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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Good Morning All Sunny here. Have a good day
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • Good morning all.

      It's not as hot so far today and semi-cloudy, but feels very sticky and humid. The forecast says we may get showers tonight. Hopefully the air will feel fresher if we do.


      • Good afternoon,cold and wet today, rain has barley stopped since i got up the back of seven, IH has just remarked that its like a winters day outside, went for some messages this morning and heading to hospital shortly, and no Snoop/Nicos not because I have fallen off a ladder its to see about the carpal tunnel problem, hopefully I can get something done about it as the fingers of my left hand are numb and being left handed makes it worse, anyway I will find out later, hopefully i can get a jag or something which should help me feel the rungs of the ladders as I go up them😁just wandering, between the problem with my wrists and arthritis in the small of my back, what will it be like when I get old, now off for a coffee before heading out, have a good day and smile🙂🙂🙂
        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


        • Afternoon n’alln’all

          Sorry - couldn’t get on earlier.
          Well, we ended up having quite a bit of heavy rain this afternoon.
          Enough to prompt me into making mirabelle and vanilla jam and mirabelle and raspberry jam. So that’s 8 kg of mirabelles sorted for today

          It’s still raining here– but very muggy. This wasn’t forecast - just clouds , but I’m glad of a bit of rain. Who would have guessed I’d have said that a couple of months ago! GF…looking forward here too for a less muggy night!

          Hope you get your op sorted Rary. The sooner the better now.

          BbQ time now…hmmm…maybe that’s why it started raining
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • Evening all.

            Well, that was an odd kind of day. The promised rain materialised, all five drops of it. And tomorrow's rain has been well and truly downgraded. Low probability and hardly any even if it does rain. Very disappointing.

            I've not had a very productive day, most of it spent trying to clean floors that are covered in cement and sand. Not an easy task. Will give it a couple more goings-over by hand and then turn to the vacuum cleaner. Likely to clog it up completely, though, which is why I'm trying by hand first. Nice lunch and afternoon nap and that's about it for the day. Better do better tomorrow...

            Have a lovely evening, everyone.


            • Mornin n’alln’all
              Heavy rain over night ( sorry Snoop) which looks like it’s letting up just now.
              Deffo going to make weeding the gravel easy today!….I hadn’t managed to do it all as the ground underneath suddenly baked solid in the recent high temperatures.

              Tomorrow is a Bank Holiday here. Might nip off to a large Vide Grenier if it stays dry.

              Bren…I’ve often thought about your garden sink and finally spotted a narrow enough one for next to my back door. Turns out it’s an old school washbasin wide enough for several junior school aged kids at a time. The owner is on holiday but we’re going over to buy it when they get back. It’s almost a couple of hours away but we can give the camper a good run and make a day of exploring the area whilst we’re over that way.
              To say I’m overjoyed is an understatement

              Enjoy your day peeps- I think the smiles are invigorated by my enthusiasm this morning!
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Good Morning All Very warm but dull here. Hope it doesn't rain as we are lunching by the river in Bakewell later for my youngest GG, her choice of venue for her birthday. Have a good day
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • I love Bakewell Flo!
                  Hope you treat yourself to a Bakewell Pudding?
                  There seem to be a few different recipes sold in several shops there, but I like this one the best…
                  Not cheap though!
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • Morning

                    Nicos good to hear you've found a sink, mine gets a lot use its handy for washing veg. I've got 2 other Belfast sinks but the one with the draining board is used as a sink the others are planters.

                    Last edited by Bren In Pots; 14-08-2024, 09:32 AM.
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • Good morning all.Bright and sunny here.
                      The ground is so dry in my garden, we haven't had any proper rain in ages.
                      The grounds behind our house has turned to straw, not a blade of green grass.

                      I had two Belfast sinks and gave them to my daughter, she grows herbs in them.

                      Flo, I hope you have a lovely day out for your GG birthday.

                      Have a good day all.

                      And when your back stops aching,
                      And your hands begin to harden.
                      You will find yourself a partner,
                      In the glory of the garden.

                      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                      • Good morning all.

                        The council workmen were mowing and strimming the grass verges early this morning but somehow, although I was sort of aware of it, I managed to fit it into my dream. I think there was a small amount of rain last night but no puddles this morning.

                        Maybe a grory hop later, or if it's not too sticky, maybe just a leisurely wander down by the river....and an ice cream.

                        I'm another who has a soft spot for Bakewell pudding and/or tart even though I'm not generally overfond of almonds. I think it's somehow just the right balance.

                        Croissant time again now!


                        • Afternoon all.

                          No rain today either. But the Facebook page for a nearby village shows they had hail 4 cm in diameter and the river in the town just downriver from them is nearly overflowing and full of mud. So there were downpours somewhere. Just not here. Glad to have avoided the hail, but would have loved the rain.

                          We've spent some time clearing around the well. There is some water, but next to none. Mr Snoop reckons if I draw it off, it'll refill. Fingers crossed he's right.

                          Congrats on the sink, Nicos. Sounds like a great find.

                          I really like Bakewell. And the Chatsworth Farm Shop. Just as well there's no pastry in the house. A Bakewell pudding sounds just the job.

                          Have a great rest of the day, everyone.


                          • This is the sink…it’s 90 cm wide and 38 cm front to back - and it’s even got a little place to store the nail brush/. Veggie scrubber!

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_2028.png
Views:	70
Size:	1.04 MB
ID:	2583657
                            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                            Location....Normandy France


                            • Good afternoon.

                              I like the look of your sink, Nicos. I hope you enjoy your day out going to pick it up. I remember once buying an old treadle sewing machine on Ebay for £1. It was "down South". I really think the seller was worried that I wouldn't travel to pick it up, but I knew Mr GF was going to look at a boat a couple of miles away later that week. I got it....he didn't like the boat.

                              I made the effort and did a grory hop earlier. I must have been in observation mode today. When I parked I found a debit card in the car park. I left it with the store manager Later as I was leaving the guy next to me went out and left his big bright purple umbrella behind. I managed to chase him and reunite him with it.

                              I went to drop some shopping off for my brother in law and found out that he managed to fall on Sunday. He couldn't get up and had to use his pendant alarm to get help. He's okay but he was trying to get into his flat from his patio up a small step, going backwards and pulling his wheelchair. Normally he rarely uses his patio.

                              My next job is to get him a small ramp so that he can wheel himself in and out via the patio . In fact if he's going to use the patio, south facing, I might get him a couple of tomato plants to put there next year.


                              • good afternoon all,hoe your all well,sorry not been on for several days,ref fall,i am ok thanks,was like elvis all shook up,and sore,things not been so good on the mental front with family,will be ok,life has a way of kicking us does'nt it,i have to get a grip again,and sort myself out,i am blessed with some good people around me,i need to get in tune with the garden again,and find the MR MOTIVATOR of life,at nearly 81 i am not going down without a fight,i miss the choir meetings,start again next month,i am like the pheonix keep rising ,i was loaned a bread maker ,and going to buy one, i sort off done 1 ,it rose lovely then sunk,i sliced it u and froze it,all gone now,it was ok,but need to try again and experiment,i will work better with 1 of my own,am leased it has cooled down my word,on a good note my eyes and caeracts are well for now,and no change in lences ,so that will go towards the winter heat and tax bill that SHE has took away,i hapen to be one of the luckier ones,
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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