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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Morning all.

    Congrats on the MOT, GF. Always a relief.

    27 ºC at 8.30 am this morning. Feels like it's going to be another stinker of a day.

    Mr Snoop will be helping out with the watering this morning, a trial run for teh next ten days or so, when he will be in control. After that, it feels a bit like you name it, it's for sure on my list of jobs to do, which is as long as my forearm at least, though not quite my whole arm. The smiles got a bit alarmed when they saw me writing it out. And there's no putting any of it off till tomorrow either. Anyway, the smiles shot off with a sympathetic wave and I'd better get on with doing at least some of these jobs.

    Have a great day, everyone.


    • Good morning all. Blue sky and sunshine here. 15°C at the moment, but going to 27°C this afternoon.

      I must go to a supermarket later. I'm even nearly out of milk, and I cannot abide the long life rubbish. It just doesn't taste like milk should.

      See you later.


      • Mornin Snoopn’alln’all;D

        Warmer start here too. That woodpecker seems to have found a tree worth tapping away at! He’s at it as a speak!

        Gf….that’s a great relief. Phew indeed!
        Mine is due on 1st September…but there is an ESP warning light on all the time which the local garage can’t seem to sort out. It doesn’t show up on diagnostics - My guess is that it’s the computer again throwing up faults which don’t exist. It’s happened before with other warning lights. Problem is that this could be an MOT failure, so it really needs sorting - and most garages here are closed for mist of August A new computer costs well over £1,000 …and there are two of them….so it’s not as simple as it sounds Old cars…pah eh?

        Off to Lidl in a sec - I need to return an industrial vac we bought from them a few months ago - the motor stopped working. It was brill whilst it lasted though
        Might buy some peaches and nectarines for the freezer…always lovely to have a peach crumble in the winter

        Have a great day peeps - I’m sure I spotted the smiles earlier….did they set off with a load of factor 50 suncream Snoop?

        No time for a second brew….it’ll have to wait I’m afraid!
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • Hi gf…didn’t spot you there.
          Yeh..we have the longlife rubbish. Fresh milk seem to last a couple of days here at the moment. Not geared up I suppose for small amounts to be transported…..
          You get used to the flavour - different makes are subtly different and we’ve found one we find is OK.
          Can’t beat fresh cold milk on cereal though!….something I always have when visiting the UK!

          I wonder if you can still get sterilised milk? I recall most elderly relatives pulling out tall slender bottles of strangely flavoured ‘milk’ when I was a nipper.
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • good morning all,another stinker on the cards,the smiles have been fling around Snoop,they helped water the poly and a bit of the garden,pleased the car got it's MOT,it is a dread as we get older,especialy when we need it for helping others,like you do GF,Nicos sew was my trade,i done all sorts of stuff over the years,coats,dresses,knitware,even a a few months making specialist bags,as a late teen,i took a coat to bits,and made a childs coat usingthe revers of the cloth,the lady was very pleased with it,private bride and maids dresses,i once even cut a large caravan awing up,and made a small one to suit the old one we once had,i wish i has your organizing the crop into things for the freezer,if we could all do everything,then peeps would not need so many jobs,hence lesss money in circlation,and fizzled brain and bodies hehehehe,going for a slow walk with the boys shortly,back a lot easier but still get bits of funny happenings that make me sit up and squeek,also got to get hold of DVLA,i not had my driving lecence back yet from 12 moths ago when i changed address,they do know i moved,as the tax reneall came ok,but this is a another 3rd yearto renew the licence,on account of age,and no paper work has come,i do not want to loose my car ,have a good afternoon and stay safe
            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


            • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
              Hi gf…didn’t spot you there.
              Yeh..we have the longlife rubbish. Fresh milk seem to last a couple of days here at the moment. Not geared up I suppose for small amounts to be transported…..
              You get used to the flavour - different makes are subtly different and we’ve found one we find is OK.
              Can’t beat fresh cold milk on cereal though!….something I always have when visiting the UK!

              I wonder if you can still get sterilised milk? I recall most elderly relatives pulling out tall slender bottles of strangely flavoured ‘milk’ when I was a nipper.
              Most of my elderly relatives got their milk from one of the relatives who had a local dairy farm and bottled their own so fortunately I never got the strange stuff as a child. In the 70s I once ordered a coffee to finish a meal somewhere on the North Circular Road in London and they put sterilised milk in it. I just couldn't drink it. I can just about cope with long life in coffee, but not in tea or on cereal. I can also vaguely remember seeing evaporated milk and condensed milk for sale in tins. Yuk!

