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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Morning all. Overcast and chilly here. The CFB leaves are looking distinctly yellow compared to the runners now.

    Nicos, I make rosehip and apple jelly just like crab apple jelly. I've put the recipe in the Making The Most Of forum
    Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
    Endless wonder.


    • Mornin Snoop. Dumping ground!…..Starting to clear ours was how I found the pile of clothes needing repairing!…I’d wondered where they’d got to
      Enjoy your first range cooked meal of the winter.
      I always feel I should have something cooking in mine all the time whilst it’s lit. Maybe a needs must this winter with the high costs of fuel. I guess the freezers will be in for a shock!
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Good morning all. A lousy night's sleep. My shoulder, the one I had the flu jab in, woke me up every time I moved. It is fine unless I touch/rub it now.....and why would I do that? I never mentioned it to Mr GF as I don't want him to cry off going for his next week🤫.

        It's a cool morning, only 8°C here. Grey and with a strong breeze too. I've just realised we sneaked into Autumn very gently and most of the trees are only just thinking about changing colour.

        I think more domestic jobs today. The ironing pile seems to be growing. I might have to do a reassessment of what actually "needs" to be there.


        • Nice one - thanks MH.
          Idid read on my link that the hips are better after a few frosts. Have you noticed any difference?
          When I make Sloe gin I usually freeze my sloes for a week or so first to replicate the frosts …so I wonder if that’s worth doing with the hips?
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • Ouch gf…not nice - you have my sympathy with your arm.
            I sorted my massive ironing pile yesterday. I carried the heavily laden basket upstairs, put it in the spare bedroom…and shut the door
            I have better things to do today.
            Oh well….at least none of it is urgently needed
            Last edited by Nicos; 25-09-2022, 07:58 AM.
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • Morning

              Harvesting and sorting out compost bins for me today.

              Originally posted by greenishfing View Post
              Good morning all. A lousy night's sleep. My shoulder, the one I had the flu jab in, woke me up every time I moved. It is fine unless I touch/rub it now.....and why would I do that? I never mentioned it to Mr GF as I don't want him to cry off going for his next week🤫.
              Every time I have a flu jab I get the same as you but MrP can't even tell he's had a jab odd how it effects some and not others.

              enjoy your day.

              Location....East Midlands.


              • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                Nice one - thanks MH.
                Idid read on my link that the hips are better after a few frosts. Have you noticed any difference?
                When I make Sloe gin I usually freeze my sloes for a week or so first to replicate the frosts …so I wonder if that’s worth doing with the hips?
                Certainly by the time we get frosts the hips have had more time to ripen, but they are also squashier to pick. The flavour seems stronger as well. TBH I've never picked them this early before.
                Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                Endless wonder.


                • Good afternoon everyone,my word it is chilly today,still holding fast on the heating,will find things to do hehehe,did not wake up till very late,had a job trying to turn my brain of,finally hit the duvet at 3.45 am,i am on a cloud that is slowly getting higher,time will tell ,i would like to make some ginger jam,using some large tromba's,i thought if i was to grate it using the kenwood,then let it marinade in sugar and ginger overnight,before boiling to set,i also need to buy some lemons for the pectine,i have in the past done it by chopping all the squash into tiny cubes,and it was beautiful,but the gratting way sound easier,i just need to get on with it,yo all sound busy doing jams,Bramble that park sounds wonderfull,hope your arm eases soon GF,poor ironin Nicos,you put it in detention,like mine is,think some can be left till next summer now,as warmer clothing is required,Rary what are we to do with you young man,you make me smile with the things you come out with,i have no got to warm up my coffee,as i forgot it again and is cold,enjoy rest of the day all
                  sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                  • Good afternoon, bramble, I am tiptoeing so I don't disturb the sleeping dogs😁, also trying to work out what Snoop meant by the "even you Rary" comment 🤔
                    ​​​​​​It was a cold start this morning, with the heating on again, and temperature hasn't improved much, OH is complaining of the cold, don't know whither to put the heating on or let her cuddle close to me some how I think the heating will be on, it leads to a quieter safer life.
                    Was at church this morning and numbers are starting to increase slightly, also with 3 or 4 new folk in the congregation, once back home and after lunch I went out to the greenhouse with the intention of pulling up the cucumber plant, fortunately I checked it over first and discovered 1 cuc ready for harvesting and 2 not that far off being ready, so it has a reprieve, I am torn between the idea of, as I uproot things, shredding them then spread it over the soil, to help replace nutrients, or remove them altogether, it's a closed system with a raised bed sitting on concrete, I know the potential dangers of building up diseases, but I am wondering how much of a risk that is, the plants are all healthy and I will be going into the third year of growing in the same bed, something to ponder on I think I will head over LDs to get a coffee, she's sure to have let her cup go cold again, so the kettle will be boiling
                    ​​​​Enjoy the rest of the day and keep smiling
                    Last edited by rary; 25-09-2022, 01:56 PM.
                    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                    • Good evening all.

