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Chitchat thread #24


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  • I am just not feeling christmassy yet. I eventually went to the post office yesterday and posted a card off to Cyprus to one of my step daughters. It had been lurking in my handbag for over a week. I ought to write tl1.......
    Sorry, had to break off to sort out blaring smoke alarm. Mr GF is burning toast and ignoring it. Evidently even the glass sided toaster isn't enough to stop him and he is insisting it isn't burnt....
    To continue, I ought to write the rest of the cards and wrap presents. I've got to finish sewing up the baby's jumper I've knitted first though. I knitted it in under a week but I'm not a fan of sewing up and finishing off and I've been putting it off.
    Mr GF has now eaten every last bit of his cremated toast in an attempt to convince me that it isn't burnt.
    It is really cold here this morning, the car is an ice cube. It is forecast to warm up later.


    • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post

      Nicos just wondering when you mentioned callers do the pompiers still come around with their calendar ?
      Ah….yes indeed!
      I think we may have missed them so far- thanks for the reminder!
      Also the post lady and the guys from the veterans club

      Just how many rubbish calendars does one actually need? We never use them, so I think I’ll just hand over the money (€5-10) each is usual, and suggest they keep the calendars .

      But yummy yum……fingers crossed the pompiers call in! “ young man young man “ to quote a certain comedian

      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Just putting up the decorations.
        They do bring back lovely family memories ,but it’s sad we’re not all together - and I do miss my mom as she was always with us over the festive season…even flying out on her own for several years until she wasn’t able to cope.

        Ah well…maybe I should get some festive music on too, but I know what you mean gf….it seems all a bit too much effort at the moment

        Anyone for a glass of mulled cider perhaps? ( same recipe as my mulled wine but no wine )
        I’ll get the pan on…….
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • Mulled cider, that sounds interesting. Can I have a glass to try it?

          All quiet on the southern front. Except it isn't. It's blowing a gale out there and things are rattling around outside. Bright but perishing cold. I've just seen some hunters trying to work out where to cross our valley. I guess they're checking things out for tomorrow. Hope they decide not to come back. We have loads of small birds this year and they'll be pushed on by the hunters, their blaring horns and barking dogs. Three of them are roosting overnight in our garage, one of them perched on an electricity cable right over the generator, which has had to go on a couple of nights, but the bird isn't so perturbed that it flies off.

          Not much other news. Not doing very well with the baking. In fact, I feel jinxed since the failed crumpets. Today's brownies are a disaster... Absolutely no good to give away and a mess to wash up as well. Gah!

          So, better get on with the rest of the afternoon. Hope you're all having a lovely Saturday.


          • Originally posted by Nicos View Post

            Ah….yes indeed!
            I think we may have missed them so far- thanks for the reminder!
            Also the post lady and the guys from the veterans club

            Just how many rubbish calendars does one actually need? We never use them, so I think I’ll just hand over the money (€5-10) each is usual, and suggest they keep the calendars .

            But yummy yum……fingers crossed the pompiers call in! “ young man young man “ to quote a certain comedian
            Nicos 3 calendars a lot can you hide under the table pretending you're not in

            Lucky we have just the one calendar from the milkman it's a wall planner so it's handy.

            Not been far today mostly been in my craft room finishing of the last of my Christmas cards, will deliver them sometime this week.
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Good evening all.
              It's been a very mild day here with the the temp now at 13 degs.
              A busy day here with a few interruptions
              Got the tree up but then g daughter visited unexpectedly and decided she would like something to eat.
              The next stop in the work was to drive her home.
              Then second g daughter rang for a chat.
              The rest of the decorating will have to wait until tomorrow

              And when your back stops aching,
              And your hands begin to harden.
              You will find yourself a partner,
              In the glory of the garden.

              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


              • Evening

                That happens Bramble some days just work out different to what we'd planned, it still good to have visitors isn't it.

                Snoop pity about your Brownies could you still eat them or did they need covering in custard ?

                Location....East Midlands.


