Originally posted by greenishfing
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Chitchat thread #24
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Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
greenishfing our house was built in the 1860's and it only had an outside loo and I'm really glad we kept it, been handy when we're in the garden or when our kids were teens and had garden camp outs with friends.
At my mums house they retained their outside loo even when it had been modernised and I must admit it was handy to be able to nip to the loo when you were wearing muddy wellies and boots.
Anyway the snow has gone nowand its a balmy 3c
I also think an outside loo is great, but only as an extra. When it's the only one and you need to go on a cold Winter night I wouldn't reccomend it, nightdress and wellies! Nobody used to loiter. They used to leave a candle burning in there under a terracotta plant pot in the depths of Winter supposedly to stop it freezing.
I've braved the cold, slush and icy wind and bought a new toaster. One with a glass side that I'd coincidentally seen in Aldi at the beginning of the week. The idea being if Mr GF can see the toast changing colour he won't need to keep playing with it. Obviously I've tried it out and am pleased so far. There wasn't any newspapers anywhere today though, obviously there must have been problems over the Pennines in the night. I still remember shortly after the M62 was built, (and was supposed to be the motorway that never closed due to snow) an outside broadcast on the news where it was completely snowed up. Glad to be back indoors now.Last edited by greenishfing; 27-11-2021, 03:01 PM.
Afternoon n’alln’all
Yippee- we have access to internet at the moment so I thought I’d pop in to say hi
Millpond crossing and an easyish drive up to the Lakes where we are at the moment.
Looks like the Winter weather was nipping at rary’s heels as he left!
Only snow here is up on the fells, but we had horrendous winds last night which blew the roof off our daughters outdoor loo…and nope- they don’t have an indoor one
Loads of massive trees are down all over the place, some taking out field boundary walls…. but the saplings we’ve been planting out (only another 2,000 to go) were all ok.
Good grief Flo…what a time to be without heating too - it really is time that sh1t fairy left you alone.
Hope you enjoyed your burpday weekend NTG?
Snoop - my Pudding Book was waiting here for me . Cost £1 plus postage. I’ve had a look through and can’t wait to try out a few.
Sorry if I missed anyone out but I’ve only had a few minutes to scan through.
Keep warm everyone…you know what I fancy right now?…a big mug of Horlicks! Not had one for years!…I must buy some.
I always preferred it to Ovaltine as a nipper, even though I had an Ovaltini beaker with a blue plastic nightcap with a red ball for its toggle.
Did anyone else have one of those?"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Originally posted by Nicos View Post... but we had horrendous winds last night which blew the roof off our daughters outdoor loo…and nope- they don’t have an indoor one
Loads of massive trees are down all over the place, some taking out field boundary walls…. but the saplings we’ve been planting out (only another 2,000 to go) were all ok.
Good grief Flo…what a time to be without heating too - it really is time that sh1t fairy left you alone.
Hope you enjoyed your burpday weekend NTG?
Snoop - my Pudding Book was waiting here for me . Cost £1 plus postage. I’ve had a look through and can’t wait to try out a few.
Sorry if I missed anyone out but I’ve only had a few minutes to scan through...
Good weekend thanks Nicos. Another year older but no wiserI just had 20 2ltr and 10 4ltr pots turn up (Pressie off my daughter) so I can get the shallots in and some French beans planted for some early crops (I'm going to grow everything in pots this coming year to give me a chance to tackle the new veg beds)
My aim one year is to start at the 1st recipe and work all the way thru the book ... some of them look really good and I do enjoy a good suet pud.
Afternoon AllSner still lying, but the main roads are clear. I quite fancy Horlicks too, but I haven't got any, so I'll just have to stick to the G&T tonight
Himself couldn't understand why I've been cleaning the windows! I told him that I can't do anything about the general state of things, but I can keep the windows clean
I went outside just now to change the batteries in my fence lights - it is freezing! When I was young we only had an outside lav, at the bottom of the garden. It was so far away that we all announced when we were going (in case anyone wondered where we were) and I've never got out of the habit. My family tell me "too much information Mum", when I tell them I'm going to the loo
Granny on the Game in Sheffield
Evedently went to the Lake District at the right time, I didn't need to wear a jacket all weekendbut then the sun shines on the righteous
FF I can relate to what you say about informing the family when you are going to the lavatory, but there was still problems when it was shared with other five familiesas for the windows, my OH has an obsession with cleaning windows as well so can also relate with himself.
Was in the garden this afternoon, though felt very cold I am happy that I got some work done, the feeling the cold bit made me feel as if I was getting old, so have some sympathy for you older folks, well take care keep safe and warm and make others feel warm by passing on some smiles
it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.
Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers
Hello, I am returning. I can’t read through all the threads since the last time I posted. So I will start with tonight. I was a marshal at our Christmas lights switch on. It was cold, so I nipped in the nearest pub afterwards hoping for a Whisky Mac to warm me up. Pubs no longer seem to have ginger wine in stock. I was offered whisky and ginger ale. Personal opinion, yuck! I accepted their hot toddy, warming, cheap and very bland. So home.
I see Rary and Nick the Grief are also back. We can’t keep away forever!"I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
"It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)
Morning all.
The wind is blowing about a bit here today, but nowhere near as bad as you all seem to have had it. Mr Snoop has gone off into a forested area to help some friends who need to use our chainsaw, and as they're rather clumsy, he's decided to do the chainsawing himself. Who chainsaws in windy conditions? I hope I'm not adding something to the famous last words thread for real!
Anyway, a friend is cooking lunch today, so I'm going to try and get ahead with a bit of work. Maybe a bit of baking too. And a minor amount of housework. Not much, mind. I'm pretty sure I'd qualify as that old-fashioned word 'slattern'.
As for outdoor loos, we have very primitive arrangements that I won't describe, otherwise there would be Eek emojis all over this thread! I can hear your imaginations going wild from here - no, not holes in the ground!
Goodness, three emojis in one message. The smiles are positively laughing, as I hardly ever use them. Anyway, they've just shot off, battling against the wind, but still giggling. Should be with you soon. Have a great day, everyone.
Good day all.
Power outage this morning so only managing to check in now.
Bright and dry but very cold, just 3 degs.
No plans for the day, grandson coming for lunch.
Maybe a bit of pottering in the greenhouse this afternoon.
Have a good day 4all
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Sunny but below freezing first thing. I went to get a newspaper for my husband when the thermometer crept above freezing. The new car made me smile with a message on the screen "Danger of snow and ice". It tends to treat me as if I am an idiot. Nearly all the snow had gone by late morning here today but in the last half hour big fat flakes have started dropping again. I think I'll go and amuse myself in the kitchen and make some pasta bakes.
Snoop, sad to say another "slattern" here. The good thing is I have an almost perfect visual memory of where I have seen or put things so things rarely get lost.Last edited by greenishfing; 28-11-2021, 12:41 PM.
Afternoon AllSnowing thick and fast here too. Son has just left to go home while the main roads are still clear. He's moved the garden furniture into the dining room for me and covered the holes in the kitchen walls (they were vented in a larder unit that has now gone) so that has made it much warmer. Enjoy your Sunday
Granny on the Game in Sheffield
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