              My mother once told me that she fed me diluted tinned milk of some sort when I wasn't putting on weight as a baby. Maybe that's where my lifelong aversion to it came from.


              • Morning

                Not the best day to bake but I needed bread cobs and naans. Anyway they’re done now and most will be frozen later.
                I’m another who doesn’t like sterilised milk, I tried soya milk at a friends but never again.

                MrPots says as a kid he had condensed milk sandwiches, not something I ever tried.

                enjoy your day
                Location....East Midlands.


                • Oooh Bren…some of my school mates used to bring condensed milk sandwiched to school for the mid morning snack. Sprinkled with sugar if I recall?

                  Personally I was a jammy dodger kind of lass, chewing the biscuit off from around the jam. That or ready salted crisps with a blue twist of salt hidden in one of the bottom corners.

                  Oh my…I’ve just remembered that dinner money in infant school was half a crown a week and I remember thinking how useful that was that it was exactly the right amount with just one coin. Goodness knows how much they are these days
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • You’ve been baking Bren…I’m going to iron in a minute… many other nutters do we have doing daft things like that in the heat of the day?
                    Needs must I know.
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • I always remember school meals being a shilling a day, half a crown a week. There was never any waste as there was only one choice for both courses and if there was any left we used to get "seconds". Looking back there never seemed to be any picky eaters although we all moaned about them.... of course.


                      • Mornin n’alln’all

                        Great start to the day …Mr Tippy Tappy on his tree again …and a male tawny owl calling out twoooo both for about 10 minutes. Lovely
                        We tried to look out for meteors last night but the moon was very bright - might try again tonight.

                        Some of our guests went for a dawn walk yesterday and were thrilled they made the effort…roe deer, a badger, a fox, and a hare ( no doubt our ‘ultra strawberry stuffed ‘ hare ) You don’t see many of those living in an apartment in a large city do you?

                        Not sure what I’ll do today.but I really must do some deadheading.

                        Anyone fancy a brew? The kettle was already hot so I suspect Snoop is up and about busily doing ‘stuff’
                        Last edited by Nicos; 10-08-2022, 05:34 AM.
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • I'm off in a couple of hours, so in fact, it's Mr Snoop making all the teas and coffees this morning. He's also done the watering. My contribution here has been to chuck out all the melons cooked by the sun. Eight big fat whoppers... With any luck, there will be time for a second flush. Must ask him to collect the squash too. That will be fun... They've rampaged everywhere and the fruit are lurking far and wide.

                          The smiles tell me they'll keep an eye on Mr Snoop for me. But some of them are also thinking of staying over at yours for the duration. I get the impression some might even stay. They don't all enjoy battling the elements on their travels, it would seem, and are keen to shorten the journey by taking up lodgings further north. Hope that's OK.

                          Will have my mobile with me, but not sure whether I'll be able to drop in and say hello while I'm away. If not, I'll catch you all again in ten days or so.

                          Have lots of fun on my behalf. As well as your own, of course.


                          • Morning

                            More baking and re-stocking the freezer today. No other plans apart from that but something usually comes up.

                            Safe journey Snoop and enjoy your trip xx

                            Location....East Midlands.


                            • Good morning all.

                              Snoop, have a lovely holiday, you've worked so hard.

                              Nothing on the cards for today so its make it up as you go along kind of day,
                              Going for a long walk in the park and then out to my garden.

                              Nicos, lovely to have all that wild life on your doorstep.
                              We have a family of foxes living in the grounds behind our house.

                              Have a good day all.

                              And when your back stops aching,
                              And your hands begin to harden.
                              You will find yourself a partner,
                              In the glory of the garden.

                              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                              • Hi all,have a lovely holiday snoop,sounds like i go as you come back,so looking forwards to it,got a suitcase now,better find where i put my list of things to remember ,and get them long dresses shortened,i have just been working on my project,i think the nice part about going away is,when you open your home up and look inside,it looks so different,until it wares off,they say tomoz is going to be hotter oohhhh eeeerrrrr,see what i can find to eat,that is quick and easy,it's really more of what will tickle the taste buds more than anything,
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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