Afternoon,love hearing about the exploits of the past,how things have changed in just our lifetime,all i got done yesterday was,i loaf,a cake and some sausage rolls that came out great,oh and dinner for 2 again,i do like doing that,nice feeling, i did not wake up till gone lunch time today,only for the loo,wonder if it might help to put the alarm on everyday bar sunday,and get some time in front of the light box whist sipping a hot coffee,i hate being like this,plus DR and pills are NOT the answer,will start tommorrow,not wait until new year revelations,i have a garden and seeds to play with,and want to start with the onion seed,thats something to do christmas day if am my own,i am not posting any cards this year,only hand delivery,the rest will be either verball or whatsapp,the postage is far to dear,enjoy rest of today everyone 
