Good afternoon folks, was out of bed before eight this morning, showered and had just put the porridge on the cooker when OH came through, she seems to be suffering from seatica just now, though I think it has been caused by a bad mattress, we had to do away with our old mattress as it was getting to heavy for me to turn it, so daughter got that one, bought a new one lasted four weeks and granddaughter got that one, have now got another new one which might be OK but can see one of the grandsons getting it, anyway I have to rub some cream onto OHs leg to try and ease the pain, we eventually got out about 2hrs later than normal for some messages, then back home for lunch and after that took daughters dogs out for a walk which led to me being soaked, now getting ready to take OH for her flu and booster jags. Try and pass on a smile others might be having a worse day than you