                • Good evening folks, there was a slight drizzle when I walked up for the paper this morning, but it started getting heavier as I was heading back home, once home I did same housework then OH said she would like a heavier quilt on the bed as she had felt it a bit cold the last couple of nights, so was getting ready to fit the new one into the cover and told OH that this was a two man job, but she went on to prove she wasn't a man​​​​​​..... she went and made a cup of tea while I fitted the quilt​​​​​​, after that I had a read of the paper and as it was heavy rain by that time I decided to spend the day preparing a quiz for the garden club, thigh I had to go out for a bit of shopping and there was some serious flooding on the roads, still to finish my quiz but grandsons will be down tomorrow so hopefully one if them will be able to make it presentable. We'll enjoy the remainder of the weekend and keep safe,
                  it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                  Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                  • Mornin n’alln’all
                    Early start to the day…Hibou making the most of having her live-in doormen back on duty

                    The gardening quiz sounds great Rary - when are you holding it?.. fingers crossed that flooding clears soon.

                    We’ll be finishing off the decorating today, then I need to start planning the finishing work for the camper.
                    We have to fix a plaque inside the vehicle and pass the final safety conformity checks which is booked in for the first week of January!…yippee

                    Right…tea and toast and dippy eggs this morning…..

                    Enjoy your day peeps - see ya later….
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Morning All,

                      Wasnt feeling too sharp yesterday - felt queasy and had a stomach ache. today, im just not hungry! never mind.

                      Managed to cut the end of my thumb off during the week... it really hasnt been a great week for me!

                      Anyhoo - on with work! we're moving our oil tank at the moment which will involve a lot of digging and moving of a path etc so lots going on in the garden... i just need to find the time to fit it all in!

                      Happy Sunday all
                      "Bulb: potential flower buried in Autumn, never to be seen again."
                      - Henry Beard


                      • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
                        Snoop pity about your Brownies could you still eat them or did they need covering in custard ?
                        Inspired thought. Yes! Thanks for suggesting it.

                        Morning all.

                        Bright out there at the moment. The gale has stopped, thank goodness. Might be quite a nice day for a bit of gardening later, when it warms up. Other than that, not much else on the cards except a bit of work.

                        You all sound very busy and jolly. Hope you all have a lovely day. Big hug to Lottie, whatever you're up to.

                        Edited: Sorry, Peteyd, didn't spot you there. Sounds like you've been in the wars. Hope your thumb heals quickly. Good luck with all the works.
                        Last edited by Snoop Puss; 12-12-2021, 08:30 AM.


                        • Morning its a dry day here today

                          Peteyd not a good week at all for you, its difficult to work around a thumb injury especially if you're lifting.

                          Snoop you can hide anything under custard
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • Morning all. Upset stomach here. I have a sneaky feeling it was an overdose of mint and orange after eights which were truthfully pretty horrible but right next to me last night. .... So.....self inflicted.
                            I can hear my husband scraping burnt bits off his toast but at least he hasn't set the smoke alarm off today......yet.
                            Peteyd, I hope your thumb is healing and it wasn't too serious. Dare we ask how you did it?
                            Warmer here today, a sultry 9°C. It's already been raining, but forecast to dry up.


                            • Good morning all.
                              A thick fog ths morning and its 9 degs.
                              Finishing the Christmas decorating today.
                              Nothing else on the cards at the moment.
                              Have a good day all.

                              And when your back stops aching,
                              And your hands begin to harden.
                              You will find yourself a partner,
                              In the glory of the garden.

                              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                              • Oh ouch ouch Peteyd
                                Hope it heals quickly. ( the things people do to try and get out of the Xmas washing up eh?)

                                In my early 20’s I managed to cut a massive flap in the pulp of my right thumb. (It’s the nearest time I’ve come to fainting)
                                At hospital it was stitched up and they rolled their eyes when they saw it “ Corned beef tin?” Yup.
                                I had to keep it dry for 2 weeks.
                                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                                Location....Normandy France


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