Pre- evening n’alln’all
Baking here too Bren…but not cooking…heat-wise
Got our grory hop done but still need another few things from a different shop.
We are meeting up with a couple of friends from our pre-Covid book club tomorrow - so seeing as there is a mahooosive supermarket nearby , we’ll be back on target for what we need.
One of our phone chargers is failing…they are so fragile aren’t they?…and flippin expensive too
Glad your dentist appt went ok Snoop - hopefully each time becomes easier?
Anyone got any rain to spare please?..who would have guessed a month ago I would have been asking that!
Tomorrow I’m hoping to get some shredding done…we’ve collected rather a huuuge pile of things needing shredding…don’t even care if it’s raining tbh!!!
Baking here too Bren…but not cooking…heat-wise
Got our grory hop done but still need another few things from a different shop.
We are meeting up with a couple of friends from our pre-Covid book club tomorrow - so seeing as there is a mahooosive supermarket nearby , we’ll be back on target for what we need.
One of our phone chargers is failing…they are so fragile aren’t they?…and flippin expensive too
Glad your dentist appt went ok Snoop - hopefully each time becomes easier?
Anyone got any rain to spare please?..who would have guessed a month ago I would have been asking that!
Tomorrow I’m hoping to get some shredding done…we’ve collected rather a huuuge pile of things needing shredding…don’t even care if it’s raining tbh!!!