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Chitchat thread #24


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  • I've identified them. These:

    All yellow, though, so females and immature males by the look of it. Golden patches where the wings join the body. Really beautiful. Lots up in my veg patch near the house too. Dozens and dozens all told.

    Pigs in beach towels is an innovation, mothhawk!
    Last edited by Snoop Puss; 20-07-2022, 10:32 AM.


    • Beautiful Snoop! ( I’m referring to the dragonflies!)
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Good morning all,so pleased it has cooled down a BIT,that looks a lovely colour Snoop,you got some very different creatures where you are,it's lovely how each country has things that suit the climate,having said that,it could be all changing,Nicos i loved my cold bottle yester afternoon,could do with a change over one,to keep the cool coming,we need to get over this heat now,and get back into whatever normal was before,but in a few days ,i am not looking forwards to thunder storm's,they faccinating from a distance,also we not know how violent they could be after such heat,and being on my own in a different place,i know a whimpy satay safe and have a good afternoon
        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


        • Good afternoon all.
          Just been to the park for a nice long walk.
          The temp is down here to the late teens and the sky is hazy.
          I have been deadheading my sweetpeas, they have been going over so quickly with the heat.
          My dahlias are putting on a nice display now.

          Lots of bees in the garden but not many other insects.j

          Have a good afternoon all,

          And when your back stops aching,
          And your hands begin to harden.
          You will find yourself a partner,
          In the glory of the garden.

          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


          • I decided to stay indoors and iron another couple of hours should completely clear it. Its been thundering and lightning here most of the day - loads of very heavy rain showers. Still hot and humid though, so not worth going out in the camper. Maybe tomorrow - might be a better choice in the end.

            Going to make another cake in the Omnia to test it for volume. Don’t want to overfill it and it to rise too muchand stick to the inside of the lid
            I gave away most of yesterday’s cake to our guests so we wouldn’t eat it. OH wasn’t too impressed with me doing that ..te he.
            Hopefully this will be a yummy orange zest Victoria sponge which will go very well with some vanilla ice cream. His face lit up at the very thought…

            Has anyone been affected by the fires I’ve been reading about? Not had any near us thank goodness.

            Time for a brew????yeh…let’s be wicked…I’ll get that cake going….
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • Evening

              Well the rain from 5 pm onwards didn't arrive our next rains due Friday, but we'll see.

              A bit of sewing today some curtain linings needed replacing not as fun as MrPots new windsock he made today.

              Enjoy your evening.
              Location....East Midlands.


              • Evening all. There is actually a cool breeze this evening so the curtains and windows are wide open and the temperature outdoors has actually fallen to just below 20°C.

                No sign of any rain STILL. I love to watch a good thunderstorm, preferably from safely inside my car.

                I'll fill the water tray shortly as something obviously took advantage of it last night. Apart from the hedgehogs that I saw the night before last I do occasionally see a fox wandering past late at night.


                • Sorry if I’m hogging the rain peeps.
                  It has finally stopped here, so it’s on its way to some other needy person.

                  Last night when OH was putting the chooks away he spotted 4 fox cubs frolicking in the field behind ours. They scarpered when they saw him.
                  oh and yes, if anyone is wondering…the cake was a major success…and there is only half of it left

                  I know we’ll sleep better tonight - so much cooler!…yippeeee
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • Mornin n’alln’all

                    bliss -so much cooler here!
                    might nip out to market this morning and do a grory hop if we aren’t going out in the camper - I’ll leave it to OH to decide.

                    Whats everyone else up to today?…I ‘m sure I just spotted the smiles whizzing by ….
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Good morning. I awakened to the gently pitter patter of rain! Not a lot but anything is better than none. Overnight the temperature dropped to a blissful 16°C. Even the forecast looks promising.
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	20220721_072041.jpg
Views:	143
Size:	33.5 KB
ID:	2549288

                      I hope everyone else is cooling down now too.


                      • Morning all.

                        It's certainly much cooler today. Funny, we used to think of 22C as a lovely hot summer day, now it's wonderfully cool!

                        Grory hop for me this morning, and library visit, then a garden tidy up to dead-head all the flowers that went over in the heat.

                        have a good day all.
                        Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                        Endless wonder.


                        • Morning

                          We have rain, was drizzle earlier but now its real rain that's wetting the garden and topping up my water butts.

                          Grory hop first not sure what after that.

                          enjoy your day
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • It's still raining. Even the bin men, who came an hour ago seemed to have a spring in their step. I've just been outdoors and everything smells so much better. Obviously we need lots more but I was beginning to think that the clouds had forgotten how to get here. I can see young blackbirds hopping around full of joy and what I presume is a Mr pigeon chasing a what I presume is a Mrs pigeon along the garden fence and trying to mount her..... she was not happy!


                            • Morning all.

                              No rain on the horizon here. I opened the weather forecast site. First thing that came up: "the heat will lower its guard this weekend". Still says 36 ºC highs and 23 ºC lows. Mind you, at least it's not the 28 ºC low they were forecasting the other day, so that is a big improvement.

                              The smiles did indeed leave in a hurry this morning, Nicos. I think they were hoping for a nice cool shower in the rain. Plus a look at the piece of cake still remaining before it all disappears. Surprised they whizzed past. Maybe it's such a small piece of cake that they couldn't pick up its scent. Me, I got up in a good mood but there's nothing like emails from clients to put the kibosh on that.

                              Mr Snoop has gone into town to collect mail and other bits and bobs. Ice was top of my list. Bread was undoubtedly top of his. The words ice lollies were not spoken...

                              Right, on with the show. Better see what these emails are about. Have a great day, everyone.


                              • Good morning all,how lovely to feel the coolness,still no rain here either,been out to the poly,and the air is very slight damp,squashes look to be getting more male flowers now,saw a bee yesterday around the plants,the carrots look awfull,never seen any go like it before,looks like they slowly dieing,even with water,but the snip,and beetroot look healthy,the swede looks ok too,next doors has a beech tree,and the catkin things drench my garden,it has been cut back to the wall,and the willow tree completly gone from tother side,so whether the past dropping have done harm to the soil,or just lack of ground been previouse shrubby type things,or just bad luck with the weather,i do not know,nothing i can do at this time of the year,there is always next year,
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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