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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Hope you aren’t on your own lottie…but we’ll be here keeping you company xx
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • When is your Xmas concert Lottie?….how exciting
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Evening

        Hope you don’t have a long wait for your next dental appointment Flo, if you’re like me you’ll want them over and done with.
        Location....East Midlands.


        • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post

          Hope you don’t have a long wait for your next dental appointment Flo, if you’re like me you’ll want them over and done with.
          Next one is in 2 weeks time Bren, so not long. While I was at the desk, I overheard the receptionist telling a patient on the phone that they had been removed from the Practice because they had cancelled three appointments. We used to discharge patients back to the referring physician if they didn't attend three appointments, but that does at least provide a safety net. I suppose that isn't needed with dentists, so it must be the "three strikes and you're out" rule
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Nicos it is next Saturday early evening,no solo's this time,in a local church were we practice, our pianist also plays the organ,so we have both to sing to,and there will be audience participation as well,and mince pies and soft drinks at half time,so time to get the lamb out to dress the mutton hehehe,night night
            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


            • Sounds lovely lottie!
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Mornin n’alln’all

                Very frosty start to the day here…and the sun is just starting to peep over the top of the hill. Looking lovely!

                OH managed to clear loads of the leaves off the gravel driveway yesterday….so I can now see all the weeds coming up through it
                Never ending is it?…but that in itself is the beauty of nature…..I guess it’s a matter of survival and we are attempting to control/ utilise that.

                More tidying up indoors for me- slowly getting there…hindered by two guys constantly sanding down, chipping off paint and walking it through the house
                What’s not done by next Tuesday will have to wait until January. Funnily enough I ‘ve had enough of Xmases with building work going on. I should have known this would be the trend when OH had 4 days off over our first Xmas in our first house when he decided we should remove the lead plumbing and replace it all. Then the second one when he decided we should fit a central heating system in time for the arrival of our first born….. I think as Xmas approaches I need to tie him to a chair or something!!!

                I’m intending to go for a bigger grory hop later- not for much but things our local shop doesn’t sell. Anyone need anything bringing back?
                Whatever you get up to, try and enjoy yourselves today. We have a lot to be thankful for x
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Morning all.

                  Very dull day and a bit chilly. Very glad to have the firewood supplies in these days. The bedroom was lovely and warm this morning, as I popped another big log on at 3 am when I woke up. Another blessing to be counted.

                  On the cards for today, lots of work, though I am catching up, which is another blessing. Though I do need to find time for the garden. The wild rocket is extending its territory...

                  Your choir event sounds lovely, LD. Hope you have a really nice time.

                  Have a great day, everyone.


                  • Morning

                    Nicos its a shame veg plants don't grow as fast as weeds.

                    Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
                    Next one is in 2 weeks time Bren, so not long.
                    so it must be the "three strikes and you're out" rule
                    Flo hopefully you'll be sorted by Christmas. About the three strikes I wonder if its because some dentist have waiting list for new patients, I know there's some like that in our area.

                    enjoy your day

                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • Good Morning All Hardly any sleep for me, I had to read until gone three. Neck ache, which I wonder may have been caused by the dentist chair? It's sunny but freezing here. I must sweep the wet leaves from my paths today - they're slippy. I think you're right Bren, I know my dentist is not accepting new patients. Have a good day
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Good morning from a freezing cold Dublin.
                        The place is white with frost and its minus 1
                        Off out to my line dancing...That should warm me up.
                        Catch you all later.

                        And when your back stops aching,
                        And your hands begin to harden.
                        You will find yourself a partner,
                        In the glory of the garden.

                        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                        • Good morning.

                          Only a cloudy 3°C here, with a maximum of 6°C forecast for later today. However, it's warm indoors. I snuck out of bed at about 7am and turned the thermostat up and then crept back in to snuggle up behind Mr GF while things warmed up .... utter joy. Yes, lots to be thankful for nowadays.

                          I know the awkward, gawky, rebellious, ten year old tomboy (me) who lived and went to primary school in a small Yorkshire mining village could never have envisaged how different life could, and would be. My horizons appeared very limited. The only reason men went abroad was to fight in the services. They mostly worked as miners. Most of the women worked in the mills and then got married locally and had hordes of children. I wonder how many of the adults were happy? To ten year old me, it looked like a fate worse than death.

                          I'm planning a grory hop for today or tomorrow, hopefully when it's reasonably quiet. Hopefully, on Thursday, I should get a mini-flood of Amazon parcels.The naughty phone and debit card have been busy. I'm hoping that this

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20241203_102113_Amazon Shopping.jpg
Views:	69
Size:	117.4 KB
ID:	2588733
                          will be a hit with a curious 3 year old. It sticks to the side of the bath.


                          • Morning all,another day day has dawned,there is always something to do even when only yourself,want to whip a cake up today something plain and simple for a change,also ought to introduce myself to the vacume and refresh the carpet,reminer to put a tin of polish on the list,then go find my get up and go,as it's sneaked of and done a runner again,not that it really needs it,but i like it to look nice,thats enough woffling on,have a lovely day everyone,
                            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                            • Actually, you’ve reminded me Lottie- we have a lot of wooden furniture and I like to wax and polish them before the Xmas decorations go up!
                              I’d forgotten about that with all the dust around…I’ll get the wax and cloths out so I can crack on once the guys have vacated one section of the house.
                              Thanks for that!
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • Good afternoon, cold and dull today,dragged out for shopping today and just back home, I should have forced OH to learn to drive when we were younger, rather than let her think she was the boss, when she said she didnt want to, if OH could drive she could have went shopping by herself and I could have got on with more serious things, like painting a bit of wall and watching it dry or similar important work.
                                I can relate to how your OH thinks Nicos, I have done several jobs during Christmas holidays, the most memorable being the time I turned a bedroom into our present diningroom this meant our sons bedroom going up into the loft, he had to access his room by ladders , so walls moved , and plastered, electrics repositioned, archway created between new diningroom and livingroom and of course a staircase as our 17 year old couldn't be expected to go up and down ladders for a week or two, well according to his mum, all done in four days before going back to work doing 12hr shifts
                                On something different, I feed the birds and get quite a number coming to the feeders, unfortunately I get gray squirrels as well and they destroy so many of the feeders, so I had made a cage to hold the feeders and prevent them getting into it, unfortunately one got in the other day, it would appear that it chewed through an electric cable and got inside, then couldn't get back out once I released it, I again sealed up the cage the following day there was a woodpecker trapped inside, so to avoil any birds harming themselves I have now used a lid from a dalek compost bin to use as a baffel on the pipe I use for hanging the feeders and on seeing a squirrel giving up on getting any feeding, I am hopeful that this will work, well time will tell, now off to prepair for my garden club so have a pleasant evening and keep smiling

                                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


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