings Snoop and All. Sunny here. Waiting for Frank to arrive. Good luck Snoop, you'll be fine I'm sure x Have a good day All
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • Morning

      Sunny here as well Flo

      Hope your dentist appointment goes off okay, Snoop.

      Of out to water my containers.
      Location....East Midlands.


      • Morning
        Thought I had posted, clearly not
        Sun has hone awol but at least it is dry.
        Good luck with the dentist Snoop.
        Have fun with Frank Flo.
        Enjoy your sunshine bren, jealous much.
        Northern England.


        • Good morning from sunny Dublin.
          Busy day here.
          Having friends for an early dinner so a trip to the supermarket to stock up.

          Snoop, you will be fine at the dentist, it's just the thought of it.

          Have a good day all,

          And when your back stops aching,
          And your hands begin to harden.
          You will find yourself a partner,
          In the glory of the garden.

          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


          • Originally posted by Containergardener View Post
            Have fun with Frank
            Thanks CG I've given him a new squeaky ball - big mistake!
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post

              Thanks CG I've given him a new squeaky ball - big mistake!
              Hahahaha now you should know better than that
              Northern England.


              • Good morning.....just!

                We had a mini catastrophe this morning. This meant I desperately needed to go and buy something urgently, today preferably. Not available locally! I looked online. Available with delivery tomorrow. Decided to have a look on A**zon. Cheaper and delivery by 9pm today!

                The postie has just delivered the paint by numbers kit for my sister's birthday.

                Can you believe that today is the longest day of the year? Where has it gone? It's all downhill again now .

                I need to pick up our prescriptions later today and find more strawberries.

                Flo, make sure you send the squeaky toy home with Frank. Let someone else "enjoy" it too.

                Beast of luck at the dentist, Snoop.🤞


                • I don't think they'll fall for that again GF!
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • Oh, I forgot to mention Aldi did have frozen croissants in stock again yeaterday. I bought 4 bags for us (32 croissants). Mr GF is very, very happy. I also bought and dropped off a bag as a present for an elderly friend to try, hoping that they like them as much as Mr GF.


                    • Afternoon all.

                      Hope you managed to get your mini catastrophe sorted, GF.

                      I've got a very sore jaw and am feeling a bit the worse for wear. Must find a box of paracetamol. On the positive side, we did have some rain, so the builders had to go home early, as they couldn't continue. Should be bright tomorrow, so fingers crossed.

                      Successful grory hop. Amazing what you can manage in next to no time, so long as you don't have too much choice.

                      Have a great rest of the day, everyone.


                      • Passed Snoop an "I was a Good Girl at the Dentist" sticker and some parrots eat em all Hope you feel better soon x
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • Evening

                          That's good about the rain Snoop and hopefully you won't feel to sore by tomorrow xx

                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • Morning all.

                            Thanks for the sticker, Flo. I was indeed a very good girl. The dentist and assistant said so to each other in Catalan (they talk in Catalan among themselves but in Spanish to me, as they think I won't understand, even though I do on occasion respond to remarks in Catalan). Anyway, woken up feeling a lot better.

                            Builders due in 45 mins or so. Mr Snoop hasn't slept very well and is easily irritated. I'm thinking of sending him into town on a couple of errands, oh, and while he's there, how about a nap in the little house in the village?

                            Got a busy day ahead, but if I've remembered rightly, M up the valley has offered to cook this evening. Last night he did spicy lentils, and a more welcome bowl of lentils I've never eaten.

                            Have a great day, everyone. Hope the smiles haven't been causing a disturbance in the force and you've been able to sleep better, Nicos.
                            Last edited by Snoop Puss; 21-06-2024, 06:48 AM.


                            • Morning
                              It is sunny
                              Grory hop day. Then I shall be outside.
                              Enjoy your day.
                              Northern England.


                              • Morning

                                I'm sharing your sunshine today CG like you I'm planning on being mostly outdoors.

                                Good to read you're feeling a lot better today Snoop, hope the building works goes ok

                                enjoy your day
                                Location....East Midlands.


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