                      Rary, I think enough time has elapsed for it to be safe to show your face.
                      Yes, A cold day here as well but its dry.
                      After church my grandson came for lunch so no gardening done today.

                      Mothhawk that's a nice recipe for rose hips, thanks for posting that.
                      I need to l sort out some jam jars as I am running short.

                      GF hope your painful arm in improving.
                      Have a good night all.

                      And when your back stops aching,
                      And your hands begin to harden.
                      You will find yourself a partner,
                      In the glory of the garden.

                      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                      • Mornin n’alln’all

                        So…where’s that Rary hiding?…..all is forgiven mate

                        The weather here is as dull as dishwater as they say.
                        No bother, as we’ll be packing up the camper for a quick visit to the UK.
                        Good to have people staying here to look after the chooks and Hibou.
                        Anyone fancy a brew?

                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Morning all.

                          I'm up for a brew, yes, Nicos. Just finished one but I seem to be a bit thirsty this morning. Must be the salt in the sausages in the toad in the hole last night.

                          3 ºC low last night, but very bright this morning. Going to be quite breezy for the next few days as well. Need to pick the rest of the toms and peppers for processing, as a frost can't be far off if temperatures keep dropping like this. Better add them to the very long list of jobs I've just written out for myself. Exhausting, just looking at it.

                          Had an absolutely fantastic weekend. Feel like I got quite a few things done. And really nice to have the range on yesterday evening. Mind you, it got so hot I had to change into my shorts and t-shirt. Still no firewood delivery though. His wife has told our neighbour down the valley that he does know we want some. Be nice if he told us, though...

                          Like the sound of your cloud, LD. Clearly not a rain-bearing cloud... I heard the smiles say they were heading your way for their first stop. Don't wear them out, mind. They've got everyone else to get to, even Rary.

                          Right, on with the day. Have a good one, everyone.


                          • Good morning.

                            I'm happy to say my arm allowed me a good night's sleep and is nearly normal. I think I could even do the funky chicken if I had to.

                            That reminds me I must book blood tests for Mr GF this week.

                            It's cool, windy and generally miserable here today with a predicted max of 11°C.


                            • Hi All,
                              A very good morning to all and may your day be as miserable as the weather forecast :O )

                              Just kidding just starting to have the sun peak through a little bit but it's meant to be on and off all day, better than it was a 2 a.m. when I walked the dog cold and damp after a good dump of rain so intermittent gardening looks like but managed to strim the daughters jungle.

                              Brand new house and the turf is an abomination, look like it has bodies buried all over it and when I got the lawn rake out the stuff was coming up as there was just no rooting to hold it down, It never ceases to amaze me that when they throw up new builds these days the gardens are always done on the cheap i.e. finding bits of pottery under the turf in the so called top soil that, it's like councils and private landlords only want the rent coming in never mind the snags :- O

                              Anyway moaning done now have to get my own jobs done if the weather cooperates should be good, pick all the Runner Beans/Apples/Rake leaves/Hoe the soil etc etc etc. :-) You all know the story this time of year all good init ?



                              • Originally posted by greenishfing View Post
                                I'm happy to say my arm allowed me a good night's sleep and is nearly normal. I think I could even do the funky chicken if I had to.

                                That reminds me I must book blood tests for Mr GF this week.
                                The funky chicken reminds you of blood tests for Mr GF? Is he renowned as a funky chicken dancer?

                                Good to hear from you, Geoff. Happy gardening.


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