The above are photos showing onions that I lifted today along with some in The greenhouse to dry, I have also posted a photo of my home made fire, which even if it doesn't look like it is made of stainless steel, I have had it in the garden for more than 25years and if I decide to cook on it, once the fire is good, a quick rub with a course or wire brush, water poured onto the top to sterilize the surface with boiling water and it's good for burgers😁
I had fitted a door tn to it and the marking around the door is from the glue material I had used to stick a seal around the opening, also just to add it was moved into that space to allow OH space to hang a washing as the heat that comes off the fire would melt any plastic and burn the wood🙄😊
I had fitted a door tn to it and the marking around the door is from the glue material I had used to stick a seal around the opening, also just to add it was moved into that space to allow OH space to hang a washing as the heat that comes off the fire would melt any plastic and burn the wood🙄😊