Rary, I'm a pressure cooker enthusiast. Any info you want, you can try me. Even if I don't know, I can point you in the direction of a website that will. Maybe start a special thread in the same section as the Cooking Tonight thread? That way, the info will all be together and you, and anyone else, can refer to it whenever you want rather than having to go looking all over the place.
Not only will you save money on fuel but you'll also get delicious food. I don't use mine for cooking fish but I do use them (I've got a few of different sizes) for just about everything else.
Hope your OH starts to feel better soon.
And GF, that's plain showing off that is!
Wish I could do the same, mind. Of all the brassicas I sowed this spring (and there were lots), we managed to eat one kohlrabi and it wasn't that nice either.
Not only will you save money on fuel but you'll also get delicious food. I don't use mine for cooking fish but I do use them (I've got a few of different sizes) for just about everything else.
Hope your OH starts to feel better soon.
And GF, that's plain showing off that is!
