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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Hope you shake it of soon GF,and hope thing are ok when you get back Bramble
    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


    • Yes, Bramble, agree with LD: hope everything is OK in your garden. And your daughter's.


      • Just back from having our Covid vaccinations. Pin cushion/ dart board..say no more

        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • Hope your arm doesn't ache to much Nicos, oddly my flu arm ached more that the Covid one but MrPots was the other way around.
          Location....East Midlands.


          • Evening, I got my Covid/flu vaccine yesterday. I have to have them both in the same arm. Woke up this morning in agony but it’s easing off now! Between my back and my arm the painkiller company shareholders will be cheering! 😃
            Hope you are feeling better soon GF and no one has suffered any damage due to the storm.
            Enjoy the rest of your evening…goodnight all. x


            • Good evening all.

              I still feel rough. Thank you all for your kind good wishes. I have done very very little today, I haven't felt up to it, but haven't lost my appetite at all. I'm going to make us an old fashioned hot toddy next: lemon juice, honey, boiling water and a good slug of whisky. The only time I can stand to drink whisky is when my nose is blocked. I don't know if it does any good but I'll try anything.

              I hope your arm is settling down, Jay. I think painkillers must be a good thing to invest in.


              • Morning all.

                Sending good thoughts (sounds a bit hippyish to say positive vibes) to those that need them. Sorry to hear your back is still bad, Jay. That's been a while now. Saw your happy thread post. Hope you have a lovely time with your granddaughter. You deserve a cheering time.

                Very cloudy out. The supposed 200 mm of rain has dwindled overnight to 4.5 mm. Not sorry not to have the 200, but 4.5 seems a bit stingy.

                Off into the village in a bit to collect any post that has arrived for us and sign some papers. After that, it's nose to the grindstone and on with the work. And keep out of Mr Snoop's way. He has to fit a door handle to his car. No instructions and all kinds of breakable-looking bits of plastic. I'd suggest Araldite or superglue, but I don't think he's going to be up for teasing.

                Now, the smiles. They were a bit secretive when I asked them what they'd been up to. I think they've been hanging around the house watching Missy. Not sure, but unless one of you has been hogging them, it's the only explanation. So sorry about that. She is very cute - even Frankie is charmed by her, though he won't let her join us on walks with the dog, that's his prerogative. So, I've made sure to send them on their way this morning. Sou'westers and all.

                Have a great day, everyone.


                • Good morning all.

                  A sunny one here, without a breath of wind.

                  Snoop, can't you find a Youtube video on how to fit the door handle. I used one the first time I stripped a laptop.....(and took lots of pics). Eureka! It worked. I did end up with a couple of screws left over at the end but it worked fine without them for years.

                  Mr GF says he feels a bit better this morning and I think I do too, very slightly. I think I'll try another red hot shower shortly. I used to get awful sinusitis in my teens and twenties. When I started snorkelling in my thirties it went away completely for years, but it now seems to be coming back.

                  I'm hoping to feel semi-human when the paracetamol kick in.


                  • Morning all,i had a really nice sleep,it makes all the difference,ohhh the sun is showing her face,hope this morning see's Jay and GF feeling better than before,heard a whisper them smiles are fully charged and a doing the rounds to cheer eveyone up,enjoy your day everyone
                    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                    • Morning all.

                      I too, Lottie, had a really good, long sleep last night, it makes the whole world a better looking place doesn't it? Had my covid/flu jabs on Saturday, both jab sites ached till yesterday, now they are fine. Hope everyone else's jabs turn out the same. Lots of good wishes to all those currently feeling under the weather (what an odd expression that really is, isn't it?) and wishing you speedy recoveries.

                      GF, I think getting a man to watch an instructional Utoob video is much the same as expecting him to read the instructions before starting anything. They just seem biologically unable to

                      Have a good day all.
                      Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                      Endless wonder.


                      • Originally posted by mothhawk View Post

                        GF, I think getting a man to watch an instructional Utoob video is much the same as expecting him to read the instructions before starting anything. They just seem biologically unable to

                        Have a good day all.
                        🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 So true. It comes in the same category as asking directions.


                        • Mornin n’alln’all

                          I too had a good sleep once I finally got off

                          Achy arm but fine so far. OH, on the other hand, isn’t good so I’ve tucked him up with a hot water bottle. Strange how we all react differently to these vaccinations isn’t it?
                          Hes so glad we didn’t have the flu at the same time!
                          Sorry to hear about your back still Jay….now…come on…shake a leg!… Speedy recovery xx

                          Glad to hear you are both feeling a bit better gf.

                          I nearly fell off my chair the other day….( had I been sat on one)… OH actually asked someone in a shop where something was!
                          Normally, true to form, he too would have wandered around trying to work out ‘ the puzzle of where it was illogically ‘hidden’ ‘
                          He even commented on it himself! Maybe the penny is finally dropping that it’s so much easier to ask!

                          Apart from pampering over OH today, we have to get the camper in for its handbreak to be checked out…but that’s for later….

                          Hope everyone has a great day!
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Good Morning All Sunny here now after a gloomy start. I agree about watching instructional videos, but I'm sure it's a generation thing. My sons make it their first call. Have a good day
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • ME again,sitting in the bathroom and a baby rat came scutting by and went behind the sink,i screamed and ran,PDQ,son coming to sort me out with some trapslast week i noticed the carpet between the lounge and kitchen had some fibers pulled out,so it must have been with me since then,no idea but might be looking for lodgings tonight,to say i am unnerved is an understatement,of to pick son up and get some traps
                              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                              • LD, you have my complete sympathy. I would be a quivering wreck.

                                I can picture myself taking my husband's air rifle into the bathroom with me......and ending up with a wall like a pegboard.

                                I hope you get it caught quickly.


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